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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Killer Bees

I bought Volume 1 of Beavis and Butthead for my son last night.

These guys are hilarious, although I can only watch about an hour of them before I have to go to something else.  My 16 yo son, however, can watch them endlessly.  I woke up this morning to laughter from behind his closed bedroom door.  B & B at 6 am is a little much, in spite of their humour.

An unfortunate side effect is that my son, with his gift for mimicry, is now walking around the house pretending to be Cornholio, complete with vocal spasms and weird bursts of nonsense phrases.  Of course there's only so much I can deal with before it's, "ENOUGH with Cornholio, already!"
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......

Joe the Destroyer

Returner- Sat through most of it until my DVD player decided to start frying.  Despite the English acting, I think I actually like the film.  Surprising, considering how badly bashed it was.


The Cutting Edge - hadn't watched this in a long time and had forgotten how excellent it is.  A snotty figure skater (Moira Kelly) has pretty much gone through every male partner who's willing to tolerate her, so her coach decides the only option is to recruit an ex-hockey player (D.B. Sweeney) to skate with her.  Many hundreds of insults follow, while their romantic relationship grows and their quest for Olympic gold is pursued.  Just a fun, fun movie.  Lots of humor, great characters, did I mention it's fun?

Deathlands - Sci-Fi Original I believe.  After WWIII, everything has way too much contrast and all the colors are way over saturated.  As annoying as it is to look at on the TV, I can only imagine the horror of living in it.  Anyhow, a small group of people are roaming the Deathlands:  Guy with a secret past, hot babe, "mutie" boy (white makeup), and a guy who looks like he'd be at home tying fishing lures.  They find out about the secret past of the "guy with a secret past", he's the son of the ex-ruler of some hell hole, and his evil brother and sister-in-law (Tracy Lords) just need to be taken down.  It actually wasn't too bad for the most part, though the climax was overly stupid and the epilogue dragged on a bit as if they were expecting this to be the pilot for a TV series or something.  Hot babe looked really, well, hot.

The Night Before - '80s comedy starring a surprisingly human (pre-matrix) Keanu Reeves, and Lori Loughlin (Ahhhh, I love Lori).  Lori loses a bet and has to go to the prom with the school nerd (Keanu).  On the way there, they get lost and end up on the wrong side of the tracks.  Low on gas money, they end up at a bar and the bartender spikes Keanu's drink.  The rest of the story is told through flashbacks.  A drugged up Keanu sells Lori to a pimp, insults the pimp and has a showdown scheduled for dawn, has his car stolen, and overall has a rather bad night.  Now he has to save the girl, get his car back and deal with the pimp.  And get Lori back home before her father - the chief of police - finds out about any of this.  Overall it was mildly amusing, though it did get downright funnhy at the end.  I've always thought Lori has excellent comedic timing.  Worth a watch if you're a fan of '80s comedies, or a fan of Keanu or the lovely Lori Loughlin. 

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

Quote from: Torgo on March 18, 2008, 10:32:45 PM
GHOST DOG: WAY OF THE SAMURAI ***1/2 out of ****.
Probably my favorite Forrest Whittaker performance to date. A very quirky movie that is unlike almost any other that I've seen over the years.  The movie has a really offbeat feel that will not be to some people's liking, but for those who appreciate original independent cinema will probably love it. the only place the movie falters for me is the ending. While it's the only logical way that the film could have ended, it just misses some of the emotional punch that I feel that it could and should have had.

Hey Torg, have you seen Suziki's BRANDED TO KILL (1967)?  It's a surreal, B&W movie about a Yakuza hitman, and Jamursch lifted a couple of scenes verbatim for GHOST DOG.  Highly recommended.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Killer Bees on March 19, 2008, 10:38:55 PM
An unfortunate side effect is that my son, with his gift for mimicry, is now walking around the house pretending to be Cornholio, complete with vocal spasms and weird bursts of nonsense phrases.  Of course there's only so much I can deal with before it's, "ENOUGH with Cornholio, already!"


That's great.  I remember when I was a teenager doing that all the time.  It's still hilarious today but in small doses.  Too bad they didn't have the music videos included in the episodes.  That was really the point of the know, back when MTV used to these things called music videos.
He learned almost too late that man is a feeling creature... and because of it, the greatest in the universe........
-Dr. Paul Nelson (Peter Graves)

That gum you like is going to come back in style.
-The Man from Another Place


Had a 50's movie fest this weekend:

Queen of Outer Space
Forbidden Planet
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Revenge of the Creature
Missile to the Moon
War of the Worlds
Attack of the Puppet People

Weekends are never long enough.  :teddyr:
The FDA has been looking for a generic name for Viagra. After careful consideration by a team of government experts, it recently announced that it has settled on the generic name of Mycoxafloppin. Also considered were Mycoxafailin, Mydixadrupin, Mydixarizin, Dixafix, and of course, Ibepokin.


Quote from: Shadow on March 24, 2008, 01:29:36 AM
Had a 50's movie fest this weekend:

Queen of Outer Space
Forbidden Planet
Creature from the Black Lagoon
Revenge of the Creature
Missile to the Moon
War of the Worlds
Attack of the Puppet People

Weekends are never long enough.  :teddyr:

MISSLE to the MOON-Is it me,or do the rock monsters look like an army of evil Gumbys?

Watched an old film noir last night called the RED HOUSE,with Edward G. Robinson. WOW!!! Whatta great picture!!! Almost a horror film! And a young Rory (MOTEL HELL) Calhoun is in it too! Highly recommended!  :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Lethal Weapon **** out of ****

I truly loved this film.  All the action and story fit in nicely and make for an excellent movie that I enjoyed with all my heart.

