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Author Topic: My D&D campaign  (Read 97521 times)
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #330 on: April 18, 2020, 09:12:14 AM »

New characters.

Well following last nights decimation of the party, we'll be having some new faces turn up. Tina is going to a sorcerer, ranger, arcane archer mix while Ross is going with a Fighter who has a prestige class that specialises in hunting evil dragons and is sworn to devote his life to their destruction. I have warned him that there are not a lot of dragon fights in this campaign (unless the party decides to go hunting them), and that many of his special abilities will be useless. Not only that, but if he isn't hunting dragons then his god will get p**sed at him and start withholding its favour from him. I have messaged him to warn about this but he is happy enough to take the character anyway. He uses a bastard sword in each hand and has built his character around this, trying once again to take someone overpowered. I wonder if it will work out any better for him than Mary did?

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #331 on: April 21, 2020, 04:13:49 PM »

The Ballad of the Band of the Icky Hand. Part 57.

Unable to find an alternative, the party decided to bury their fallen comrades. Colesta used one of her spells to create a couple of headstones to commemorate their lost companions and then with heavy hearts they continued on their route north. Zolis sent Black Adam flying around to see if he could spot any settlements nearby, but the bird could see no signs of life.

The scenery was as desolate as their hearts.

A camp was set up for the night and Colesta dreamed deeply. She saw the realm of her goddess, Mystra. As befits the patron of magic, it was a vast library. Her goddess spoke to her and told her that this mission had an importance far beyond that which they knew. She would send companions to replace those they had lost for it was of vital import that they succeed.

The next day she told the others of her visitation and that they would receive divine assistance and would meet companions on the road who could assist them. The others did not comment on wither or not they found this reassuring.

As they continued their journey northwards, Kano and Colesta riding while Zolis walked, Kano suddenly motioned them to stop. In a harsh voice he commanded them to take cover. No sooner had they sought the sparse cover of some nearby trees than something flew low and fast overhead. They had a quick glimpse of a massive, long body. Serpentine, scaly and with leathery wings.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #332 on: April 22, 2020, 04:27:09 PM »

A wave of fear washed over the small group as the beast flew overhead, but it passed quickly. After a couple of minutes, Kano said it was safe to continue. When he was asked about how he knew the creature was coming he simply shrugged his shoulders and told them "Been expecting it. We are heading to its lair. That's where the Masks are."

Some comments were then made about not being warned that they would be facing a dragon (although in truth the party is actually facing a danger much closer to home that is far more deadly than the dragon).( They wanted to know if he knew of any weaknesses the creature had. Again he shrugged and shoulders and replied "It likes the cold. White dragons nest in the mountains and where it snows."

Colesta looked at Zolis and said: "Fireballs."

As they headed on through the day, always upwards the light began to fail. Up ahead though they could see a fire. It would take them perhaps another hour to reach it, but it was decided to push on and investigate. Getting closer they discovered two travellers. One was a well-built male, clad in an unusual red mail armour. He had two large swords strapped across his back. He was bald and seemed to be somewhere in his mid 30's. He was obviously an experienced fighting man, but somehow when they laid eyes on him, they immediately found him somehow dislikable. His companion was a female Elf. She had an intricately carved bow nearby and a large wolf lay across her lap while a hawk perched on her shoulder. She welcomed the travellers and offered to share their campfire. The man merely stared at the newcomers. They introduced themselves, the Elf was called Allania (Tina), while the man was Lionel (Ross). They got down to chatting about why they were in the area. Allania told them she'd been hired by some wannabe dragon hunter, while Lionel unhappily introduced himself as a Dragon Hunter (When I gave Tina her intro I had explained to her that she'd been hired by a wannabe dragon hunter. I did not mention that this was Ross's character and she didn't figure this out by herself. This caused much mirth within the group). Since both groups were hunting the same quarry although, for different reasons, it was decided to join forces. Kano made it quite clear that this did not affect his share of the treasure. He was still going to take 3 Masks, and the others could split any other treasure in whatever fashion they so cared.

During the conversation, Lionel revealed his armour was crafted from the hide of a juvenile red dragon he had personally slain. Colesta immediately took him to task for the slaying of what was effectively a child.

They settled down for the night and in the morning continued ever onwards. Just around midday, they could see a squat, ugly building on the horizon. It stood out as a dull grey building compared to the dull brown rock around it. Kano pointed with one hand. "That's our destination."

It took over an hour to reach the building with Zolis walking along. He cursed never having learned any spell that would have allowed him to fly.

