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Humanoids from the Deep

Started by Future Blob, March 24, 2002, 01:21:49 PM

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Future Blob

  I was just wondering if everybody had heard that a remake of HFTD had been made? I saw it last night and really liked it, much gore and ugly fish-monsters and some nekkidness. If anyone else sees it or has seen it, tell me if you agree that some of the parts look as if they were snipped directly out of the original.I don't mean copied, I mean the film was snipped and transplanted. Maybe it's just me...

   Oh, and for no particular reason,  she's not in HFTD I just wanted to mention her...mmmm,Ely Pouget....mmmmm

Jay O'Connor

tell me if you agree that some of the parts look as if they were snipped directly out of the original.I don't mean copied, I mean the film was snipped and transplanted.

In a Roger Corman production?!?!  That would never happen!

Future Blob

  Of course not! How foolish of me!


Yup, I saw it on Roger Corman Presents on Showtime. They used to air a different RC movie each week, all made epsecially for Showtime.

 Personally I like the original version better. The new one had a few good points, but it also had an even cheaper feel to it than the first one.