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serials- thanks.

Started by al brown, October 02, 2004, 07:27:44 PM

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al brown

iam in the processof writing a book on serials ,not  like the others but a true indepth look at serials ,why they were made for what purpose ,actor prfiles the lot , pt1 due to be finished in march 2005. if you guys would like to ltell me about what you think of certain serial let me know .thanks for letting me join in your forum. ill try to feplie to everyone just give me  time .
                                                                          your pal


Republic put out a boatload of these things, Commando Cody, etc.  And yeah, yeah, Flash and Buck, too.  I have a personal favorite in Radar Men from the Moon, "UP", "DOWN", etc for jet pack directional, the whole bit.  This one was a bit campier than other incarnations, supposedly purposefully.  I preferred the non-MST3K version, thank you.

Some people like cupcakes better--I for one care less for them