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I need new computer speakers any recommendations?

Started by AoTFan, December 26, 2016, 11:47:25 PM

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I don't really want "get crazy and go all out blasting out the bass and annoying my neighbors" type of speakers, but I DO want some I can hear clearly out of.  Right now, I've got a pair of logitech speakers that are going all staticy on me, so I need to replace them.  (I know it's the speakers, not the settings, because my music sounds fine when I plug in headphones.)

Does anyone have an recommendations?



What's your price range, and how picky are you, and what do you wanna do with them?

For playing video games I use an older pair of Bose noise cancelling headphones -- those work rather well.  Also, it keeps my kids from hearing stuff like Bioshock, ya know?  :)

The new Bose wireless headphones are particularly awesome but pricey.

For speakers, I had a pair of Swans a few years ago that were very good.  Forget which model (but the model I used then is probably not relevant now.)


Didn't respond because my speakers got better, but now they're getting staticy again.

I don't know, really not looking to spend too much (partly cause I don't have a lot of spend).  Want to actually to keep it on the 30 or below range.  Just really want to do usual stuff, play music, running some game, but I'm not looking for a full theater experience or anything.  Had my eyes on some $20 Logitech. 

I've heard good things about Boise in the past, but I think they might be out of my budget.  If I could get something that'll last a few years I'd be real happy.