Pink Flamingos * out of ****

I felt so dirty after watching this film.  I struggled to finish the film and I watched the whole thing, now I wish I hadn't seen the film.  This was one of the most disgusting things I have ever watched in my life.

This film is not yet rated **** out of ****

I'm not a huge documentary fan, but I really enjoyed this one a lot.  It did catch me off guard on how biased the MPAA is towards the big name film companies. 

Killer Bees

Quote from: Oldskool138 on March 21, 2008, 04:49:52 PM
Quote from: Killer Bees on March 19, 2008, 10:38:55 PM
An unfortunate side effect is that my son, with his gift for mimicry, is now walking around the house pretending to be Cornholio, complete with vocal spasms and weird bursts of nonsense phrases.  Of course there's only so much I can deal with before it's, "ENOUGH with Cornholio, already!"


That's great.  I remember when I was a teenager doing that all the time.  It's still hilarious today but in small doses.  Too bad they didn't have the music videos included in the episodes.  That was really the point of the know, back when MTV used to these things called music videos.

I hear that.  I like the lads, but only in small doses.  However, I can watch Daria til the cows come home. 

In the DVD pack it has some of the music videos with them, and they are hilarious in themselves.  There is more obvious comedy and less of the staring-into-space-laughing like on the actual episodes.  And the thanksgiving special is comedy at it's finest.  I have to say Beavis is my favourite of the two.
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......

Killer Bees

Wallace and Grommit and The Curse Of The Were-Rabbit.
Love Nick Park's work with the Wallace and Grommit movies.  This one is hilarious and I never tire of watching it. Lady Tottington is brilliantly voiced by Helena Bonham Carter and is a toff clueless upper crust British character of the finest calibre.

Season 7 of Star Trek Voyager.
This is my favourite of all the Star Trek franchises.  Can't say enough great things about it - the scary and wonderfully rendered Borg, Seven of Nine, cute Chakotay (of course!), and Captain Janeway.  I would follow her into the delta quadrant any day.  She's exactly the kind of leader worthy of a following.

How The Grinch Stole Christmas
One of Jim Carrey's best movies and fine retelling of the Dr Seuss classic.

Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......


Superman II (Original version, not the Richard Donner cut), ** out of ****

I didn't like the original version of Superman II, I felt that the pacing was was really off at times.  I also didn't like how some of the various scenes played out, like the whole Lois finding out Clark is Superman in the hotel, I felt the RD cut did a far superior job with that how Lois found out Clark is Superman.


"A league of ordinary Gentlemen"

hilarious documentary abuot the (sucesful?)  revival of the Professional Bowlers Association a few years back


Police Academy 1 *** out of ****

Very funny film to watch.  I haven't laughed that hard in a long time, so it was good for me to see it.


Moonbase - Watched this again last night and enjoyed it.  Some convicts escape from an orbiting prison, and make their way to a garbage dump on the moon.  Shortly afterwards, a shuttle of military people arrive to retrieve some sort of super bomb that's stashed away in the dump.  The lead garbage guy's ex-girlfriend just happens to be along.  It's cheesy, set in the basement of some building, and the special effects are less than stellar, but the acting is okay and I liked the characters.  The lead bad guy introduces himself as the "Horseman of the apocalypse".  Later someone says "Um, excuse me, Mr. Apocalypse?"   :smile:

The Hills Have Eyes 2 (2007 remake) - This is one of the best horror movies I've seen lately.  Some National Guard recruits are supposed to deliver supplies to some scientists, but the scientists are missing and they go into the hills (which have eyes  :teddyr: ) to look for them.  I liked the characters, especially the sergeant who berates his troops in the most entertaining of ways.  Great suspense, some really gory kills, and the hot babe was really hot.

Snakes on a Plane - Well, it was exactly what I expected (There are snakes, on a plane, Samuel L. Jackson says Motherf***er), so I was neither pleasantly surprised nor especially disappointed.  Ho hum.

Alien Incursion - Some giant space monsters are loose in the woods, threatening some poor campers.  As if that's not bad enough, some black ops military guys are out there too, and they'd be perfectly happy to kill everybody just so long as they get a specimen to take back.  It was entertaining in that they turned all the usual conventions on their head - the b***hy woman lives almost to the end, the hero woman gets killed, the military guys are somewhat competent.  Unfortunately the alien creatures are bargain basement CGI and downright silly looking.  It also starts out being very silly but then decides to be dark and serious by the end.  Overall, not too bad.

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Killer Bees

Beware - ahead be spoilerage!

30 Days Of Night
Loved, loved, LOVED this movie!!  Creepy, desolate atmosphere.  I just love horror stories set in the snow (The Thing, Alien -v- Predator).  Strong, well rounded characters.  Snappy dialgoue.  Logical plot development.  No stupid decisions by characters.  Creepy, nasty, scary demons.  Lots of gore but within the bounds of the story.  Good ending, but surprising.  I didn't expect the main character to sacrifice himself the way he did.  But it left room for a sequel, so looking forward to that if it ever happens.  I also wasn't upset that we didn't get any background story on where the demons came from, how they came into being, who they were before.  Normally that bugs me, but this time - no problem.

Blades of Glory
Will Ferrell is a hit or miss affair with me.  Stranger Than Fiction was brilliant, but The Legend of Ron Burgundy wasn't.  But this was completely hilarious.  And I was pleasantly surprised.  It was very Zoolander-like, but with Ben Stiller as one of the producers, I'm not too surprised.  Jon Heder was great as the wussy guy.  Ferrell did a wonderful job as the over the top Chazz Michael Michaels, but he wasn't dicky with it.  Just funny. 

I highly recommend both movies
Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
Heal what has been hurt
Change the fates' design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine.......