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The All New Adventures of Laurel & Hardy in 'For Love or Mummy' (1999)

Started by Raffine, March 21, 2007, 12:57:39 PM

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Just curious: has anyone else ever seen this winner?

It stars Bronson Pinchon as "Stan Laurel" and Hee-Haw alumni Gailard Sartain as "Olliver Hardy".
They dress and act just like the famous duo did in the 30's, except it takes place in modern California.
F. Murray Abraham is in it, too.

It turns up sometimes on "Premium" ( :bouncegiggle:!) movie channels.

The first time I stumbled on this at 2 in the morning I thought I had overdosed on Nyquil.

Some people at imdb seem mad it gets such lousy reviews.

This would make a good double feature with that Little Rascals movie they made a few years ago.
Best part of that one is when Reba McIntyre asks Alfalfa  "Is that a cowlick or are you just glad to see me?"  :buggedout:
If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.

Doc Daneeka

...For Love or Mummy?...

*Looks at poster*

Ohhhhhhhhhh, I get it!
For the latest on the fifth installment in Don Coscarelli's Phantasm saga.


Maybe it was supposed to be a remake/homage of Abbott & Costello Meet the Mummy but they couldn't get Gailard to look enough like Lou Costello.
If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.


I can't find words to say.
Uh...mebbe I can...lesse...
Stupid? Lame? Bad? Useless? Useless seems to fit....ok...
A stupid,lame bad,and ultimatly USELESS idea!What market are they aiming for? Older fans who will find it offense ?The worst part about it is they way they dress is of the 1930's,and to set them in modern times is way to bizzare!What team of idiots came up with this concept,and WHY? They only thing I  can see resulting of it,is that people who watch it,may be turned off by it,and when the real McCoy shows up on TV,they'll turn it off,and pre judge it as "lame" because they might identify the crappy rehash with the original films. BAD IDEA!!!  :thumbdown:
"Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!

Doc Daneeka

Maybe there was someone who preferred the old style of humor and wanted something different from all the gross-out teen comedies on the market.
For the latest on the fifth installment in Don Coscarelli's Phantasm saga.


QuoteMaybe there was someone who preferred the old style of humor and wanted something different from all the gross-out teen comedies on the market.

Well, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  :smile:

If the intention was to make a good, old-fashioned comedy for the kiddies and win a new generation of fans for Laurel & Hardy they fell a bit short. There's some really embarrassing PG attempts to hip things up (people thinking L&H are a gay couple, mild drug references, etc.), the comedy is terrible, and most of the time is spent on a really confusing plot. Nobody seems to notice Laurel & Hardy, who are supposed to be the original duo's nephews (?!?), are dressed in 30's fashions.

I can't quite put my finger on it but there's something just really wrong about trying to recreate an actor's screen personality, as opposed to a just different actor recreating a role in a remake.

I mentioned The Little Rascals movie before: The more I think about it the more I'm convinced the single most depraved moment in film history is a 60-ish year old woman woman asking an eight year old boy if she's getting him sexually aroused!

If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.

peter johnson

I do remember this -- though I never did see it --
What I wonder about most is whatever became of Bronson Hilliard -- There was a time when he could do no wrong & was courted by every studion from here to Moscow --
Another one for the "Fame is Fleeting" files . . .
peter johnson/denny moviestar
I have no idea what this means.


Quote from: Raffine on March 21, 2007, 11:42:35 PM
Nobody seems to notice Laurel & Hardy, who are supposed to be the original duo's nephews (?!?), are dressed in 30's fashions.

Well looking at the picture above, apart from their bowlers I can't see too much in their wardrobe that would be out of place today. I mean, guys still wear suits and ties do they not? Bowties aren't as common but you still see them outside of parties and the Academy Awards occasionally.


I have seen it ~ believe it or not, it was actually made in South Africa, but was never released onto the cinema circuit, instead it went straight to VHS.

Not too bad as these things go.  :drink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.

the ghoul

I have seen it.  Well actually only about 1/2 hour of it.  I couldn't stand the torture of watching it.  I love Laurel and Hardy, but this was just not funny at all, and excruciatingly boring.  It's very bad but not in a good way.  What an abomination!  It's too bad that this will never become a lost film.