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Certain Types of Facebook Friends

Started by Ash, December 21, 2009, 10:56:26 PM

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Ever notice that most of your Facebook friends fall into certain categories?

For example, there are:

The Moms
These Facebook users are obsessed with being moms and motherhood in general.
They talk about their child/children, breastfeeding, how their children are asleep and they can get some peace & quiet, breastfeeding, how sick their kids are, and breastfeeding.
They can be easily identified because their profile pic is of their child/children.

The Movie Quoter
This Facebook user doesn't post anything except random movie quotes.
Within hours, a bunch of his or her (mostly his) friends chime in with other quotes from the same movie.

The Whiner
This Facebook poster is usually a female, though not always.
They are known for endlessly whining and/or complaining about how sick they feel.
Whether it be a cold, headache, pinkeye, swine flu, yeast infection, or tuberculosis, they're always b***hing about how sick they, or a member of their immediate family are.

The Cryptic Messenger
This person usually posts some random cryptic quote that nobody's ever heard of.
Are they quoting someone else or did they make it up?
The world may never know.

The Drunken Idiot
This Facebook poster only posts when they are totally wasted.
Their posts usually consist of writing "I'M DRUNK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" or "I'M FU**ING WASTED!!!!!"

The Inviter
This person constantly invites you to participate in one of the hundreds of ridiculous and time wasting apps on Facebook.  
You reject invite after invite and they still keep 'em coming!
You may even run into them at the grocery store and tell them that you "don't do apps on Facebook and please don't send me anymore", only to have them send you another invite the very next day.
(yes, that actually happened to me)

How about you?
Can you think of any other Facebook friend types?


Here's one:

The Fan

These Facebook users will just become fans of every page out there.  No matter what the page is, even if they haven't heard of it, they'll become a fan of it.  The theory about these users is that they don't have any friends, so they make up for it by being "friends" with various celebrities, products, sayings, etc...

(Nice thread idea, by the way.)


I haven't experienced any of those mentioned (thank god). Then again, I only had 5 longtime friends I know from other forums. Facebook was trying hard to hook me up with people I didn't know or cared about, like friends of my friends friends. They probably couldn't accept the fact that I only had five friends (none of my family, relatives, real life friends or school mates uses facebook). I eventually gave up on facebook in September (personal reasons) but for some twisted reason facebook wouldn't allow me to delete my account. I finally managed to escape the evil grasp of facebook in December, hopefully once and for all.

Appears friendly with a knack of bombarding you with questionable and unsensitive friends recommendations, will spitefully tease you with "highlights" of your friends having fun with their friends, and will give you a hard time trying to escape.


You forgot the "FB = Twitter" crowd.

People who post sh*t like "I just took a dump" and "the sky is blue today!" and "I'm hungry!" and other equally completely non-interesting stuff.


The "Who Has The Most Friends" Competitor
They add *everybody* whose name they see and know.  The one with the largest number on their friends list wins. Maybe this one should be labelled "The FB Party Animal"?

The Gamer
All they seem to do is play the FB games.  Day and night.  Farkle. Mob Wars. Farmville, Farm Town, Farm '?'   You'll see their hot updates about high scores or how many turnips they need help harvesting in Farm Town and they try to give you a sheep to get you into it so you can add to their farm and 'harvest' for them.   :lookingup:

Seriously (more or less!): I have been told there are two basic types on FB.  One is uncontrollably gregarious and wants to 'talk' to as many people as possible.  The "The more the merrier" crowd.  The other type - far fewer in numbers - is there to keep in touch with people they would actually like to talk to if given the opportunity. The two types do not quite understand each other, I find.

The only 'type' from Ash's list that I have encountered is The Whiner.  But then, there is only one of them in my contacts and she is someone I knew from elementary school who is dying of cancer.  It appears that posting on FB is what she does and I am thinking it functions as a source of support or makeshift therapy for her.  I cannot begrudge her that, even though it is acutely uncomfortable to see her pic's and read her comments.  The same person is an 'inviter' on an epic scale.  I feel horribly cold and heartless every time I hit that 'ignore' button.  The only consolation is that I know she invites twenty or thirty people at a time, so I should not really count.

