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The Navy Against The Night Monsters

Started by Leah, April 16, 2010, 07:45:22 AM

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I saw this movie last night and this really sucked. We had a guy who was the founder of NOWMF and did commentary like MST3K. Basically, we learned that when someone saids to not go into the jungly, DO NOT go into the jungle. We also had some Shorts (4) and the first one was the cartoon An Elephant Never Forgets. the second taught us that we cannot live w/ people, be w/people, the foods you eat, the water you drink, and the air you breathe is full of EVERYDAY RADIATION! so don't eat, drink, and breathe to survive! :teddyr: the third one told us that the best way a lady can get a job is to not wear slacks and hair; men cannot have a crazy haircut.. then we had the movie, it still SUCKS! since the program is suppose to go from7:30-10:30, we had time to do one more short, which told us that you stay 60 ft. from a tractor's trailer.
yeah no.

Flick James

How come I've never heard of this? And Mamie Van Doren is in it? Looks absolutely wonderfully bad, and everything that is great about this site. Plus, I was in the Navy, so I have to see it. :cheers:
I don't always talk about bad movies, but when I do, I prefer

The Burgomaster

I've never seen it, but I always wanted to after reading the comments about it in THE PSYCHOTRONIC ENCYCLOPEDIA OF FILM.
"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."


You know how I talk about how some monsters are so slow that walking away would work?  The night monsters are so slow that standing still works.  People constantly go out into the jungle, walk around until they get spooked, and then back up into one of the man-eating trees.  The only time a man-eating tree kill somebody is when the person stumbles into one.
Andrew Borntreger


Quote from: Andrew on April 16, 2010, 02:08:04 PM
You know how I talk about how some monsters are so slow that walking away would work?  The night monsters are so slow that standing still works.
Now i wonder: is the creeping terror slower than the night monsters, or vice versa.
yeah no.