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Started by The Burgomaster, September 30, 2006, 12:32:19 PM

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The Burgomaster

This movie is included in the WARRIORS 50 MOVIE PACK.

This is a typical early 1960s Italian muscleman movie, with really ridiculous special effects.  The main character is named Ercole, but as the film begins, a narrator informs us that he is also known as "Goliath."

He fights a dragon, a fire-breathing three-headed dog, a bear, etc., which are all either extremely fake-looking puppets or actors in cheap costumes.  However, the movie never gets boring and manages to cram in a lot of characters and fight scenes in a lean running time of less than 90 minutes.

And the (very out-of-place) villain is, uh, BRODERICK CRAWFORD(??????)

I have 49 more titles to watch before I get to the end of this boxed set.  Someone please help me . . .
"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


Burgomaster, I saw the whole list of films on the Warrior Pack a couple weeks ago on the website you gave us back then and it is an amazing collection. Will pick it up as soon as I see it in my area.

My only dissapointment with the Italian sword and sandal films is the faded color, but it's still great to see them. I have about 20 of the 50 so it's still a deal.


I thought the SFX for this one were remarkably good for a peplum.  The dragon is actually stop-motion at one point which is almost unheard of in Italian S&S movies.

The Burgomaster


The color on the 2 movies from this set that I have watched so far is pretty decent.  Somewhat faded, but better than you might expect.
"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


Sounds good. (or should I say looks good.)


Sounds like a smorgasborg of fine cheese!
Ah, i know what to do. Watch The Herc flicks as done on MST3K, and then let fly with the riffing!
"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"

Captain Tars Tarkas

I bought this 50pack primarily because this film was included.  I rented the VHS once, and it rand out before the movie ended!  I was sorely disappointed.  I haven't had time to watch any from the set, but 50 movies for the $17 I got it for was a great deal!