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Up from the Depths

Started by mogwai, May 03, 2000, 11:05:33 PM

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ah, this is so shocking! sam bottoms next movie after this was "apocalypse now" where you can see him sitting on a boat stone high 24 hours. look what drugs can do to ya!


I had first seen this movie a few months back, and I was stunned. How could anything be this bad? The "killer fish/shark/whatever" effects were terribly bad, but not even bad enough to be fun. For a moment I wondered why this was never done by "Mystery Science Theater 3000," but then I realized it was probably too boring. This makes "Plan 9 From Outer Space" look like an academy award-winner!

Joe the Photog

I played the photographer in this adventure epic.  It was worse, much worse, than you think.  However, I believe the Bottoms in \\"Up From the Depths\\" is the brother of Tim Bottoms, who was, I think, in "Apocolypse Now".  "Apocolypse" was also filmed in the Philippines in the '70's; that's another story.

Time permitting, I'll post some stories from the filming of this Corman classic.  The driver of the profile fish who crashed it into the reef, fell out and put his hand on a lion fish, for instance, or the Budweiser cans which were full of sand because a full beer can was too expensive.

It truly was an experience to remember, and to keep me away from Hollywood forever more.

Joe Cantrell


I remember the newspaper ads for this killer fish *ahem* epic way back in the late seventies, they featured a blonde in a bikini about to be swallowed whole by the titular beastie.  The cover box art for the Warner Bros Home Video release of Piranha featured the same blonde in a bikini, this time with a giant piranha about to swallow her whole.  Roger Corman is incapable of wasting money on anything.  Needless to say I wanted to see this movie for the fish.  Luckily I did not see it until Vestron Video released it many, many years later (and even then I avoided it because a friend of mine hated it so much).

The primary reason that I finally saw this movie is that I LOVE monster movies more than anything, Charles Griffith (the writer behind such Corman classics as The Little Shop of Horrors and others) wrote and directed it, so I wasn't surprised at all by the broad comedy (in fact if this movie had been played straight it would have been far, far worse).

If you want some serious pain then try sitting through the "comedy" Smokey Bites the Dust.  It was also made by Griffith (I think) and features the guy who played the hotel manager as a hapless deputy that gets coated in manure and almost decapitated by some wild arabian guy (if I am recalling the movie clearly, I saw it on HBO when I was a kid and my memory can be fuzzy on things like that).  One of the Van Patton boys (I think it's Jimmy) plays the lead.  Who boy is that movie ever BAAAAAAD!


This movies is so bad ya gotta love it!
I actually have the radio spots that they used to promote the movie and the presskit!
Just think another 20 years from now and that stuff we'll be worth $$$ LOL
Anywayz wanna bet there will be a
Up from the Depths 2?


I bought up from the depths on DVD! RELLY RARE DUDE! Its so cool and cheesy love it


Can you tell me where you got the DVD for this movie? I am looking for the Region 2 release on DVD.


Quote from: hmarx20 on August 12, 2007, 10:37:55 PM
Can you tell me where you got the DVD for this movie? I am looking for the Region 2 release on DVD.

The reference I see for a DVD release is here:

It appears to be a Japanese DVD.  The review goes on to say that online retailers list is as the alternate title "Jurassic Jaws."   If you plug that and "DVD" into Google, you get some pages.  It looks to have limited availability and rather expensive for a low-budget horror film.
Andrew Borntreger