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Scarecrows, Loudspeakers and Bagpipe-Music....

Started by schauol1, July 09, 2010, 03:45:26 AM

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I have only this strange picture in my mind and don't know what movie it could be...

I think the scene plays somewhere in a desert... they (who?) see some kind of "army" on the horizon playin bagpipes... but when they arrive, it's only scarecrows with loudspeakers...

Anyone has an Idea what movie this is? Must be something old, saw this somewhere in the eighties...

Thanks in advance,



Dr. Phibes Rises Again.

Phibes uses the scarecrow decoys to lure a character away from a woman he's supposed to be protecting.  It's probably the creepiest part of the movie, actually.

It's reviewed here:
Kneel before Dr. Hell, the ruler of this world!