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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Quote from: lester1/2jr on January 22, 2009, 12:18:25 PM
doggett-  have you ever seen "the game"?

If it's the thing with Michael Douglas...I saw a little and got bored.

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


I think it's by the guy who did seven.

tiyanak (1988) - who doesn't like a nice baby?  But what if the baby is not so nice and is actually a monster baby?  then you have to talk to the voodoo lady and try to look past it's protective cuteness and kill it!  that's the challenge for these guys in thailand circa 1988.   Unfortunately, the fact that the monstoddler  is obviously a rubber doll with fangs makes this more laughable than scary.  the print is atrocious and at 2 hours it's about an hour too long.  Rare horror fans may want to check it out and the cast gives it their all but I'd at least wait for a better print.


Vampyres 3/5
The film has little to no plot. Also it contains the worst sex scene I have ever scene!!!!
But the lead actress is just so sexy :smile:

Striptease 4/5
Very funny.
The only thing I don't like, ironically, is the stripping :question: There's something very odd about Demi's body...

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


hubog (2001)-  this was an early directorial effort by a guy named joel Lanagan who did a recent favorite of mine called "Zsa zsa Zaturnah"  a colorful super hero movie from the phillepenes.  This is something much different and decidedly darker.  With abusive boyfriends and a story centered around a girl and her autistic younger sister,  I guess you'd have to call it a chick flick but I liked it anyway.   The cover is very misleading and, like all foreign films, is supposedly "erotic" .  How people still fall for that is beyond me.  Actually, I guess I did too.  foreign films promise eroticism and give you some unbelievably depressing story abuot say a guy riding a schwinn bicycle through some dilapdated village and he gets to his hut and everyone is dead.  That's what I have found to be the case anyway.   I liked the two girls and the boyfriends were Lifetime ready brutes.  There is a backdrop of rich vs poor and manilla politics and something involving boats and shipping.  it adds a layer of commentary to the film, like how the state is perfectly happy to allow people to live in poverty and have corrupt police and then they want to "rescue" the autistic girl from her sister because she can't offer her the things they can at the fancy government center for mentally ill children.  nice priorities, no wonder the people are seen rioting in the streets.


Die you zombie Bastards!
I really don't know what to make of it.

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Psycho Circus

Quote from: doggett on January 24, 2009, 02:59:57 PM
Die you zombie Bastards!
I really don't know what to make of it.

I bought it from HMV for £10!  :buggedout: It's pretty out there, but's rubbish.


Quote from: Circus_Circus on January 24, 2009, 03:19:30 PM
Quote from: doggett on January 24, 2009, 02:59:57 PM
Die you zombie Bastards!
I really don't know what to make of it.

I bought it from HMV for £10!  :buggedout: It's pretty out there, but's rubbish.

That's what I did yesterday  :smile:
It could have done with more of those green women...I'm pretty sure that would have made it more bearable :smile:

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Psycho Circus

Quote from: doggett on January 24, 2009, 03:23:58 PM
It could have done with more of those green women...I'm pretty sure that would have made it more bearable :smile:

Oh yeah, that was pretty much the reason I bought it  :bouncegiggle:


Quote from: Circus_Circus on January 24, 2009, 03:56:04 PM
Quote from: doggett on January 24, 2009, 03:23:58 PM
It could have done with more of those green women...I'm pretty sure that would have made it more bearable :smile:

Oh yeah, that was pretty much the reason I bought it  :bouncegiggle:

We both need a life  :bouncegiggle:
I would have liked more chick scientists at the beginning looking for that monster guy...If the whole film was that I'd be happy. But it wasn't. :bluesad:

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

ROBO-C.H.I.C. (1989): A super-sexy-cyborg (Kathy Shower/Jennifer Estrada after Kathy quits the role) must stop a nerd from setting off a series of nuclear bombs while fighting off drug kingpins and an incompetent biker gang.  Scattered boobies keep up male interest of this goofy, watchable b-movie farce.  You'll get it for Kathy Showers' breasts, but you'll keep it for Peter Johnson's engrossing "hot-dog-ordering" scene!  It wasn't good, but I liked it better than almost everyone else, judging by Andrew's 'skull' review and the reader comments.  2/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Psycho Circus

Miami Blues  (1990) :thumbup:

When Fred Frenger gets out of prison, he decides to start over in Miami, Florida, where he starts a violent one-man crime wave. He soon meets up with amiable college student/prostitute Susie Waggoner. Opposing Frenger is Sgt Hoke Moseley, a cop who is getting a bit old for the job, especially since the job of cop in 1980's Miami is getting crazier all the time.

Rating: 1 billion out of 10!  :wink:


No Contest (1994) - A Die Hard type movie, with Playboy Playmate Shannon Tweed in the Bruce Willis role.  Andrew Dice Clay is the head terrorist, and Rowdy Roddy Piper is one of the bad guys.  This was actually pretty good!  No nudity from our playmate, but she does run around in a pair of plum colored leggings for the second half of the movie.  I liked that a lot  :teddyr:  Plenty of ridiculous fight scenes, idiotic cops, and a ludicrous ending.  Just a good time all around.  Goes to show that if you rip off a good movie, you can at least make something moderately fast paced and entertaining.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Star Trek III The Search for Spock
Other than the destruction of the Enterprise there's not really much to recommend.

Star Trek IV The Voyage Home
80's time travel comedy :thumbup: When Kirk got demoted to captain, I cried. AWESOME.


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Ruthless People
4/5 80's classic

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Return to House on Haunted Hill (2007) - So as it turns out, all the ghostly activity in the previous movie was due to a small statue located in the "heart" of the insane asylum.  A college professor has spent his whole career trying to locate the statue, and he takes a couple of his students (one of whom is Cerina Vincent) to the asylum to search for it.  At the same time, a bad guy who wants to sell the statue for $5 million shows up, along with his gang of thugs, and a couple of people he's kidnapped.  So, the asylum locks them all in, and they're picked off in order, starting with the people who only got one or two lines, and working their way up to the folks who got three or four lines, and finally the main characters.  This was pretty good, with enough character development to keep me interested in the plight of these people.  The atmosphere in the asylum was pretty spooky, and the action moved along at a good pace.  It was more an action/horror movie, with little suspense.  3.5/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho