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The Unofficial Random Thought Thread!

Started by BTM, January 05, 2008, 10:12:17 PM

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My Mom told me she had a dream with a horror movie poster in it. It was a picture of a giant tarantula with the tagline "Men die with sweaters".


Got to say Lester, I agree with the spider killing guys in sweaters; hoodies is where it's at.
yeah no.



My random thought is there was no more beautiful song, or cooler video in the mid-1990s, than The Smashing Pumpkins' tonight, tonight:
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: ER on March 25, 2017, 09:06:51 PM
My random thought is there was no more beautiful song, or cooler video in the mid-1990s, than The Smashing Pumpkins' tonight, tonight:
I didn't like this song when it came out, but there used to be this YouTube video of somebody putting it up to some of Leni Riefenstahl's propagandist footage of Adolf Hitler giving a very pretty speech to some factory workers...
For better or for worse, it's been blocked by AMG over copyright reasons, but I think there's still a few bootlegs of THE DARK SIDE OF OZ floating around out there...
"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


yeah no.


Quote from: LilCerberus on March 25, 2017, 09:44:25 PM
Quote from: ER on March 25, 2017, 09:06:51 PM
My random thought is there was no more beautiful song, or cooler video in the mid-1990s, than The Smashing Pumpkins' tonight, tonight:
I didn't like this song when it came out, but there used to be this YouTube video of somebody putting it up to some of Leni Riefenstahl's propagandist footage of Adolf Hitler giving a very pretty speech to some factory workers...
For better or for worse, it's been blocked by AMG over copyright reasons, but I think there's still a few bootlegs of THE DARK SIDE OF OZ floating around out there...

I remember that well. The song was surprisingly effective paired with that Nazi rally, the strings crescendo at the start matched a spotlight suddenly illuminating the eagle symbol, and Hitler's rabid gesticulation synced up to Billy's talk of crucifying the insincere...tonight, to-niiiight. Yeah, that was a cool video.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


The Barnum & Bailey train just hit a tractor-trailer in Nottoway County!
"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


If you went overboard advertising a lumber company's web site, could you be said to Flog a log blog?
"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"


I've just had my first major delivery problem with Amazon.  Its telling me my package has been delivered., but I never received it.  I've contacted the seller, but got back an email telling me they can't get emails.  

So I either had it stolen from me or I've encountered a shady dealer.  

I know this happens to other people.  Its just the first real time I've had to deal with it. 
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...


Quote from: WingedSerpent on March 27, 2017, 09:18:16 PM
I've just had my first major delivery problem with Amazon.  Its telling me my package has been delivered., but I never received it.  I've contacted the seller, but got back an email telling me they can't get emails. 

So I either had it stolen from me or I've encountered a shady dealer. 

I know this happens to other people.  Its just the first real time I've had to deal with it. 

Hate that.
Happened to me once, when the postman dropped off a two stroke jug & cylinder kit on my front porch while I was at work on a valentines day, popular day for crooks.
For a while after that, I'd always include delivery instructions, "Do not leave on porch. Must sign for" on all my ebay orders.
Really the only time that happened to me, just that when I went to the post office to complain, some guy who couldn't walk a straight line bumped into me & then I couldn't find my glasses, leaving me to assume he had boosted them, only to find when I got to work, that I had put them in the wrong pocket..... Really bad karma frustrating kinda day....

Anyhoo, I usually prefer the USPS tracking service, & include delivery instructions with my tracking requests when necessary, mostly when I'm ordering live plants, because a lazy sub once tried to hold on to one for a few days too long....
"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.


I got to stop looking at the deserted pictures of Jazzland, it makes me want to go there and look around even though that is trespassing.
yeah no.


Today was an interesting day. Competing in the station commanders cup for our section, and the first event was today. Dodgeball. We had 7 people sign up for it, but only 5 turned up which since we needed 6 for a team meant we were a man short. The first team we were up against included one of my former bosses, who was actually quite a decent boss. We noticed he was walking with a limp though so we discussed going easy on him. That lasted for about 4 seconds when me and Gus both decided to team up and and show Darwanism in action. Managed not to come in last although for some reason my most of my shots were off target. Later when I was in the changing room, I noticed I'd put on a pair of socks with Storm Troopers on them which perfectly explained the poor aim.

Anyway, I got to the showers (which are all in one big open room) before everyone else. Stripped off in the changing room and headed through next door into the gents shower rooms. Was slightly surprised to see someone else in the shower. Not so much that there was someone else in the shower, it was more that there was a woman standing in the gents shower with her back facing me. After a second or two of thinking how to alert her to the situation while aware than in a few minutes around 50 more guys would be pouring into the shower room I turned around, coughed and said in my deepest voice "One of us is in the wrong shower room and I am pretty sure it isn't me".
She let out a shriek and ran out of the shower room, so I went in, had my shower and came out. At that point I noticed that there were two towels hanging on the rack. Mine, and a pink one with a floral design. No one So if anyone happens to see a naked young woman running around, please let her know the Phys Ed flight has her towel.

Douglas Adams really wasn't kidding when he said those things are the most useful items in the universe.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


Over the years I've been online I've known people who lived in the heart of tornado alley, and as we've compared our weather day-to-day, month in and month out, it's become noticeable that where I live in the fringe of the Midwest seems to get much worse weather than even they do in Nebraska and northern Texas, and even eastern Oklahoma, where one man I knew had lived seventy-eight years and had never been within twenty miles of a twister.

And now I was just told we've going to have another of our "utterly charming" evenings of probably having to head to the basement as the familiar refrain spills from the talking heads of the media, "torrential rain, flash floods, damaging winds, deadly lightning, large hail to two inches, isolated tornadoes probable."

All this begins at six and continues through the overnight hours, which means little sleep.

Okay, so most of the year it's quite lovely here among our rolling hills and river valleys. We have four distinct seasons, with mild springs full of vernal wildflowers, autumns with colorful foliage, winters with just enough snowfall to be fun, summers that are humid and hot and sheer Purgatory, true, but even they have a certain sizzling charm. But when I hear about life-threatening weather heading our way, as it has several times already in 2017, and will at least another dozen times before we're in the chilly seasons, I wonder why we live where we do.

I could move to Ireland where there's literally one weather forecast eternally: rain, then sun, then rain, then sun, then..." And not once does a DJ over there break into a song to tell you in a Galwegian lilt that some of the people hearing his voice are probably going to be homeless or dead by morning, due to the weather. It simply does not happen!

No, like lambs to the slaughter we live smack dab in the one region on planet Earth where the sky routinely tries to murder you, and there's very little you can do about it.

What does not kill me makes me stranger.