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What movies do you have that no one else has ever heard of?

Started by Inyarear, June 22, 2007, 01:02:56 PM

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I recently purchased a weird Roger Corman produced (not sure if he directed) flick called Hollywood Boulevard. It was basically the most expensive scenes from the company's movies up to that point cut into new footage about a girl trying to make it as an actress. Parts of it were funny but it ran way too long without getting to an actual point. Paul Bartel stars and Godzilla makes a cameo appearance. Not sure if it counts but I know my friends had never heard of it.
"When I die, I hope you will use my body creatively." - Shin Chan

"Tonight, we will honor the greatest writers in America with a modest 9 by 12 certificate and a check for three thousand dollars...three thousand dollars? Stephen King makes more than that for writing boo on a cocktail napkin." - Jimmy Breslin



Well i have a few some of them i cant really think of the names right now....

But umm...

- The Killer Nun - 70's nunsplotation <3

- Chainsaw Sally - Even Gunnar Hansen couldn't save it...

- Don't Go In The Wood's ... Alone -    ....

- Death Bed - *cringes*

... thats all i can think of right now...


I also am a proud owner of that cinematic gem Death Bed.
What about The Invincible Barbarian? or Las Vegas Bloodbath?


Alot of Full Moon films, the reviews to some of them are on this site, such as the first three Puppet Master movies. There's also the "Subspecies" series, "Doll Graveyard" (which is pretty recent), and "The Gingerdead Man."
Other than Full Moon, I have movies that are what I call "Trimark Treasures," like the Leprechaun series, the "Warlock" movies, and a killer doll movie called "Pinnochio's Revenge."


Welcome aboard metalthrashinmad and crawlfan.

Ah, "The Invincible Barbarian" is a good one.  I have a copy of that crazy flick as well.  If memory serves, he is not as impervious to damage as the title might lead you to believe.

Would you believe that "Pinocchio's Revenge" was released on LD?  Probably a very limited run, but it was.  Along those same lines, I have a LD of a movie called "The Erotic Adventures of Pinocchio."  At one point, some girls use Pinocchio as a May Pole (yes, the part of him that you would expect to be used in an erotic version).
Andrew Borntreger


Went on a quest to find a copy of THE SELFISH GIANT, paid $25 w/shipping for a used VHS; watched it tonight.  It's odd, I must look more closely at the credits...a Canadian production? 

It is still much as I remember it, charming and touching, though the Christian element unfolded slowly in my memory.  Based on Oscar Wilde's story . . . Wilde himself converted to Catholicism on his deathbed. 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


No sadly dont have them...

Although i do have cradle of filths attempt at a horror film...

Cradle of fear...

Im never sober when i watch that...Hmm


I have a movie that im sure no one on the board has ever heard of. "Ghost of Chicken".

My favorite line has gotta be-

Brian- "Dude, why are so afraid of this tape?"

Marc- "....It's black."
"I'm a man too, you know! I go pee-pee standing up!"


Most of the movies I own are pretty well-known, but I do have Monster From Green Hell and Red Idol.  Oh, and She-Gods Of Shark Reef.
It takes a child to raze a village. -- Jello Biafra


Quote from: Andrew on June 28, 2007, 04:25:22 PMAt one point, some girls use Pinocchio as a May Pole (yes, the part of him that you would expect to be used in an erotic version).

Yes, I bet I can guess how that went, too:

"No really, babe, I'll still respect you in the morning."
[Sound of Pinocchio's nose growing]


Quote from: KYGOTC on June 24, 2007, 01:15:13 AM
I know i pluged this movie LOTS of times on here before, but G-MEN FROM HELL is something that I think would be every b-movie fans dream come true. SO much goes into this movie, (costumed vigulanties, psycotic robots, a gay cop, homicidal hand puppet, mad scientist, a dumb blond, and the devil himself.) As well as some awsome casting. (Robert Goule, The cop from Devils Rejects, Gary Beusey, and alot more.)

Haven't had a chance to watch the movie yet, but it's based on a comic from Madman creator Mike Allred that was as good as any of his other stuff. Speaking of which, I'd love to see him follow up G-Men From Hell with an Atomics movie!... since I'm pretty sure the rights to a Madman movie are still tied up in developmental limbo.