As they reached the building, they could see a pair of wooden double doors and a large brass gong hanging beside it. I had worked out a whole timetable that would decide where the inhabitants of the temple were and what they were doing. It was quite intricate really, but it was all rendered moot when... Kano was about to suggest sneaking in when Lionel rode up to the gong and rang it quite loudly causing the inhabitants to drop what they were doing and prepare an ambush. They opened the doors, revealing a long corridor with a long dried up reflecting pool along the centre. Heading up the passageway, they found themselves setting off a bunch of pressure pads causing darts to come flying out of the walls at them. Some minor injuries were sustained, but no one was seriously wounded. The darts were however loaded with a slow-acting poison that left Allania gradually feeling weaker. The corridor led on until they reached an intricately carven door. It had a confusing mass of whorls and lines that made no sense to anyone looking at them. Looking at them, however, set off a magical trap that would allow one of the wizards who was even now preparing a trap on the other side of the door to see through Colesta's eyes (unknown to the cleric).

With weapons drawn, they opened the door.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2020, 02:18:23 PM by Alex » Logged

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #333 on: April 24, 2020, 06:21:30 AM »

And thanks to Lionel's gong ringing skills, they opened the door onto an ambush. First off, a man in purple robes (who shall be referred to as The Wearer of Purple, for this is his title), cast a spell that caused oily, black tentacles to rise up from the floor grasping the party in their magical pseudopods. Next, a second wizard (who was not wearing purple), cast a spell to buff up the small horde of minions that we set up in ambush. Finally, the small horde themselves loosed a hail of darts from the hand crossbows they held. Lionel fittingly enough was trapped in the doorway and at least provided cover for the rest of the party. Only a few of the bolts were finding kinks in his armour, but eventually, they would wear him down and kill him.

The entire group was caught by the malevolent tentacles. They struggled against their slippery, but powerful grip. Allania sent her hawk flying through the door to attack some of the crossbowmen and was able to concentrate long enough to cast a spell and call on a second bird of prey to join it. Both birds were a minor nuisance to the cultists but were at least enough to stop a few of them from shooting at the group. Colesta meanwhile (and I may have said something to her here), reached over and closed the damn door, thus preventing the cultists from shooting them anymore. Allania managed to break free from the tentacles though and opened the door again right after *shrugs*.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #334 on: April 25, 2020, 07:51:39 AM »

Had some bad news from Tina while I was writing up the previous entry. Her mother who had been diagnosed with cancer a few days previously died. When future games take place will be entirely dependent on when she feels like playing again. She might not be up to it, or she might want a distraction.


Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #335 on: April 26, 2020, 02:07:00 PM »

One by one the group managed to break free of the tentacles, all except Kano and poor Zolis who found himself transformed into a frog by one of the opposing magic users. No one noticed that during the time the door was closed both the opposing magic users had disappeared. Lionel got into the room with the remaining cultists and his swords unleashed a bloody dance of revenge. In moments it was all over and the only things left breathing in the room were the party. Lionel was quick to criticise Kano for being stuck the entire fight, while Kano and the others pointed out that ringing the bell was not the most sensible thing to do.

And with that, the session ended for the night.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #336 on: May 08, 2020, 02:20:56 PM »

The Ballad of the Band of the Icky Hand. Part 58.

The group decided to go through the western door first. It had been left open by the wizard who had retreated back down that route. The first room had some arcane marks (an ancient relic from the buildings original purpose), carved into the floor and found a wand, although they didn't have the spells available at the moment to identify what spell the item could cast. The next room was similarly unoccupied, containing books, a table large enough for a dozen men to sit around and a desk. The next room was set up as a bedroom cum torture chamber, with a rack, iron maiden and several other implements of pain. The party could see no one else in the room, but as Zolis entered last, a wizard who had cast invisibility on himself ambushed them. He first attempted to cast a spell that would have robbed Zolis of his wits (no change there then), but he missed and his attack caused his invisibility to fade away.

The party then made short work of the lone spell caster, cutting him down in short order.

