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most wrong headed column I can recall reading in some time

Started by lester1/2jr, October 02, 2009, 11:07:23 AM

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letterman deserved blackmail, racism, blah blah

AS you may know I'm a pretty hardcore libertarian, some might even say anarchist.  I might even say that.  One of my favorite sites is  They have a seemingly bottomless archive of books, some for sale some you can download, and edgy columns by some of my favorite people.

Boy, I don't know about this one though.  Sometimes I read something there and think "that's crazy" and then a month later I agree with it.  This one seems a little over the top, even for them.  

Blackmail is a legitmate business agreement?  RACISM is to blame for the NYPD's treamtent of different people making "mistakes"?

I'm more than usually skeptical here