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Story of Ricky

Started by, February 26, 1999, 06:16:37 PM

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This movie is great. It's so hard to find in stores..hehe wonder why.. Thanks for the site. Gotta finally show friend the head crush video.


This is an amazing movie!!!   But why did they fill the dog with strawberry preserves?

Gabe Kelly

I have owned this movie since May of '01, and have watched it at least once a day since. This movie is one of the most fun I've seen. And believe me, I have seen a LOT of films. This video, at least the uncut version, is available from Tokyo Shock productions, and is worth having in your collection. By the by, did you know that the "effeminate" Gang of Four leader is actually PLAYED BY A GIRL!!! I can't remember her name right now, but she is in a bunch of other martial arts movies. Anyway, the film is worth getting, so GET IT ALREADY!!!!!!!


Well, I bought it and it is gory! I just watched a little bit and Ricky punched through a fat guy's stomach! I stopped it because my dad might make me get rid of it. My mom saw it but I hope she doesn't tell him. I'll have to wait until monday to watch it(I'm 13 years old and my mom and I are the only people in te house).

The Necrofile-Crocodile:Leonard D. Loftin

My wife was very amused of the hand-crushing fist-fight.I think the best "fun" in this film is the little fat son of the prison-keeper.


Movie is good. Just in case you were wondering Huang Chan (unorthodox white crane style person) IS a girl. That is why so looks a bit girly. There is another B Movie out with Fan Siu Wong (Ricky) in it. Something like the "haunted house", that is a rough translation. Haven't a clue what it would be in English. Seen it here in Japan, probably will exist in Hong Kong but as to a dubbed/subbed version am not sure. Looks like it could be better than Ricky.


Did anyone notice all the porn in the assistant warden's office?


I saw this at the Nuart in Santa Monica.  Terrible film, but terrible in a good way.  One strange thing - whenever Ricky punched through someone's body parts, the whole screen would turn read as if shot through a red filter.  Even the head-crush scene was like this.  Did I see some kind of pseudo-censored version?  Does the DVD turn red like this in the gore scenes?

The MessiahMan

Red?  strange stuff.  I don't remember anything turning red, except that one scene where the gore looked like it splattered all over the camera.  Either way, Andrew's review hits the nail on the head.  This movie is a MUST see.  It's badness is legendary, and Chi-coh (or whatever) is one of the best styles of Kung-fu ever featured on film!  Though if I were Ricky, I'd avoid the entire events of the movie and sock a hole through the wall after about the first scene...but it's that kind of nonsense that makes this movie grand.  OH, and the "Rogan's Kung-fu is unorthodox" line is incredibly funny...ESPECIALLY after that goofy bit of posing.  It just tickles my funny-bone each time I see it.

turd fergeson

This movie is one of the best in my collection. I watch the DVD on almost a daily basis...I dont know what keeps me coming back. The ultra cheesy dubbing? The gore? The "early 90's-ness" of it? I dunno, but the movie will be one of my favorites for years to come.


Thank God for "Story of Ricky"!!! I just saw a midnight show with my friends in Kansas and it was the most absurd, hilarious, disgusting, f**ked-up movie I ever saw! Great crowd in the theatre too... Plus they showed a "Speed Racer" cartoon beforehand, but this was quickly forgotten once Ricky graced the screen. I tried describing it to my husband, but there are no words for the beauty of "Story of Ricky".


One of the most inexpicable events in this movie (and that's saying something) is watching the crowd point and talk to the buried Ricky


One of the many movies you must see before you die. An amazing fusion of brutal martial artistry, mutations, sci-fi and horror. Based on the 1988 manga book series called 'Riki Oh' (King Of Strength) by Masahiko Takajo (story) and Tetsuya Saruwatari (art). Set in the year 2001, it tells the story of Ricky Ho a guy who is sent to prison for taking revenge on the person whom he thinks is responsible for driving his girlfriend to suicide. There are 4 wings within the prison each has it's own leader (the gang of four). Ricky is so tough that he even refuses to have 5 bullets removed from his body!!! He becomes a hero for his fellow prisoners and a target for the gang of four, Cyclops and the warden. That's all i'll say as I don't want to spoil things. To give you a taste of this motion picture it includes prison torture, tons of gore and guess what there is more!!! I recently bought this on the Hong Kong Legends DVD version in Glasgow and I thought this was a solid gold cult classic alongside such other classics such as Battle Royale (2001), Dawn Of The Dead (1978), Ichi The Killer (2000), Five Deadly Venoms (1978), A Clockwork Orange (1971), Kill Bill (2002) etc etc. Oh did I forget to mention? There is also a reprisal of the infamous X-ray punch scene from Sonny 'Shinichi' Chiba's first hit 'The Streetfighter' (Gekitotsu! Satsujin Ken) (1974). I definitely recommend this to anyone who has a reliable stomach and for anyone who wants to see one of the many unique movies ever made and to people who are fans of the genre or not.

MY RATING: 10/10

WARNING: If you are unconfortable of the idea of the film you should keep away as it is not for the faint of heart or the easily upset!!!    


I can only say one thing about this movie-

When the guy pulls out a knife, but decides to cut his chest open and choke Ricky with his intestines, I said "THAT'S THE WORST PLAN EVER!!!!!"

My friends swear that my voice went up slightly when I said it, but I deny it.


A very entertaining movie that trully captures the spirit of the Manga it was based on.  This is how over-the-top kung-fu gore should be done.  For the very antithesis of this refer to the made for HBO live version of Fist of the North Star.  I only wished Ricky killed that fat bastard son of the warden.  If somebody deserved to die it was that ugly beast.  My only question is when Ricky punches Taizan's jaw off how is he still able to speak?  That was not believable!  (Pause whilst I remove my tongue firmly ensconched in my cheek) To any kung-fu movie enthusiasts out there this is a MUST SEE!