I think I may not have encountered the other types because I do not generally associate with them in real life, so they are not on my friends list.  I have 'ignored' invites from a few people who know me only *very* peripherally partly because I do not want to be one of a huge crowd if they have 300 friends already and partly because I fear they will find me boring.  Even so, 'Ignoring' anyone makes me feel guilty.  I hate doing it, but I already regret adding a few people whom I never talk to (and who never talk to me) anyway.

NO idea what 'type' I may be.  I was talked into (over my resistance) going on FB by a few of my students and friends. They are the 'crowd' types, I am not.  I use FB to post odd interesting/entertaining tidbits and to have a bit of fun bantering with friends and picking up trivia.  I don't say much about myself, and I do not discuss my kids.  No breastfeeding comments here!
"May I offer you a Peek Frean?" - Walter Bishop
"Thank you for appreciating my descent into deviant behavior, Mr. Reese." - Harold Finch

The Burgomaster


Posts dozens of song lyrics or youtube music videos every day.

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."

Mr. DS

The "I'll Friend You Because We Knew Each Other 30 Years Ago For A Minute" Person
This is more than likely the kid you used to make fun of in school looking for your respect after a long lapse of time.

The Commenter
This is the person that will say something about your status no matter what you write.  They are usually the person you least like on your friend list too.  And they often have nothing much to say either.

The Party Girls
The girls who feel an absolute need to get pictures of themselves in every dive bar with every possible friend mix possible in the picture.  Pretty much exploiting themselves to the world as a drunkard.  

The Chameleon Profile Picture Person
The person who changes their profile picture at least once a day.  For no apparent reason either...
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


The Ghost
A person who add you as a friend and then you never hear from them. No posts what so ever. It like they are dead.

The Curmudgeon
The person who spends most of their time on Facebook complaining about what other people post. Will add people as a friend then complain if they post something that doesn't live up to a preconceived set of standards.
Movie Trivia Fact : O.J. Simpson was considered for the title role in The Terminator, but producers feared he was \"too nice\" to be taken seriously as a cold-blooded killer.<br />Isn\'t hindsight great.<br />A person is smart. People are dumb, panicky dangerous animals and you know it. - Agent Kay - Men in Black


The sweeper~ Only signed up to facebook for sweepstakes.  :tongueout:  Thats me. I might check my face book page every couple of weeks, if that. I use it for entering sweeps only, same with twitter. I do have a couple of friends on there but they rarely hear from me.

There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations

Mr. DS

Quote from: 3mnkids on December 22, 2009, 02:59:19 PM
The sweeper~ Only signed up to facebook for sweepstakes.  :tongueout:  Thats me. I might check my face book page every couple of weeks, if that. I use it for entering sweeps only, same with twitter. I do have a couple of friends on there but they rarely hear from me.

Which sweepstakes?  I'm always up for free junk.
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


Quote from: The Burgomaster on December 22, 2009, 11:56:01 AM

Posts dozens of song lyrics or youtube music videos every day.

I actually don't mind those types of Facebook users.  As long as it's not too s**tty music.


Quote from: The DarkSider on December 22, 2009, 06:26:37 PM
Quote from: 3mnkids on December 22, 2009, 02:59:19 PM
The sweeper~ Only signed up to facebook for sweepstakes.  :tongueout:  Thats me. I might check my face book page every couple of weeks, if that. I use it for entering sweeps only, same with twitter. I do have a couple of friends on there but they rarely hear from me.

Which sweepstakes?  I'm always up for free junk.

here is one I have been entering daily.

this is one time entry.. just become a fan.

this one  that is just a few, there are more but I dont know what you like. I dont enter for trips or things I dont want to pay a lot in taxes on.   :teddyr:   There are a lot more sweeps on twitter. I just won some dark void video game swag from a twitter sweep.
I love sweepstakes. In 3 years I have made over 28,000 in cash and prizes.  :thumbup:
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations

paula i in one of those groups??  I mean, I like FB and all, but....

maybe I'm in the "Almost famous a while ago but now trying to build a business using social networking MILF" group

"What about the American Dream?"
"It came true!  You're looking at it!"

Ed, Ego and Superego

I'd like to Amend "The Mom" to "The Stay at Home Mom with nothing better to do but..."
Quantum materiae materietur marmota monax si marmota monax materiam possit materiari?

Si Hoc Legere Scis Nimium Eruditionis Habes


Quote from: The Burgomaster on December 22, 2009, 11:56:01 AM

Posts dozens of song lyrics or youtube music videos every day.

Stop making fun of me!!!!!!