The room was looted, and who would get the book of spells became a slight bone of contention between Colesta and Zolis. Then it was back to the main hall and the other door. Firstly they found another empty room. Stone benched lined one wall, and above them, wooden pegs protruded from the wall, some of which had purple robes hanging from them. Another door led southwards and the group wasted no time in heading through it. The next room seemed to be a dormitory. Crude wooden pallets lay around and a wooden staircase led upwards. They noticed something odd at the back of the stairs. It turned out there was an illusion hiding more stairs leading down. Kano impatiently said that the dragon was unlikely to be downstairs, as it was too damn big to get down there. They could explore it later if they wished, but they had a job in hand to complete first. The group went upstairs and found themselves in another bedroom. The second wizard was in here and launched a barrage of spells at the party. One of them sent phantoms of the mind twisting around Lionel. He struggled against them, but they overwhelmed his senses and he collapsed to the floor.

And with that we had to end the session early for the night.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #337 on: May 10, 2020, 04:58:25 PM »

The Ballad of the Band of the Icky Hand. Part 59.

With Lionel lying down on the ground, Allania put a couple of arrows in the wizard, one of which sunk into his throat. He joined Lionel on the floor, his life blood spilling out into a pool beneath him. Colesta used her staff, aware that the precious life giving energy that it contained was running dangerously low and brought Lionel back. He awoke though to find Colesta's dagger pressed against the underside of his chin. He had to promise not to kill any more baby dragons. Or indeed other dragons unless they were attacked first.

Not everyone gets a chance to hit back if a hostile dragon attacks first.

The room and body were searched revealing another spell book and a few more items, including a set of iron keys which Kano immediatel claimed and took to unlock a small chest beside the bed. It contained the 5 Masks he had came here to retrieve, but he wanted to leave them locked in the box until after they had dealt with the creature in the next room. If they failed, he did not want the monster getting its claws on the items. The group at this point decided to conjure their extra dimension space and rest up for a few hours.

I honestly considered having the creature in the next room fly away with its treasure horde since the party had decided to rest midway through raiding the building, but I wanted something else to happen more... Additionally, no one picked on on Kano knowing what the keys were for, or that the dragon was in the next room.

Colesta studied the 2nd spellbook during their rest. Most of what it contained she already knew, but there was one spell she was unfamiliar with. She could tell that it would cause ice to spread around her, but she didn't have enough time to carry out an indepth study of its mechanics and figure out its exact effects. After they had rested up, it was time to venture into the next room through the double doors in the north. Lionel cautiously opened the door and crept through followed by Allania, Zolis, Colesta and Kano brought up the rear. As soon as the others were in the room though they heard a high-pitched voice speaking from behind them: “Well my friends, I am afraid it is now my time to leave. You survived my attempts to poison you in the city. Let’s see how you do against a more worthy foe.”

You turn around to see Kano has vanished. In his place stands a grey skinned creature. It has no mouth that you can see, and its eyes are those of an octopus. The body is thin, gangly and hairless with long arms that hang down as far as its knees. With a chuckle, it slams the double doors shut and you hear a lock being turned.

Whatever was in this room, they were trapped with it!

It was icily cold in the large L shaped room. Right in front of them was a large pile of treasure, gold, jewels, artifacts and artwork. Zolis especially was taken by the horde. Then from around the corner of the L, something from a nightmare loomed out of the darkness. Its eyes are two burning pits of an icy blue flame. Scraps of rotting flesh cling to the skull in a few places, but mostly you can see bare bone. The head is a long and elongated nightmare, with long and jagged teeth visible all along the crocodile-like jaws. It rears backwards, its body rising up until it towers above you. Where once scaly flesh covered muscles and organs there is just bone, which glistens wetly where the flesh has been freshly ripped from its body. As you watch it tears another chunk of bloody raw meat from itself which falls to the ground with a gristly plop. A wave of fear rushes through you and from its unholy mouth, a torrent of freezing cold air spews forth. An inordinate amount of torn off flesh and organs litter the floor, where they steam in the freezing air.

It opened its attack with a blast of freezing air that washed over Lionel, Allania and her pets. Then, since he was the closest its teeth and claws tore open the would be dragon hunter. A deathly chill spread through his bones from its dark energies and he found himself unable to move. Allania cast a spell to make her wolf more powerful in combat, but doing so exposed her to an attack from the undead dragon and she too failed to resist its life draining power (Lionel would be frozen for 3 rounds. Allania however was somewhat unluckier and would be stuck for 9). Zolis summoned a globe of acid and made it rain down on the unnatural thing they faced, while Colesta called down a pillar f holy fire that almost blinded everyone in the room. The creature moved so it could catch everyone in a second icy blast. Not to be outdone, Zolis sent streaks of fire from his outstretched fingers that incinerated the bones and destroyed the hold that necromatic magic had on the corpse, causing it to collapse.

