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p**sed off agine. : When movies make ya' mad.

Started by Flangepart, January 22, 2002, 12:54:27 PM

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Has this ever happened to you? Your watching a movie, and it does something with the intent of A: Scareing you, but your response is B.: Getting P.O'd. killing a character ya like, or just letting a real a-hole live, unpunished? I'm the type who says, "Screw Euro-realisim. i get enough unpunished evil in the six o;clock news....nail the creep!" Is it just me? "Vanished" is one example. "S. of the Lambs" is another. I don't get frightened....i get mad. Has this ever happened to you? When has a movie obviously intended you to react one way, but you refused to go that route? Does this question make sense?


I was very angry after I watched Terror Firmer...just because I waited the good part of a year to end up seeing a film that sucked.

Ken Begg

There's a film called Dr. Minx with Edy Williams and William "Big Bill" Smith.  I saw it at B-Fest years ago.  Anyway, it features what is about the single most annoying character I've ever seen, who spends much of the movie doing a bad Columbo impression, raincoat and all.  Most annoyingly, about everyone else in the film ends up dead, but he doesn't!


What p**sed you off about silence of the lambs?

If you're talking about Lector, I liked him.  He's a true nutcase, but he's a clever nutcase.


I've run into this one a lot: Many times I've watched a slasher or serial killer flick and you see about a dozen total a-holes running around and you're thinking, "Well, at least they'll meet a gruesome end. Characters like that never live long in these movies". Then something happens that makes the majority of the potential victims leave the area (they go out on the town, get lost, etc.), leaving totally boring characters you neither like nor dislike behind to get slaughtered. What's the point of having douche bag characters for no reason? Maybe the actors are hams and play the parts like dorks, I dunno. Offending movies that sprout to mind: Friday The 13th Part 2, Scream,  Final Destination, and countless others.


I have a problem with movies that will have a really cool character or even a couple. Just to kill them off so you have to root for some lame-o(or a-hole or b***h) that you want to see die. Nightmare On Elm Street Part 4 springs to mind.


The movie that p**sed me off more than anything was the Planet of the Apes remake, I'm so very bitter(especially since I though the part prior to getting to Ape City was allright).



Frederik Pileborg

Battlefield Earth drove me insane. I wave my arms and yell at people when they ask me if it was really that bad. It's so incredibly stupid that I.... must... kill... John Travolta! The worst part is that I'm forcing myself to watch it again to write a review. Pity me, for I am lost.


I have a few movies that p**s me off on an I.Q. level (meaning these movie makers think that we have none)

Besides the obvious Batman and Robin and MKII Anihallation, there were:

Edward Scissorhands
Street Fighter (live action)
Both Power Rangers Movies
Black Knight

The A-list in elite movie entertainment (stop me if I'm still laughing)

Vermin Boy

The movie version of "The Power of One," just because of the sheer wasted potential. When I was reading the book in school, my exact thoughts were, "Wow, it would be really hard to make a bad movie out of this." Then we saw the movie.

Now, I can understand altering the story a bit for the screen (it is, after all, a 500-page book). However, not only did they take away any edge from the story, turning it into a mawkish "Karate Kid vs. racial prejudice" story... THEY TURNED IT INTO A FRIGGIN' LOVE STORY! Again, I can understand adding a love interest in order to keep a female audience, but it becomes THE MAIN STORY. I summed it up pretty nicely when a friend asked me what happens in the second half of the movie:

"Let me put it this way. Remember the character Maria?"
"Neither do I, but the rest of the movie's about her."


Ringneck nailed it: Planet of the Apes. Saw this one inflight. Couldn't leave, but could at least take off my earphones and close my eyes.

SPOILERS (Like you really care):

In the moments I did open my eyes, I found out that:

1) Someone who won't risk Marky Mark to save a monkey will endanger the entire crew of a big-ass space station to save Marky Mark.

2) Skyscraper-sized-and-shaped space stations are capable of atmospheric entries and ground landings, as are shuttlecraft with no control surfaces whatsoever. However, landings of stations and shuttlecraft fail miserably ninety-eight percent of the time.

3) It doesn't matter, though: not only will every single piece of equipment on board survive the impact, everything inside will be upright, even with the station laying on its side. Covered with sand and dust over enough time for apes to evolve into semi-human forms and learn to speak in conversation, all equipment will still function like new.

4) An ancient hunk of plexiglass that can hold a wild monkey with a machine gun couldn't keep out a monkey with a stick or a rock back when it was brand-new.

5) In the time it will take apes to learn to speak and have detailed conversions about things they have never conceived of ("Bring me the spaceman!!" "The whatman, sir?" "The SPACEman!" "What's 'space,' sir?" "Gyaaaaargh!!") , they will still not learn to do something as simple as swim.

6) There are chimp-women who are sexy. Sexier than dumb blondes, anyway. I know which one I would've given the tongue to.

7) Marky Mark can grow deeply attached to people who do absolutely nothing but get in his way and risk his hide and annoy his ass for three days.

8) Tim Burton is less intelligent than a chimp. Audiences are less intelligent than Tim Burton, because this hunk of ape poo made money.


I'll be honest. I've never seen the film, so i am going on what i've read, heard, and the little i've seen. So, you can take it with a grain of salt.but....its the sence i have that the film would be too...well....effective. Maby that nuts, but i've gotten a...i don't know...."Feeling" about films from what i learn of it, from trailers and word of mouth. Learning the ending, i realised it wouldem'n't frighten me, as much as rub my...sence of justice?....the wrong way. I know, i know, maby that don't seem logical...but, thats the only way i know how to express it.I don't think i'd have liked it, just been depressed at the ugly nature beneath it all.


And thats another part of my original idea. While i was talking about the basic idea of films that p**s you off by what they do in the story line, this is also part of the Stupid plot tricks! God, in heaven, i hate inconsistancy! If a hunk of plxiglass can stop bullets, you better have an easily understood reason for it to CHANGE INHERENT PROPERTYS Bucko! Weakened by gunfire? Okey, i can buy that. But make it clear thats the reason. Deus Ex Machina realy honks my gourd because it changes the rules. Like when Gamera gets powers he need to smash the other monster, but we diden't see it comming. Look, show the monsters powers, then let it be clever useing them. Clever tatics beat raw power any day, in My book. Sheesh! Okey...rant over. Next?


Wow.  Ok.

A question though.  If you watch a movie where the antagonist is a criminal AND the only person on screen with half a brain would you still want to see him pay for his crime?  I mean this in a pure 'movie' sense.  In real life I think that the piper must be paid no matter how 'cool' a criminal might be.  But do you feel the same rules apply in a movie?

I'm not necessarily talking about silence of the lambs....just any movie.

Back to Silence of the lambs tho.  I don't think it was meant to be scary....more of a psychological thriller or something - I think.