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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Tuareg: The Desert Warrior - 4/5  I saw this the other night.  I enjoyed it but it is a little short on action.  I did like the Enfield.  I have to admit that. 

Last Man Standing - 3.5/5  Nice to see Bruce Willis and Christopher Walken together.  However, I think it was a little less involved then Fistful of Dollars.  Too simplified for my tastes. 
Ah, the good old days.


Eden Log~ A man wakes up in a cave with no memory of who he is.  He must find out what is going on, where he is and how to get out. 

Oh My God! This was soooo stupid and I hated every.single.minute. of it. Its extremely dark and has almost no dialogue, unless you consider grunting dialogue.There is lots of walking and running though.

The guy is such an awful actor. I'd be willing to bet he actually had much more dialogue but it was cut out because he cant deliver a simple line like "open it up" convincingly.

If that wasnt bad enough it makes no freaking sense. NONE. Im all for movies that take you along for the ride, where you dont know anymore than the character does but FFS! at least have it make sense in the end. I can not adequately describe  how much I hated this movie. Seriously, I could go on and on about how truly awful it is... some here will love it.   :teddyr:
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Nine (2009)

An italian dirtector with some sort of creative block...or think of the women in his life...
I dunno.
It was pretty dull, with very dull characters and you're just wasting time waitng for the songs to start.
Most of the songs aere forgettable too.


Angel-A (2005)

I liked this.
André is a guy who seems to owe money to pretty jmuch everyone in Paris decides to kill himself by jumping of a bridge. However a beautiful blonde woman, Angela, beats him to it. He then jumps off the bridge to save her. She's sassy and cool and she tries to point our luckless hero in the right direction.

The pair form an unlikey bond... Okay, you've seen this stuff before.

Its black and white, French and super cool !
I just wish it a a little longer so I could give it a higher score. I wanted to know more of Angela. The film just seems a little...light on the ground? Still I liked what I saw, and I found some scenes rather moving.



If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.


Friday the 13th (2009)

Ok this was really fun for me to watch because I watched it when I was really drunk a few months back. I only remembered some parts of it and it was cool to see all the stuff I didn't even remember.
The movie itself was ok-ish. The nudity was definately necessary  :teddyr:



You've seen this.


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

KWAIDAN (1964): Four supernatural Japanese folk tales: a samurai is haunted by regret when he leaves his poor wife for a rich one; a snow-spirit spares the life of a young man on one condition; ghosts demand a blind harpist perform for them; a man sees an apparition in a cup of water.  Slow, beautiful, hypnotic, poetic; eye-popping sets and masterfully eerie music.  A masterpiece.  5/5.

BLACK GODFATHER (1974): An idealistic black gangster organizes the ghetto to push out the Italian dope dealers.  Surprisingly talky and fairly forgettable; the plot just barely keeps you interested in watching to the end.  1.5/5.

MST3K: WEREWOLF: Ridiculous werewolf movie starring Eastern European archeologists.  The riffing is good, not great (IMO), but the movie is perfect fodder: totally incompetent, it just needs a little nudge to turn hilarious.  This would be pretty funny unriffed; the part I laughed at hardest was when the female victim in the white dress ran straight into the mud hole the crew dug and filled rather than simply going around it.  Host segments are nothing special, with the exception of the great girl-group song, "Where, O Werewolf (Where O Where's My Werewolf?)" 4/5. 

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


THE final destination 3D

Ugh.. Main thing that bothered me, this is the first thing I see in 3D (on my television) and it doesn't even work ! It was all red blue all the time and didn't feel 3D at all.
The movie, 73 minutes long, failed to entertain me even being so short. The worst of the series, wich is saying a lot. Horrible characters, I mean what do we know about the main character ? He's a nice guy, young and escaped death... Yeah, fascinating.
The kills were hilarious though. I mean:


He got stuck in a 5 cm wide hole in a pool that sucked water ? I mean like, really ? Seriously ?

So yeah, didn't do it for me. Meh.


Quote from: vik on July 03, 2010, 04:22:09 PM
THE final destination 3D

Ugh.. Main thing that bothered me, this is the first thing I see in 3D (on my television) and it doesn't even work ! It was all red blue all the time and didn't feel 3D at all.
The movie, 73 minutes long, failed to entertain me even being so short. The worst of the series, wich is saying a lot. Horrible characters, I mean what do we know about the main character ? He's a nice guy, young and escaped death... Yeah, fascinating.
The kills were hilarious though. I mean:


He got stuck in a 5 cm wide hole in a pool that sucked water ? I mean like, really ? Seriously ?