"Don't make me stain my last clean shirt with the back of your head." - Shatter Dead
"A grizzly bear with a chainsaw. Now THERE's a killing machine!" - The Simpsons
"I've always wanted to make love to an angry welder." - Jaws: the Revenge


Quote from: RCMerchant on June 22, 2007, 06:53:37 PM
SOUL VENGANCE-A blaxploitation movie from the 70's. Also known as WELCOME HOME,BROTHER CHARLES. I got it on an old Xenon Video.It's about a guy who goes to prison,and some kindo weird voodoo gives him the power to grow his d1ck to boa size...and he strangles people with it! :buggedout:

.DEVIL MASTER-aka DEMON LOVER-made right here in good old Michigan,by the genuis who gave us HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN,Donald Jackson.A Ted Nugent wannabe uses black magic to kill his buddies! And summons a demon too! And Gunnar Hansen has a bit part! And it's really badly acted! And dumb! And I love it! :thumbup:

Usta have MANSON (1972) a documentary on the Family that is rarer than chicken lips now!But my numbskull step son loaned it out...and I cannot find it ANYWHERE! Dammit! :hot:

Soul Vengeance made it onto a DVD release in all of it's killer shlong glory. I picked it up as soon as I read the review for the movie a few years ago. Devil Master/The Demon Lover/Master of Evil is a personal favorite of mine (meaning I hated it so bad I had to own it) and I was so happy to learn that there's a "making of" documentary about it! Manson was disturbing and apparently also won an Academy Award! Unfortunately I'm afraid you'll have to punish your stepson severely for loaning it out, as the DVD was quickly halted and recalled because the dipsh!ts at Brentwood or whoever it was that released it never got permission to do so. As such, it's no longer allowed to be sold through public means like K-Mart or eBay. I think the last place I saw a copy of it for sale was at a comic book convention and the guy wanted $40 for it. Thankfully I picked mine up when it was first printed and made a back-up copy in case anything should happen to it.

"Don't make me stain my last clean shirt with the back of your head." - Shatter Dead
"A grizzly bear with a chainsaw. Now THERE's a killing machine!" - The Simpsons
"I've always wanted to make love to an angry welder." - Jaws: the Revenge


Quote from: tombofanubisdotcom on July 03, 2007, 01:24:56 AM
Quote from: RCMerchant on June 22, 2007, 06:53:37 PM
SOUL VENGANCE-A blaxploitation movie from the 70's. Also known as WELCOME HOME,BROTHER CHARLES. I got it on an old Xenon Video.It's about a guy who goes to prison,and some kindo weird voodoo gives him the power to grow his d1ck to boa size...and he strangles people with it! :buggedout:

.DEVIL MASTER-aka DEMON LOVER-made right here in good old Michigan,by the genuis who gave us HELL COMES TO FROGTOWN,Donald Jackson.A Ted Nugent wannabe uses black magic to kill his buddies! And summons a demon too! And Gunnar Hansen has a bit part! And it's really badly acted! And dumb! And I love it! :thumbup:

Usta have MANSON (1972) a documentary on the Family that is rarer than chicken lips now!But my numbskull step son loaned it out...and I cannot find it ANYWHERE! Dammit! :hot:

Soul Vengeance made it onto a DVD release in all of it's killer shlong glory. I picked it up as soon as I read the review for the movie a few years ago. Devil Master/The Demon Lover/Master of Evil is a personal favorite of mine (meaning I hated it so bad I had to own it) and I was so happy to learn that there's a "making of" documentary about it! Manson was disturbing and apparently also won an Academy Award! Unfortunately I'm afraid you'll have to punish your stepson severely for loaning it out, as the DVD was quickly halted and recalled because the dipsh!ts at Brentwood or whoever it was that released it never got permission to do so. As such, it's no longer allowed to be sold through public means like K-Mart or eBay. I think the last place I saw a copy of it for sale was at a comic book convention and the guy wanted $40 for it. Thankfully I picked mine up when it was first printed and made a back-up copy in case anything should happen to it.

The MANSON copy I had was on vhs...which I had in it's ORIGINAL box,I got it from Cape Copy Center about 12 years ago! As for punishing Jim...well,he's kinda busy in Iraq right now. I have seen original vhs tapes for sale on ebay...,but as you say,I've seen them go for up to $70,much more  moolah than I  can spend!  :bluesad:
  I'd keep your copy of DEMON LOVER,as Donald Jackson(RIP) :bluesad:,said in a while back in an interview,he no longer even owned the rights to it anymore...and I believe it's tuff as nails to find a copy anymore.I found a large clamshell vhs copy at the flea market years ago...and by the generic box art,I wasn't even sure what I was buying! What a surprize I got! :smile:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Quote from: flacorocks on June 28, 2007, 04:34:09 AM
I found one at Walgreens called "The Brainiac"

That one is a classic!

I have Zombie Honeymoon and Geek Maggot Bingo.
It takes a child to raze a village. -- Jello Biafra