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WTF??? where is the movie forum?

Started by 316zombie, November 23, 2017, 02:23:40 AM

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that whole subforum has disappeared , is it just me????

Rev. Powell

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


wow, this is so weird... i can see bad movies and good movies when i click on your link, but they don't show when i am on HOME ? the other 2 are still there.

Rev. Powell

Quote from: 316zombie on November 26, 2017, 02:56:01 PM
wow, this is so weird... i can see bad movies and good movies when i click on your link, but they don't show when i am on HOME ? the other 2 are still there.

Maybe it's this. When I visit;c=1;sa=collapse;sesc=6a21e7bf062ff419336a1403318145df#1

The "movies" subsection is collapsed. If you click on the "movies" link it expands. Maybe that's it? You accidentally bookmarked it when it was collapsed? Other than that I don't know.

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Are you lost or just blind? The movies have certain categories, which is more organize than creating a single page.
A web developer at PetStreetMall, a place to find quality and affordable pet supplies.


greta, i don't know who you are speaking to, but i strongly suggest you try a little respect. the rev and i have been here for at least a decade, YOU haven't.
   thanks rev, i'll check that, this is a new laptop so that could be the problem.
