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Strange or funny things you've seen

Started by Dennis, March 04, 2007, 10:18:30 PM

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I was at the market yesterday, as I was walking across the parking lot to the store a mini-van pulled in just ahead of me. There were 5 people in the van, a man and woman, and 3 teenagers, looked like a family. As they got out and started for the store I noticed that each one was talking on a cell phone, they were on the cell phones in the store too. While I was bagging my stuff they reached the check out and the 2 adults started to unload their cart, all 5 were still talking on their cell phones. I felt the need to make a comment but remembered that if you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all rule and kept my mouth shut. Wish I had a camera, this was a ridiculous scene.

Reach for the heavens in hope for the future for all that we can be, not what we are. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.

T-Rex Television

DENNIS:  Oh barf, I'm glad I've never seen something so horrible as that. I'd probably get sick right there.

Anyways, another thing I remembered, I thought it was funny, was that I was in Berlin (Mass.) at a friends house, and for those of you that don't know Berlin is out in the sticks all farm land and fields. But where I was there is a horse farm and a cow farm right next door. So i was outside one nice day and i brought a buck knife out to the cows pen, and was cutting grass and weeds from the side of the road, and was feeding the cows out of boredom, and then a small car/suv thing is driving towards me, and it stops and a lady is in the drivers seat and like, rolls her window down, and i think there were kids in the back seat, and they watched me and waved and stuff, and I thought it was the funniest thing. I had to laugh after. "Darn city folks, and their suvs" ha, i can't believe they actually stopped and watched me feed the cows.  "Hey son, look, it's a country kid feeding a cow. Wow, there's so much grass and animals around here. Those country peoples, man they are weird. lets get out of here"
"Be still my dog of war, I understand your pain. We have all lost someone we love..."


What's funny about that is, is they were probably looking at the cows, that's what they have never seen before.  :bouncegiggle:


A few years ago, I was over at my parent's house and we heard Sam, my parent's female Black Lab going crazy outside snarling and barking up a storm. 
It sounded like a full-on animal brawl was going on outside the back door.

We went outside and there's a racoon with it's jaws firmly clamped down on Sam's neck and Sam is spinning wildly around in circles and this racoon is just hanging on while she's spinning.
It was scary and hilarious at the same time.   :buggedout:

We tried yelling at it but that didn't do any good.
So I grabbed a snow shovel from the garage and smacked it a good one.
It let go and ran off.
Sam was p**sed...she started to give chase but came back when my mother called her.
They took her to the vet and she was fine.  No rabies.  Just a bad cut where the coon had bitten into her.


The first beagle we ever had was named Snoopy (real original name), she was just a sweetheart of a pooch, very friendly to most people but very protective of her territory and us. One evening we heard her in the yard just going ape, never heard her make that kind of noise before, went outside and saw that she had a possum sort of cornered in a flower bed, they were about 6 feet apart and every time the possum would move Snoopy would head it off and it would return to its original position. When she saw me outside moving toward her and the possum she ran up to the thing and bayed/growled/barked right in its face, the possum fainted. At that point Snoopy started prancing around the yard making happy barks, that, and her body language seemed to be saying " I killed something, it came into my yard and I killed it, I'm so bad, don't mess with me". Put the possum on the block wall between the yard and my neighbor's driveway, it was gone when I looked a couple hours later.

Reach for the heavens in hope for the future for all that we can be, not what we are. Henry John Deutschendorf Jr.