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Started by trekgeezer, August 17, 2007, 06:42:25 PM

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Rev. Powell

DORORO (2007): A pickpocket follows a mysterious man on a quest to kill 48 demons---each of whom owns one of his body parts. Extremely creative and impressive epic action fantasy that recalls the glory days of Hong Kong new wave cinema. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 08, 2012, 10:50:26 AM
DORORO (2007): A pickpocket follows a mysterious man on a quest to kill 48 demons---each of whom owns one of his body parts. Extremely creative and impressive epic action fantasy that recalls the glory days of Hong Kong new wave cinema. 4/5.

Sounds like the Hellstorm character from Marvel comics...only I think it was his soul broke into 5 pieces. Hmm suspect there's some classic story involving similar...
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


"Clerks 2" (2006)

Ten years after "Clerks," the Quick Stop is gone but Dante & Randall are still working dead end jobs -- at a fast food joint. Dante's impending wedding threatens to break up the friendship, but a combination of Dante's own self doubts - and a "donkey show" - may end up derailing his happily-ever-after plans anyway.

Kevin Smith's sequel is gross, foul mouthed and utterly hilarious. Extra props for the use of King Diamond's "Welcome Home" during several key scenes.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Yesterday I watched MISSION IMPOSSIBLE: GHOST PROTOCOL which I really enjoyed, then I watched Ted V. Nikel's ASTROZOMBIES M4: INVASION FROM CYBERSPACE.  Awful beyond words!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Are there any good Ted Mikels movies?

Grindhouse (2006) - good if a little pedestrian doc about the grindhouse movies they used to have down there on the 42nd street the-atres. It includes nudity in the clips which is good but at about 80 minutes it almost doesn't really get started. 4/5


"Kick-Ass" (2010)

Twisted, hyper-violent, dark-as-hell action comedy about a dorky New York teen who adopts a super hero persona he calls "Kick-Ass," which gets him mixed up not only with the local mob, but with a father-daughter "real life super hero" team who are WAY more hardcore than he is. Bullets fly, bodies drop, blood flows, lotsa stuff blows up.

Chloe Moretz is hilarious as the 11-year-old vigilante "Hit Girl." They need to give this kid her own movie!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


I really liked that one, and if you enjoyed this theme, you would love SUPER! It's another "average person tries to become a superhero" movie.
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Scarecrow Slayer (2004) - A guy tries to steal a scarecrow out of a farmer's field for a fraternity initiation - of course it's an evil, "living" scarecrow so it kills him and his...consciousness? Is transferred into it. The guy knows martial arts, so now you've got a Kung Fu scarecrow  :bouncegiggle: He chases his girlfriend around for the remainder of the movie, killing pretty much everybody she comes in contact with. A total cheese fest with bad acting and a ridiculous plot. Enjoyable enough for an occasional watch. 3.25/5
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Jack- one of those "I hate it when that happens" movies

Rev. Powell

NEVERLAND (2011); 3 hour SyFy miniseries (really just a long movie in two parts). An original prequel to the Peter Pan story, supplying "realistic" sci-fi origins for Peter, Captain Hook, Tinkerbell, the Lost Boys, etc. The story and premise are interesting but it's dragged down a little by the rushed "made for TV" feel, cheap special effects, and mediocre acting (despite a distinguished cast featuring Rhys Ifans, Keira Knightly, and Bob Hoskins). Not as good as the same director's re-imagining of "Alice in Wonderland" (and I hear TIN MAN, his version of Oz, may be his best, though I haven't seen it). 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I watched PAN'S LABYRINTH again today.  I'd forgotten how magnificent this dark fairy tale by Guillermo del Toro really is.  And the Banquet Monster is easily the scariest creature I have seen in any recent film!  If you have never viewed this masterpiece, you really ought to!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: indianasmith on August 10, 2012, 11:41:40 PM

And the Banquet Monster is easily the scariest creature I have seen in any recent film! 

:thumbup: :thumbup:

Professor Hathaway:  I noticed you stopped stuttering.
Bodie:      I've been giving myself shock treatments.
Professor Hathaway: Up the voltage.

--Real Genius


Shadow of a Doubt (1943)- Odd, problematic (bordering on ridiculous) but compelling Alfred Hitchcock film. It was apparently his favorite one? A charming uncle comes to town, everyone is happy but he slowly reveals himself to be kind of weird. This is especially distressing to his niece who really idolizes him. At some points you will be going "wait...what?" but that's the price you pay for variety. 5/5


TRON: Legacy (2010) - the son of the guy from the original Tron movie goes into the "grid", i.e. the computer world where programs are people and they have light cycle races and all that cool stuff. He meets dad, who's a fugitive hiding out from the evil Clu program (both played by Jeff Bridges), and together they try to overthrow the powers of darkness and all that jazz. I really enjoyed this, it's a fun and very stylish update of the '80s movie (which I always thought was just okay). Oh and Olivia Wild is in it too:

The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho

Rev. Powell

MST3K: KING DINOSAUR: Scientists fly to a planet full of padding and stock footage. There's also a short about a bad driver from New Jersey who gets killed. The host segments are flat out bad, but the "Joey the Lemur" puppet sketch is just bizarre: people actually theorized that Joel was on drugs for that performance. The strangest thing about the movie is that when the scientists flee the island with the giant lizards, they pause and set up a mini-atom bomb to blow it up. Wouldn't it have been better for everyone involved if they just fled and didn't senselessly destroy the monumental scientific discovery of life on another planet? I guess in the 50s it just "made sense" to nuke something if it p**sed you off. 3/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...