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Started by Demonicuss, November 25, 2006, 04:10:12 PM

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Hey, didn't MST3K make fun of this one when it was called "Blood Waters of Dr. Z"?

The Driver

<i>INPIT stands for Inter-Nations Phenomena Investigation Team...</i>

Shoulda been Inter-Nations Extraordinary Phenomena Team...


I Think it's one of the stupidest movies I ever seen.


Hey!  It's The Blood Waters of Doctor Z!   Man...what a great (and by great I mean bad) movie.

"I give anus."

Dr. Baylor

I think this movie is great in it's own "campy 50's but it was filmed in the 70's" way.  INPIT bears more than a passing resemblance to the X-Files 20 years too early. Yep this is the same film as The Blood Waters of Dr. Z but it was NEVER shown legally under that title and that includes the unauthorized showing on MST3K.  Spin the wheel!

I was at the preview. The row boat was my fishing boat and I never caught a catfish in it. However, I did net a picture
of Muldar. Somebody damn sure was prescient. Put that in your Funk & Wagnal.


Geez, how many names does this movie have? I watched this movie under the name of "Attack of the Swamp Creature." This was quite some movie though, you know, in it's own 70's kinda way. And how about that costume! I was expecting the director to come running out on screen as the actor in it tried to go in the water, warning the guy that the suit wasn't water proof. But you know what, that was a very artistic monster for a catfish monster. I was impressed.

Amazing Colossal Puma Man

Even with the MST3K treatment, this movie was so awful it nearly forced my to tears.  One request though: add the "Sarcasm, the weed of deceit" sound clip.

Rudy Denz

I saw this movie at the drive-in in 1972 when I was only 6 years old. Did it scare the hell out me! I remember sleeping at my aunt and uncle's house that night and screaming for them to save me, the monster has me! It's one of my earliest memories.


My perspective on this movie is quite interesting.  I first saw it as Blood Waters of Dr Z on  TV, then saw it as Elvira Attack of the Swamp Creature.  And after that, I found out it was originally released as Zaat.  This movie is so bad it's actually good.  Most science fiction and horror source books do not do this movie justice.  Only the internet and all the reviews on it does.  Probably the best scene is where the monster captures the lovely blonde girl in the yellow bikini and tries to make her his mate.  The various angled shots of her unconscious bikini-clad bdy prior to the transformation are quite amusing, withe monster walking around nonchalantly about the lab.    The pinnacle is when her partially transformed body is yanked out of the vat of Zaat, and she stares into the camera with dead, empty eyes.  Then the pinnacle is scaled down when the monster dumps her body into a vat of acid, which slowly but surely dissolves it away.  Of course, this gives us an idea of what the rest of the film will be like, the monster wans a mate.  True grade B science fiction/horror film genius.


I like how in the preview clip, the monster throws everyone off the boat, and then they all dive in perfectly.  Nice!



Joe the Destroyer

I rented this movie under the name Attack of the Swamp Creature.  Boy was I disappointed when I saw what the "swamp creature" was...


I saw the MST3K version of this, under the title "Blood Waters of Dr. Z," and all I gotta say is when the token black sidekick and the fat redneck sheriff are more heroic and useful than the supposed "hero," you know your movie is deep trouble.

Wendy Shadburn

I, along with 2 of my sisters were "in" this movie as extras. We were part of the "bad singing" Hippie/"Jesus Freaks"! I was only 12 or so, but one of my sisters was 20ish - the one who got us the gig. She actually was dating Jamie - the man who sang the theme song. If memory serves, HE got us the gig. We were told to walk along chanting : "I feel the vibes..." & ended up in a church? I don't know if our scenes made it or ended up on the cutting room floor, but I do remember making 35 bucks from Barton's company and thinking "look out Marcia Brady - here I come!" It was filmed before 1975 unless this is somehow a remake 3 years later, which I can't imagine! I was channel surfing late night cable recently & the monster in a movie I landed on looked like ZAAT, but the bathing suits on the surfers looked too modern so I didn't think it could be the same movie - I also didn't know about all of the alternate names for the movie. I ran to my computer & started googling & found this site. Please tell me how I can get a copy! I have never seen the final cut! I tried Netflix under all 6 titles, but no luck. I would LOVE to get copies for my sisters, as well. I am now a singer/songwriter/musician oddly enough, since the review of the scene I MAY be in is not favorable, but you can check for yourself on MySpace under Kitty Box & the Johnnys. Thanks, Taz Halloween