Main Menu's Annual October Horror Movie Watching Thread

Started by claws, September 26, 2011, 02:50:24 AM

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QuoteHorror Island

There's a great goof in this one. When the cast first enters the house, on the right hand side of the screen you can clearly see a stagehand holding a spotlight on them. He follows them with the light as they walk across the set, clicks it off, and then walks off the set.
If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.


QUEEN OF BLOOD (1966) Curtis Harrington

In 1990 an Earth ship is on a mission to rescue a crashed alien ship on Mars. They find a mysterious green-skinned woman and take her aboard. They soon realize she is an insect-like vampire with a mysterious and horrible reason to visit our planet!

Harrington very cleverly combines ultra cheap new footage featuring Basil Rathbone, John Saxon, Dennis Hopper, Forrest J. Ackerman, and the terrific Florence Marley (as ? in the credits) with some special effects leftovers from a couple of Russian films.

Otherwise great, creepy little film is somewhat marred by the incredibly stupid actions of the crew once they discover their passenger's true nature. "Well, she's recently fed and bloated with blood so it should be fine to leave her unguarded to sleep it off."

Dennis Hopper is puzzled by THE QUEEN OF BLOOD!
If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.


Watched the last two films from the Universal Horror Classic Movie Archive Collection - Night Monster (1942) and Captive Wild Woman (1943). Night Monster seems somewhat of a mix between the old dark house horror tale and the straight Universal monster story - in this way, it feels kind of unique. It does feature a great cast of veteran performers but I'm sure many Horror fans will be disappointed by the small roles Lionel Atwill and Bela Lugosi play in this one. Still the story proves very unpredictable and we're given a large number of potential suspects to be the hideous monster that lurks the swamp and in the hidden passageways of remote Ingston Towers. It keeps you guessing although ultimately most will probably figure out where it's going. Have to say I enjoyed it especially all the fog and moody atmosphere it has going for it. Captive Wild Woman I wanted to like a whole lot more as it's much closer to your traditional Universal monster style story. It features a mad scientist in one John Carradine, who comes across as just plain cold, remorseful and always calculating. Anyways said scientist becomes obsessed with the idea of using human glands to transform a female gorilla into a stunningly beautiful yet animalistic young woman brilliantly played by the silent Acquanetta. The movie though gets bogged down with animal training footage, a lion and tiger taming act borrowed via stock footage from a Clyde Beatty film The Big Cage and a lot of said footage is obviously and disturbingly real. It takes away somewhat from the rest of the fun in watching this one which is still a lot better than one might expect given the subject matter.
"This above all: To thine own self be true!"


10/04 #6

Zombieland (2009) BD

Only seen once when I bought the Blu-ray last year so it was time for a re-visit. Very entertaining and fun zombie comedy. Perfect for October/Halloween viewing. 5/5


1) My first movie. Vlad.

Got most of the way thru it so far.  The move has Billy Zane!  Very cool.  Still shaves his head.  The movie also has Brad Durdof!  The movie is mostly slow, but now that i am halfway thru, it is starting to get better. I get to see Vlad, he is very cool looking.  The girls are hot and the guys (except for Mr. Zane) try to be macho.  Will finish today and write more.  If you notice on the movie poster, it suffers from the floating head condition.  Will attach a link about this later.

Have a great day!


Follow up, I finishedthe movie.  I liked it but it could have been better.  I think Billy Zane was the only redeeming quality.  The movie was a lot better than the supposed romantic vampire movies.

Would watch again.

Later again,

\\\\\\\"Freedom is not free\"\\\\\\ or ///\"Where ever you go, there you are!\"///


Aerobicide (1987) - Girls go to Rhonda's health club and jiggle around in their spandex outfits!  Oh, and there's a killer on the loose, offing people with an oversized safety pin   :bouncegiggle:  Kind of slow moving and more than a bit cheesy, but there's some pretty good '80s pop music and did I mention the spandex and the jiggling?  4/5.

Curse of the Devil (1974) - one of those Paul Nasche things.  Many years ago some witches were hung/burned at the stake and they  placed a curse on their executioners.  Now Naschy is the descendant of the executioner, and the followers of the witches put a werewolf curse on him.  These things are very, very slow, and atmospheric.  You've really got to be in the mood for them, and I just wasn't.  Naschy is about as dull as it gets as a leading man.  Of course they always feature their fare share of nudity.  I'm not going to rate it as I wasn't in the mood for it.

Lady Frankenstein (1971) - Ol' Dr. Frankenstein creates his usual monster.  It kills him, but never fear, his daughter has just finished medical school and takes up where he left off.  This has got a wild and crazy plot, with the Dr.'s assistant being in love with the daughter, and her telling him that if he allows her to transplant his brain into another man's body, she'll be his lover.  Ah, the things we do for love   :teddyr:  Excellent, strong characters and plenty of plot.  4/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


QuoteNight Monster (1942)

Ralph Morgan's reveal of his true physical condition is probably the most shocking image in any of the 40's horror films.

Too bad Lugosi didn't play the mysterious swami but got stuck with another stupid red herring butler role.
If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.


Quote from: claws on October 05, 2011, 01:04:23 AM
10/04 #6

Zombieland (2009) BD

Only seen once when I bought the Blu-ray last year so it was time for a re-visit. Very entertaining and fun zombie comedy. Perfect for October/Halloween viewing. 5/5

"I'm not great at farewells, so uh... that'll do, pig."

I love that line.
"Join me in the abyss of savings."


10/05 #7

Lost Highway (1997) BD

Twisted, creepy and may I say scary? This is pretty much a horror movie in my book even though it takes turns into film noir, drama, love story, crime and what not.
The German Blu-ray presents the movie with solid quality and fine detail, very good HD audio in my opinion as well. 5/5


10/06 #8

Cemetery Man (1994)

Frightfully funny indeed, with a great ending. This is in need of a nice remastered Blu-ray release though. The old AB DVD doesn't look that hot. 4/5


Watched "Scream 4" last night. Whether or not that qualifies as "horror" depends on who you talk to, though. I've always found the Scream flicks to be more of a comedic murder mystery series than straight up horror flicks.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


The Brides of Dracula (1960) - A woman's traveling to her new job but the stagecoach driver takes off and leaves her at a local inn.  Those Transylvanian stagecoach drivers - so skittish.  So she meets this old lady who offers her shelter, but the old lady had a son she keeps chained up in his own set of rooms.  So our nice little lost traveler lets him go and oops - he just happened to be a vampire.  She travels on to her new job, but the vamp' has taken an interest in her.  A fine Hammer Horror movie, with the usual Gothic setting, lush colors, well drawn characters, and a plot that moves along quite well.  Peter Cushing plays Dr. Van Helsing.  4.25/5.
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho


10/07 #9

The Dead Zone (1983)

Long time fave that still holds up these days. I love Walken's performance and the snow setting. It adds so much to the atmosphere. 5/5


Quote from: Jack on October 07, 2011, 02:19:47 PM
The Brides of Dracula (1960)

One reviewer called this one a mixture of Hammer and Tennessee Williams, which is pretty accurate. A shame Christopher Lee refused to be in this one, but David Peel is so good as the vampire - he's much more cultured and devious than Lee's Dracula ever was - Lee is barely missed.

If you're an Andy Milligan fan there's no hope for you.


"Join me in the abyss of savings."