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Tomb of Anubis Updates - 11/18

Started by AnubisVonMojo, November 18, 2007, 03:01:57 PM

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Another stellar week at The Tomb of Anubis this week for anyone who missed it. First, the Tomb would like to welcome fellow board member Khaz to the flock this week! The most vocal fan of our site, our new brother to the North is the Tomb clan's first Canadian member and we shake hands with the Cannuck, eh? Here's what went on this week:

Khaz initiated himself with Lucy Liu's chesticles in the Blade knock-off Rise: Blood Hunter!
Ragnarok tossed Satan out the window with the help of the legendary hero Maciste circa Maciste In Hell!
Anubis celebrated Veterans' Day with the World War II Nazi mad science flick, Horrors of War!

Anubis brought in four Shorties - the first great Bond movie, Goldfinger; Jet Li's dimension hopping sci-fi beat 'em up The One; and, in anticipation of the upcoming Stephen King movie The Mist, he reviewed two more precipitation related features: John Carpenter's The Fog and it's 2005 remake, appropriately also titled The Fog!

"Broke-Ass Budget Disc Friday" saw Anubis covering the Japanese semi-epic fantasy flick The Legend of the Eight Samurai!

And this week, in celebration of the only holiday dedicated to completely gorging ourselves, The Tomb will be celebrating "You Are Who You Eat" Week! Due to travel restrictions and a possible internet blackout Thursday and Friday, this week's updates will be on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

"Don't make me stain my last clean shirt with the back of your head." - Shatter Dead
"A grizzly bear with a chainsaw. Now THERE's a killing machine!" - The Simpsons
"I've always wanted to make love to an angry welder." - Jaws: the Revenge