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Started by alandhopewell, September 03, 2013, 02:40:26 PM

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     Mine comes from 1995; I was living with my best friend and his wife on the west side of Cleveland, in the "upsey" part of a duplex. It was in one of those little pocket neighborhoods that you find in Cleveland, that (at least then) wasn't as decrepit and drug-ridden as much of the city.

     About six that evening, the three of  us went and sat out on the porch, with a large bowl of candy. Buddi (Dave's wife) dressed as a dead cheerleader, complete with high-school letter jacket-Dave and I came as ourselves.

     Parents came walking with their kids, and others sat on their porches, handing out candy, and keeping an eye on things. I loved it, because I didn't know they still did my hometown, they began limiting Trick-Or-Treat to daytime when I was about eleven.

     The kids had a good time, and so did everyone else. 

What's your favorite Halloween memory?
If it's true what they say, that GOD created us in His image, then why should we not love creating, and why should we not continue to do so, as carefully and ethically as we can, on whatever scale we're capable of?

     The choice is simple; refuse to create, and refuse to grow, or build, with care and love.


I think my favorite Halloween memory comes from around 2000 or 2001.  I forget exactly when.  I was in the military then. 

At the time, our barracks had a day room that was almost never used.  You had to give the charge of quarters your ID card, sign a paper, and then they'd give you the keys. 

Halloween was on a weekend, or at least close to a weekend.  Regardless, we were off for the next three or so days.  So, I went down, got the keys, and decided to throw my own Halloween party there... for two and a half days, nonstop.  Now it wasn't a wild party or anything, but it was fun.  We used the Dayroom TV to constantly have horror movies playing, while two other tvs on the otherside of the room had some videogames running, appropriately themed ones, I believe we had Darkstalkers, Zombies Ate My neighbors, and one of the Resident Evils, either two of three.  I decorated the play up some, and supplied cokes and candy for whoever stopped by, which at one point or another was most of the unit. 

Me and my friends also had enough stuff laying around to provide costumes for ourselves and quite a few others. 

It was fun.  My First Sergeant didn't much care for it, but he never liked me anyway.  He didn't say anything about it because we weren't breaking any rules, but it seemed obvious he didn't care for it.  Of course, the Commander also stopped by and she (yes female) said she wished I had said something about so she could have chipped in and the ... somebody high up.  I forget who.  Battalion Commander ... Sgt Major... I don't even remember, but somebody important.  ANyway, they also stopped by and and thought it was pretty cool, so there wasn't anything the 1SG could have done anyway. 

And when we did start running low on snacks and drinks, we made trips down to the local PX in costume for more.  I specifically remember being Evil Dead's Ash that year for my costume.  I even took a toy chainsaw, gutted it, and wore it like a glove. 


Probably about 2007 or 2008.  Went to the karaoke bar and entered a costume contest dressed as Dig Dug.  Won first prize: a hundred bucks!
"O the legend they say, on a Valentine's Day, is a curse that'll live on and on.."

Mr. DS

Halloween truly is my Christmas, a special I guess you could say "one with the universe" feeling comes over me. 

As for memories, there would be so many to list.  Every year my brother and I would make our house THE house people would flock to or avoid.   Wed play scary sound records, set up strobe lights, dress up etc.  Just anything to scare the crap out of people.

I continue this today proudly with my kids in our new house.  Our motto is if we don't make one or two kids cry we havent done our job.
DarkSider's Realm

"You think the honey badger cares?  It doesn't give a sh*t."  Randall


When our kids were little my wife and I took them to one of those hunted house things.  I was carrying our youngest and this guy dressed like Jason was coming after us with a machete.  Being a truly evil person I just stood there as he got closer and closer and poor little Molly was screaming bloody murder   :bouncegiggle:

They still like to bring that up to this day.  Hey, I was frozen in fear:teddyr:
The world is changed by your example, not by your opinion.

- Paulo Coelho