Once the paralysis had worn off quite a while was spent discussing the practicalities of taking the dragons skull back as a trophy (and I had to work out how heavy the skull of a dragon that size would be) versus the danger that the thing might come back to unlife. Eventually it was decided to destroy the skeleton before they left. A couple of hours was then spent counting out the loot, which consisted of several thousand gold and platinum pieces, various minor magic items (including a rub carved into the shape of the god of good dragons (Dragons come in two main types in D&D. Metallic dragons have scales the colours of metals and are generally good creatures, or at least not evil, while Chromatic dragons are evil ones. Before it had became a Dracolich, this had been a white dragon, who follow Tiamat the evil dragon god rather than Bahamut the good dragon god, so this was a rather unusual item to find in the creatures lair. Lionel is a follower of Bahamut and seeks out Chromatic dragons to kill them).

The group packed some of the treasure into a bag of holding, while Allania went down stairs to explore the basement they had ignored earlier. She found a couple of empty rooms, one that contained pit cells full of skeletons. She didn't make the connection, but these were the remains of the people taken from the nearby villages. A loud clacking noise sounded regularly from an iron wrought gate and she sent her wolf to investigate. It whined and didn't want to go near the door, but she insisted. As it approached a massive stinger crashed into the gate, knocking it off its hinges and plunging deep into her pet. With him badly wounded and filled with poison, she decided not to investigate what was on the other side of the gate. What ever it was, was too large to get out the room and she was happy to leave it there, deciding instead that discretion was the better part of valour and she would return secure in the knowledge whatever monster lay in the next room could not follow her. At least not via this doorway.

Zolis sent Black Adam outside to see if he could find a wagon or something they could haul the treasure out on. He reported that there was a stable to the rear of the temple filled with horses, but not a single wagon. If only they'd kept the one Bran stole for them. He had also spotted a single figure riding casually southward. By this point 'Kano' had a couple of hours head start and the party decided to pursue him first. As they left, Zolis blasted the bones of the dragon with a fireball, not destroying the bones but atleast shattering man and sending them flying all over the room.

And with that the session ended for the night.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #338 on: May 13, 2020, 02:12:35 PM »

So now all I have to do is wait and see if the party chases after Kano (or more accurately, the creature that was impersonating Kano). If they do things right then they will catch him out in the open and have more or less a straight fight. If they mess up, then they'll end up pursuing him into somewhere where he (or rather it, these things don't have sexes as far as I know), can prepare a battleground and fight it out with them.

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #339 on: June 01, 2020, 05:56:26 AM »

The Ballad of the Band of the Icky Hand. Part 60.

Outside the temple, at the rear, the group took enough horses for them all to 'liberate' a mount each.

Shame all the other horses were just left to starve.

The group quickly decided they were going to pursue 'Kano', but the details took a bit of time to work out. An attempt to send both Black Adam and Allania's hawk (Sanu) out to confirm the fleeing thieves location at the same time met with the slight problem that the hawk is a bird of prey and was feeling hungry. Black Adam returned quickly, complaining that Sanu was looking at him the same way he looked at eyeballs. The birds had however spotted a lone rider heading southwards at an easy pace. If they set off immediately they could catch him before morning.

« Last Edit: June 01, 2020, 12:57:44 PM by Alex » Logged

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
B-Movie Kraken

Karma: 1568
Posts: 12838

« Reply #340 on: August 18, 2020, 01:16:01 PM »

I guess I should get this one updated and finished off.

The group set off immediately in hot pursuit. In the distance, they did sight a campfire not too far off. Believing that 'Kano' would assume the dragon had killed them they figured he would be in no hurry and taking no particular care to hide his trail. A few hours ride in the darkness brought them to a mile or so away from the fire. It was decided to dismount, spread out and surround the traitor.

Unfortunately, no plan survives contact with the enemy.

Some clumsy missile weapons alerted their target and he ran from the fireside where he had been gutting a dear. The party tried to find him in the darkness, but 'Kano' circled around behind them and (spoiler alert), changed his physical form so he now looked like Lionel. He walked up behind Zolis with a smile on his face and when the mages back was turned, plunged his dagger into his back several times. 'Kano' was in truth a Doppelganger working for The Dark Reflection. The assassins had now killed the last of those they had been commissioned to slay. It would doubtless have been some cold comfort to Zolis had he known that his companions surrounded his killer and hacked him down, but alas his soul had been sucked into the weapon that had slain him. Like poor Val and Mary there could be no coming back from this death.


Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.
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