So yeah, didn't do it for me. Meh.

The spoiler thing really has happened to people. The suction is so strong it holds them down under the water and they either drown or can  have their insides sucked out. Scary.
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations



Classic stuff.

1941 had a different definition of 'comedy' than do we here in the 21st century, but I gotta say, this movie got a few LOLs out of me.  I liked the story and the development, though I cannot help but admit that Veronica Lake was a bit of a highlight.  She was just so....snide.   :teddyr:

Give this one a look when in the mood for cinematic nostalgia;  4+ of 5

Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius


Quote from: 3mnkids on July 03, 2010, 06:01:48 PM
Quote from: vik on July 03, 2010, 04:22:09 PM
THE final destination 3D

Ugh.. Main thing that bothered me, this is the first thing I see in 3D (on my television) and it doesn't even work ! It was all red blue all the time and didn't feel 3D at all.
The movie, 73 minutes long, failed to entertain me even being so short. The worst of the series, wich is saying a lot. Horrible characters, I mean what do we know about the main character ? He's a nice guy, young and escaped death... Yeah, fascinating.
The kills were hilarious though. I mean:


He got stuck in a 5 cm wide hole in a pool that sucked water ? I mean like, really ? Seriously ?

So yeah, didn't do it for me. Meh.

The spoiler thing really has happened to people. The suction is so strong it holds them down under the water and they either drown or can  have their insides sucked out. Scary.
Really ? Wow, it just seemed so impossible and unrealistic. Funny though.

Jim H

Ip Man 2 - good action sequences, and another good performance by Donnie Yen.  But the film has almost no plot, there is no central conflict or true main villain, and the western bad guy is one of the most stereotypically "white devil foreigners" you're likely to see in a movie made in the past 10 years.  This is in stark contrast to the Japanese villain in the original, who wasn't good but managed some redeeming qualities. 

Worth a watch for martial arts fans, but don't expect the quality of the original. 



M (1931)

Such a fantastic movie. A true classic, one of my favourite movies ever.
Peter Lorre was perfect as the killer Hans Beckert. I really need to see more Fritz Lang movies.

"Du hast einen scheunen Ball."


Escape from L.A.

Snake Plisskin returns to get some sort of device that the presidents daughter took. She then ran off to LA, which has now become cut off from the rest of the states as a sort of 'no-man's land'.

Snake surfs.
Snake handglides.
Snake plays basketball.
Snake doesn't talk. He growls...

This film is stupid, but fun.
The CGI is as bad as everyone says.
The thing is, I enjoyed this just as much as Avatar.


If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.

Rev. Powell

TWICE TOLD TALES (1963): Vincent Price in three Nathaniel Hawthorne stories: a doctor discovers the secret of youth (and more); a student falls in love with a girl who literally kills anything she touches; a cursed man tempts fate by trying to take back an ancestral treasure from a ghost.  Interesting tales, though the first two are a bit stagey and more science fiction than horror.  I prefer the Poe adaptations.  3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: vik on July 04, 2010, 02:39:31 AM
Quote from: 3mnkids on July 03, 2010, 06:01:48 PM
Quote from: vik on July 03, 2010, 04:22:09 PM
THE final destination 3D

Ugh.. Main thing that bothered me, this is the first thing I see in 3D (on my television) and it doesn't even work ! It was all red blue all the time and didn't feel 3D at all.
The movie, 73 minutes long, failed to entertain me even being so short. The worst of the series, wich is saying a lot. Horrible characters, I mean what do we know about the main character ? He's a nice guy, young and escaped death... Yeah, fascinating.
The kills were hilarious though. I mean:


He got stuck in a 5 cm wide hole in a pool that sucked water ? I mean like, really ? Seriously ?

So yeah, didn't do it for me. Meh.

The spoiler thing really has happened to people. The suction is so strong it holds them down under the water and they either drown or can  have their insides sucked out. Scary.
Really ? Wow, it just seemed so impossible and unrealistic. Funny though.

Not to bring things down but:
As for The Final Destination, the Blu-ray 3D version worked perfectly fine on my HDTV, but the DVD 3D version looked like crap on my friends standard TV.