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Teenagers from Outer Space

Started by Dr. Freex, November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM

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Dr. Freex

Man, I loved this movie when I was a kid. The Skeleton Ray scared the living crap out of me, and somehow I recall the Gargan as being much more... *ahem*... impressive. Harvey B. Dunn (I think that's his name), who played Grandpa, was the Inspector in "Bride of the Monster", and somehow it seems to make perfect sense to find him in this movie.

I agree: it should be seen by all B-movie fans.


Oh my god, ya'll, I've seen this movie. The thing is, I don't remember where or why. What I do remember are those funky jumpsuits and the big lobsters.

I may have seen it on an old show called "Plenty Scary Movies," which were anything but, or on a Sunday afternoon.

Anyway, I just had to unburden my soul about seeing this movie.


You might have seen this one on MST3K, they riffed it a couple of years ago. And boy did they have a good time with it, there's just so much material- from the lamest monster ever (a lobster's SHADOW?!) to the funky cars & jumpsuits, with a touch of teen angst thrown in. It's like, "I feel so conflicted- our orders are to destroy this planet, but there are hot babes here!" 50's cheese at it's finest!  

Bill Huelbig

TEENAGERS FROM OUTER SPACE has a kind of crazy charm to it that many no-budget movies often have.  It's something that couldn't be duplicated with all the money in the world.  I'd recommend it over some overrated epic like SAVING PRIVATE RYAN any day (no, I really mean it!)  Favorite line (among so many): "BE SWIFT!"


"Torcha!" Hah,had to say it. I like it MST'ed,but i have to say,this is prime cheese! With a pickel. The skeleton rey was the best,cheapest,and effective effect in this bird.


I saw this movie in 1968. My cousin made me watch it.  Scared me to death.  I'd like to see Mystery Science Theatre 3000 work this one over.


these teenagers are very old teenagers, like 40 something, heeheehee. And I laughed hard at the cutaway scene when the love interst is in her room & she changes into the same dress! hahahahaha!


I first saw TFOS twice on a late afternoon TV cinema when I was 13. I now own the movie on videoA band of alien teenagers invade our earth to use it for grazing those giant lobster-like "Gargons". A little dog gets zapped into doggie bones just for barking at the curious strangers who landed in that field. Derek is devastated by Thor's first use of that disintegrator as he looks through the remains of Sparky and picks up the dog tag he finds in the remains. Unwilling to be part of the team and plans to invade earth to use it, Derek escapes and wanders off into the suburbs but before he runs off  and looks up the owner who's a young cute and nice brunette, she was looking for her dog for 20 minutes since she put his breakfast out for him. Thor chases after Derek, hitches a ride with a man who stops at a gas station where Derek happened to stop and ask about the inscription on Sparky's tag. The young gas station attendant recognizes Thor wearing the same uniform he saw Derek wear, asks about it, suddenly Thor realizes that Derek was there, and angrily pumps the attendant for Derek's whereabouts, the car driver thinking his rider is nuts starts to take off but before he can accelerate gets zapped into bones then Thor turns to the terrified attendant and skeletonizes him too. Along the way Thor commits a trail of devastating bizarre murders, a young blonde in a swimming pool and a college professor. Finally as Thor gets close to finding Derek he gets into a gun battle with the police and skeletonizes 2 cops before getting it in the shoulder by one of their bullets. Wounded he ducks out of sight and sneaks away then traps Derek and his new earth girlfriend and persuades them to take Thor to a clinic to fix him up. Thor and his focusing disintegrater is just as treacherous as if not more than those Gargons the aliens plan to graze on our earth. I'd reccomend this movie to any fan of science fiction or even B movie lovers. It aint such a bad flick for a B-Graded movie.


I just wanted to thank you for the review. It definitely made me laugh as I reflected back upon the painful experience I had watching this film. Alas, the things we must do when working for a TV station that airs B-movies on a weekly basis! Thanks for the laugh.


Frig, this was the first scary movie I ever saw, was around 1963 and it scared the snot out of me.  Ray guns were serious business back then, such advanced technology.  But I had my Johnny Seven in bed with me for weeks after that so with my one man army, I was ready!


Saw the MST3K version of this.  It wasn't very memorable, but the skeleton-zapping gun was cool and the lobster monster made up for any boring-ness of the movie.  Seriously, that thing was awesome ;).
I am David
David I am

Making the world a little more random since 1989.

David Newey


Gee just watched the flick for the 3rd time, in about ten years. it is late night in Australia, on a community t.v station, there's nothing like a b grade movie late at night!.. I wonder if anyone spotted in the scene at the university in the professors office that after the professor was zapped, if you look closely at the skeleton, you can see a series of numbers on the inside thigh bone ! how hilarious ! I think the skeleton was from a medical school and was numbered.


The thing that I always found hilarious about this movie was how tiny the alien's flying saucer was.  Seriously.  You would be lucky to fit ONE person in there with his legs all scrunched up.  Let alone the numbers that they supposedly had living in it.  :teddyr:


Easily one of the best of the worst. The lobster monster at the end is a nice touch on top of a movie that clearly has old people portraying teenagers.
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Quote from: Dr. Freex on November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM
Man, I loved this movie when I was a kid. The Skeleton Ray scared the living crap out of me, and somehow I recall the Gargan as being much more... *ahem*... impressive. Harvey B. Dunn (I think that's his name), who played Grandpa, was the Inspector in "Bride of the Monster", and somehow it seems to make perfect sense to find him in this movie.

I agree: it should be seen by all B-movie fans.

     I'm in accord with the good Doctor; I hadn't seen this in about forty-some years when I caught it on ONE-STAR THEATER back in '09.


I couldn't believe how charmingly bad it
was, the duct tape on the costumes and all, not to mention the acting and the traveling matte of a lobster as the alien monster.

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