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What's your price limit for buying b-movies you've never seen?

Started by The Gravekeeper, June 28, 2010, 02:29:58 PM

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The Gravekeeper

Being b-movie lovers, we all know that buying a b-movie you've never seen is a real gamble. It could be a new favourite, it could be just okay, or it could make you want to claw your own eyes out. Knowing that risk, what's the most (financially) you're usually willing to put on the line?

Myself, I don't go over $20. I can usually find movies for about $5-15 in pawn shops and whatnot, but $20 is my limit.

Hammock Rider

I've saved a lot of money over the past year by joining Netflix. Based on the number of movies I rent from them every month I pay just over a dollar per movie, so I can rent them pretty fearlessly.

  However, if I was out at the store and saw something that hit me just right, I would probably spend up to but not exceeding $9.99. My Puritan upbringing just won't let me risk 10 whole dollars.
Jumping Kings and Making Haste Ain't my Cup of Meat

The Burgomaster

Depends on the movie.  I don't really have a set limit . . . it's all driven by how much I want to own a copy.
"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."

Nukie 2

$15 if the reviews are really good, and if given a decent comparison to other movies.

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I dont really have a limit. If it sounds interesting and I have the money I buy it. I usually buy the 4 for twenty at blockbuster, pawn shops, amazon and ebay though and spend on average 5-6 bucks a movie. If I find movies for under 3 bucks I buy them even if they sound lame.  :teddyr:
There's no worse feeling than that millisecond you're sure you are going to die after leaning your chair back a little too far~ ruminations


Seems like DVDs are dropping in price, and I can get a lot of b-movies in collections now.  If you want a number-I'd say around $20-the same price for most DVDs I buy are sold at.
At least, that's what Gary Busey told me...

Jim H

Generally I'd say about $8.  $10 for something really interesting.  And perhaps as high as $20 for something very obscure I'm REALLY interested in.

I mean, the other day I bought a collection with Wishmaster 1, Wishmaster 2, Pumpkinhead 2, and Leprechaun.  It cost $5.  We're pretty spoiled as far as prices go at the moment. 

The one downside of this is it has become less worth it for companies who release less popular movies - how can they justify spending $100,000+ to transfer and make a release of some movie they know will only sell 10,000 copies when the most they can sell it for is $10?


If it's something that looks really good, I might go as high as $20.  I buy most of my DVD's used from the sellers on Amazon, usually for $5 - $7 or so.  I've been saving quite a bit of money by watching stuff on Netflix and weeding out the junk that I otherwise would have bought.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


Back when used VHS tapes on eBay were the only way of seeing some of them, I might have paid up to $40 for an obscure title I really wanted to see (Queen of Blood was one), but I was single, living at home and had a bit of money to blow on that. Most of the used video store stock was going for less than $10, shipping included, though.

Of course, now that b-movies are easier to find, and DVD collections of them are everywhere, I wouldn't pay anywhere near that much for one movie.

Sometimes I miss the days when seeing a movie I'd heard about meant tracking down a copy and acquiring it. I enjoy the convenience and economy of 50-movie collections, specialty channels and bittorrents, but the old way was fun. Felt like more of a hobby, and I still proudly display those VHS tapes, even though I currently don't even have a working VHS player.
"Join me in the abyss of savings."



I don't really have a price limit.  It is more a desire limit.  How much do I want to own this particular movie?  Quite a bit and I wouldn't mind paying more provided I have the cash.  In general, I tend to spend around $15. 
Ah, the good old days.


I've gone to $30 a few times, but usually stick to the normal $15-$20 range.  That's a reason that I haven't purchased a number of those SyFy movies that are $23 each.  It's insane asking that much for one of them, but it's their film so they can ask for what they want - I'm just not obligated to buy it.
Andrew Borntreger


I almost never buy movies I haven't seen, simply because I'm a cheap bastich.  And between my brother and I we have a million movies (maybe not a million but over a thousand).  I wouldn't pay over ten bucks for a movie I never saw.  I'd prefer five.
"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."


I usually scour cheap bins (range of 5 to 10 dollars) for any unseen movies I might be interested in taking a chance on unless it's a film that has a good cult reputation already and then I might go as high as $15, especially if it's from the 30s to 50s.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


I've gone up to around £20 and that was for Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers.

I don't like to spend more than £10

If God exists, why did he make me an atheist? Thats His first mistake.