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Started by miri, November 25, 2006, 04:09:49 PM

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Okay, I love Roy Dupuis and I never miss any of his bare butt scenes. So I can't say the movie was that bad,ButI  must agree those little creatures SUCKED, I mean, just kick the little things off the damn hill. The acting and the scenes of the island were pretty good. It was good for a scary movie only weekend.


This is probably one of the worst movies I've seen in some years. It sucks big time.


An unofficial adaptation of The Lurking Fear by H.P. Lovecraft.  It made me jump and squirm even when I watched it a second time, so I award it four slimes.  It's just so twisted and rubs me the right way.  I like this one about as much as I liked Dead and Buried (same guy, Dan O'Bannon, co-wrote both of them)  Dean Koontz used the hermaphrodite impregnating itself idea in his sorry ass novel The Bad Place, now THAT'S some serious pain.


This movie ruled.  Rutger Hauer is one of my favorite actors.  Split Second is among the greatest B-flicks ever filmed.  As a huge fan of H.P. Lovecraft, this movie was a real treat finally a movie that was worthy of being influenced by the Great Old One.  Most movies with his name tagged to them suck painfully, with a few exceptions (Re-Animator, From Beyond).  Although, it was odd seeing a Lovecraft related movie without Jeff Combs.  Rock on Dan O'Bannon!


Hey c'mon that movie sux! The idea was great but the ending is anything but good. The only thing that make me want to see this movie again is the really cool sex scene.


I have to admit, when I saw this film in the "Coming Attractions" section, I thought, "Well, it¹s been awhile since there¹s been a Skull rating."  Seeing it given three slimes surprised me.  However, I¹m an open-minded guy.
I bought this film, sight unseen, on DVD, for one reason only:  the name Dan O¹Bannon in the credits.  Hey, stop yelling at me.  "Dark Star," "Alien," "Total Recall," "Screamers"‹this guy has written some top drawer stuff.  And of course, he wrote and directed "Return of the Living Dead."  
So when I first watched "Bleeders" I felt pretty let down.  But based on the review here, I blew the dust off my DVD and watched it again.  AndŠit¹s not too bad, really.  Pretty well directed, acted, good music, and has a good creepy atmosphere.
It¹s when the titular menaces show up that things fall apart, and the center cannot hold.  I mean, c¹mon.  These little big-headed sluggish ape-things are a menace?  With their dinky little bone tools?  I should think a good solid kick would not only dislodge said tools but also cave in their bloated skulls too.  My cat is a more powerful foe.  Ewoks are more powerful!  And "Molasses" is generous in accessing their speed.
In fact, I imagine your average Cub Scout troupe, say six kids, not even expert in knot-tying, and still suffering severe diarhea from Burrito Night, and most of them fat, could hand the Van Damme¹s asses back to them in between sing-alongs.  
I guess you could say they didn¹t impress me.  Thanks to the good Sgt, though, I am more impressed by the film they appear in.  Who says the Internet is a waste of time?
By the way, anyone who wants to see H.P. Lovecraft done really well should seek out a copy of "The Resurrected" (directed byŠDan O¹Bannon).
Oh, alsoŠanybody else think that the painter in the prologue looked a LOT like Bruce Willis?


I almost liked this. It is called Hemoglobin in Finland(atleast) and it doesn't show the baby eating scene. damn!


This film is too ridiculous to be scary. In horror there has to be some grounding in believability. This film throws at believability out the door  in favor of  contrived horror.  Worst the creatures themselves are not scary. They look like rejects from goulies. Unfortunately, instead of filming them in darkness the director decides to show them in all their phony detail.
I will give the film some credit for being funny. However, I don't believe the director was going for comedy.


This movie sucked. The sex was good. The self-f*cking little monsters .. well.. they could literally f*ck themselves. :(


Fact: Dan O'Bannon really likes B- movies. This must be the only explanation of why he was involved in Dead & buried and
Screamers, two superior B-movies that I would really like to be reviewed here (specially Screamers).

About Bleeders: OK, we must accept that this is a film that could have been much better only if they had expended more money and it had more running time. The first half is quite interesting, with such interesting bits such as the prologue, the presentation of John's character and (my favourite) the paralel editing of both the public and the private life of the islanders. This part links well with the idea (typical of low budget films) of describing/introducing a threat to the commmunity, and the illness of John is really intriguing. But from now on everything goes downhill because of the poor synthethiser music (that on the prologue was supposed to sound like a clavicord? No way!, the poor dialogue and the laughable "scary" scenes, which are more ridicule than anything else. Another problem is the abrupt editing, which makes the supposadely more tense sequences (the scene when Hauer visits the catacombs, for instance) look lame and have no atmosphere at all. Don't these people know anything about editing? Anyway, I would like to highlight two things about the movie: 1) I really liked the girl who plays Alice, and 2) that it is impossible not to like such an unpleasant movie. If it is not good at all, at least it is funny and unconventional.

Amish Girl

This is Janine Theriault 's best work yet.  

James Perry

Just didn't like it.  It "looked" terrific (as in setting) but that was about it.  I have a "thing" for movies set near the ocean with lighttowers in them (like Hysterical).  This didn't enter the realm of "good" bad movies for me.  One day I'll give it another try.  True that the first part is not bad...just quickly falls apart with cheesiness that simply wasn't funny enough...just pathetic & ridiculous!  Tarnishes O'Bannon.  I'll forgive him after watching Return of the Dead next time!

James Perry

Sorry, one more.  Films with Lighttowers in them:  Hysterical AND The Fog.  (I would've edited my last post..but...)


Hmm. This looks like it would be interesting, even if only because that curly haired fellow is rather cute. ;)


This movie was sort of intersting, but I hated the ending.  They should've called military backup and blasted the little sons of b***hes into oblivion.  Or maybe came armed with more weapons...those little creatures really sucked! It couldn't have been anymore between 50-75 of them at the most!  The could've set the catacombs on fire! Anything but let them keep killing and eating other people!