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Black Christmas (1974)

Started by JaseSF, April 13, 2008, 10:12:54 PM

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"If this film doesn't make your skin crawl, it's on too tight"

Director Bob Clark may have become more famous for his comedy work with such hits as PORKY'S and the beloved TV favourite "A Christmas Story" which he wrote, but he puts a much darker spin on Christmas with BLACK CHRISTMAS which is a deeply disturbing thriller, albeit with great comic moments that echo true to life.

I hold BLACK CHRISTMAS in very high regard. It's one of those films that stays with the viewer long after the end credits have played. It's intense and even somewhat unrelenting and while it's never overly gory, it often feels more cringe inducing than most Horror films period. Whereas Alfred Hitchcock's PSYCHO will leave you uneasy in the shower, BLACK CHRISTMAS will have you wondering whether all the windows and doors are securely locked and if they aren't, it'll leave you feeling very uneasy indeed.

That's not to say there's not some elements here that I don't find a little annoying. The cussing and bad language feels overdone yet the characters feel extremely close to life, in fact I suspect Clark may have upped the realism even more in response to the typical teen movies of the 1960s, you know the Beach Party gang et al. Also some characters seem to appear suddenly out of nowhere at key moments although granted this is to leave viewers guessing as to the possible identity of the lunatic on the loose.

Still in terms of an Horror Thriller classic, this is about as good as it gets. Definitely a huge influence on John Carpenter's Halloween and a slew of other films about killers using a telephone as a key plot device.

This film takes it time and establishes everything pretty well and if you pay close attention, most everything fits and makes sense. This film accomplishes all it makes your skin crawl. We get to see the world through the eyes of the  killer, a multi-personality rage-filled psychotic, which doesn't always make for a pleasant experience. Leaves the viewer feeling queasy and shaken, the mix of humor and realism only adding to the feel that this is a very palpable horror. **** 1/2 out of *****
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


I've always heard very good things about this one.  some of the horror classics have such innocous sounding names that is is hard to distinguish them from really bad stuff.  like one movie will be called "evil devil" and it will be amazing and another will be"the devil's death" and it will be some thrown together piece of junk



The phone calls in this movie are downright chilling.  I absolutely love this movie.  Dreary doesn't even begin to cover it.  I always felt like Clark felt bad about making it years later and made up for it with A Christmas Story.
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I was rather disappointed with this film.

Certainly not because it is a bad movie, as it is well made, and has strong performances.

It just was rather obvious and, perhaps due to that (you could see where this was going early on), I found it to be rather boring.

I watched this at a time that I was into collecting Christmas themed horror movies. Be fore-warned, most of them suck. Black Christmas along with Silent Night, Bloody Night (also 1974) are among the best in a rather disappointing sub-genre.

The Burgomaster

I like BLACK CHRISTMAS.  I don't love it, but I like it. 
"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


Quote from: JaseSF on April 13, 2008, 10:12:54 PM
That's not to say there's not some elements here that I don't find a little annoying. ...Also some characters seem to appear suddenly out of nowhere at key moments although granted this is to leave viewers guessing as to the possible identity of the lunatic on the loose.
How 'bout it's a sorority house and people come and go? 

Quote from: JaseSF on April 13, 2008, 10:12:54 PM
Still in terms of an Horror Thriller classic, this is about as good as it gets. Definitely a huge influence on John Carpenter's Halloween and a slew of other films about killers using a telephone as a key plot device.

Quote from: JaseSF on April 13, 2008, 10:12:54 PM
...Leaves the viewer feeling queasy and shaken, the mix of humor and realism only adding to the feel that this is a very palpable horror. **** 1/2 out of *****
The last scene makes this entire creep-out worthy of inclusion in the "FEEL BAD" movies thread, yet, because this film also terrifies I suppose there is some catharsis and one evacuates "bad" feelings.  BLACK CHRISTMAS is a surprise, well made, thoughtful and effective... way f***ed up.   Really good thriller. 

"You could have it removed like a wart...!" 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!


I like the Black Christmas for the most part. Had some funny moments and some good charaters. Unlike the remake which was just so poor.
Most of all I hate dancing then work,exercise,people,stupidpeople