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Dark Alex's Really Long Post Thread.

Started by Alex, January 24, 2018, 01:41:12 PM

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So yesterday at work Kev was stopped by a chief called Al who then spent the next half hour trying to persuade Kev to leave his current post and go work for Al instead. Kev has no interest in doing this, but to get away from the guy said he'd think about it, talk it over with his wife and get back to him.

This morning Kev finds he has an email from Al saying he'd spoken to his boss and he was quite happy to have Kev over. Kev seeing this tries immediately to phone Al and tell him no no no no no, I don't want the post, but Al doesn't answer his phone. Well aware that Al is the kind of guy just to go ahead and arrange everything Kev thinks "Oh crap, if he tells my bosses that I am trying to sort out a move 1) I'll be in the s**t with them and 2) I will get a posting I really do not want", so he goes off to speak to our Flight Sergeant and Warrant Officer to let them know that if they hear anything about this, that it did not come from him.

Our bosses are in turn rather p**sed off with Al for trying to poach their manpower and he gets a very (very) strongly worded email about trying to recruit personal without going through the proper channels.

At this point, I sidled over to Bally, and whispered: "Go speak to 'Chell in manning and get her to pretend that an assignment order for Kev has came through and he has been posted."

Bally is not hard to convince to go along with this kind of scheme and duly pops over the corridor.

Next, Dinky walks in to see how we are doing. He is still fuming over Al's actions when 'Chell walks in and asks Kev is he is willing to waive his right to 90 days notice to move for his new posting.

Well at that point Dinky hit the roof. Kev goes off to speak with 'Chell and while they are speaking we informed the Flight that this part was all a big wind up and he decides to join in.

So Kev walks back in the office and Dinky immediately accuses him of trying to sort out a move behind his back and blame the whole thing on Al. Kev's face is going bright scarlet and he is swearing that he is going to
Quote"Beat Al's head in with a shovel and then bury him."
Quote"Going to go round his house and f**k him up so badly."
. Kev is getting told he has made the Warrant look really bad and that he'll be up in front of our highest up boss explaining his actions.

Bear in mind during all of this Kev is on medication for a high blood pressure and looks ready to explode. I did consider that perhaps we were pushing Kev too far, but what the hell.

Dinky storms out of our office, as far as Kev knows to go back to his own office and start shouting more at Al. Bally starts telling Kev about how if both heads of department have agreed to move him, then it is all a done deal and he will be working for Al. Kev is constantly muttering about all the things he is going to do to Al when he gets ahold of him. He starts trying to phone Al but keeps getting an engaged tone (which coincidently fits in nicely with Kev thinking that the Flight went off to phone him).

Anyway, Bally was going to wait until Kev got in touch with Al and then send a message to Al letting him know it was all a wind up while the pair were arguing, but Dinky phoned up and told Bally that he was to let Kev know it was all a joke.

Even after he was told, Kev still wanted to kill Al.

Anyway, it made the afternoon a whole lot more interesting and helped it past more quickly.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


*sigh* Mumps and measles are on the rise in England. I have generally been against mandating medical treatment, but I am seriously considering changing my opinion there. People are making decisions that have a big effect on other people that impacts on the rest of the population. For various reasons, some people cannot be given vaccinations and rely on herd immunity to protect them.

Friday has rolled around once again. After some family drama last night I am hoping we can have a good weekend, although I am expecting to be dealing with more when I get home. Nothing between me and Kristi, but it is something we have been asked to get involved with from outside and we agree that we need to step in.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Quote from: Dark Alex on May 24, 2019, 01:20:12 AM
Friday has rolled around once again. After some family drama last night I am hoping we can have a good weekend, although I am expecting to be dealing with more when I get home. Nothing between me and Kristi, but it is something we have been asked to get involved with from outside and we agree that we need to step in.

Uhm it didn't go well and we may be running away from my family this weekend, my mother in particular


On a completely different note. WTF???

Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Got around to posting up some pictures and jokes I've been meaning to stick up for a while now.

That might be as productive as I get today.

I am working m way through a mountain of laundry since I didn't get it done last weekend (my back was killing me), but on the other hand it is a holiday weekend and I have a bit more time to work through that. Kristi is prepping her D&D game for tomorrow night. Took a walk around the town today with Kristi and Ash. Was nice to get out with them and just wander.

The rest of the day, we've been watching Star Trek: TNG. Guess I am in the mood for some lighter sci fi than my usual want.

Having some internal debating over two things for my RPG group. For the game I am currently writing, I am considering having the Duregar take over the castle while the party is deep in the Underdark. They'd return to the cliff, only to find they have a 600 foot climb up a cliff face and no help from above. This would mean a major rewrite of the stuff I have done so far. Secondly, I am wondering about our next campaign. Considering a sci fi one where the players are emerging from a bunker after decades underground and go exploring to see how the world now stands. My initial thought is it is all set after a massive meteor strike on the earth. Considering which set of rules to use. Sci fi wise I have 2300AD (my favoured system to run it under, but not 100% decided yet), various 40K books (my least favoured option), Shadowrun, Firefly and oh yeah Paranoia.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Had a dream last night that I found Armageddon for sale on eBay last night for £1.99 with a minute left before the auction expired and no bidders.

You better believe I bought that. Hmm, what would you do if you found you owned the end of the world? Keep it locked up in the safest and most secure place you can find, let the world end in fire and brimstone, or just leave it lying on public transport to see what whoever found it did with it?

Dealing with one of the random flotsam and jetsam type broken people that seem to orbit around me. As per usual this one has a whole history of how badly life has treated him and why he hates the world so much. Trouble is, I knew this guy long before the bad stuff and he was a dick back then too. All the crap since then is just a sort of after the fact excuse. More often than not, if I look into the history of these people that is how it turns out. I figure they get trapped in a vicious circle, giving out hate and getting more back in return until they are drowning in their own personal pool of self induced bile and they can't see that the only think keeping them there are themselves. You can spend all your time trying to help them out, but eventually you find this person isn't grasping your hand for you to help them climb out. They are trying to drag you back in with them. Still, for the very few you can help out it is a great thing to see someone get in a healthy relationship and actually make a decent life for themselves. Wanting to watch the world burn is just the easy way out.

Not sure I have the patience to help another one though.

Oh well, we all got problems. Most folks learn to deal with them and I guess if nothing else, the ones who can't can always be a cautionary tale for the rest.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Rough day with Ash today. I don't think I have ever heard him cry as much before as he did today. Just changing his nappy took both of us, one holding him still while the other changed him. Was generally ok if he was being held but anything else was subject to him bursting into random tears. I am hoping it is just teething. He's been constipated too which means we have that clearing to look forward too.  :lookingup:

Most of the gamers were sick tonight so didn't get to play Kristi's D&D after all, but we are rescheduling for next week. Spending the night watching bad movies instead. Someone local is looking to start up a 5th ed campaign. I'd like to join in, but it is on a Sunday. Anyway, I've said that if he changes nights I'll be interested.

Ever wondered why after the Axis powers were defeated there were no insurgency forces?

Looking for something to watch now the TV shows I'm interested in have finished. Still feel no desire to check out either Breaking Bad or Sons of Anarchy. Watching Doom Patrol just now, but with just one season that won't keep me occupied for long.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Ever have a director whose work you like, but his films always have one flaw that spoils them for you? Always felt that way about Wes Craven myself. For me, the man did not know how to do a decent ending for a film. He'd do a perfectly good shlock film I'd enjoy and then spoil it by not knowing how to end the film. Deadly Friend and A Nightmare on Elm Street stand out for me here, but there were others. The 'shock' endings can be seen coming a mile off.

I wonder what the next leader of the Tories will do? He or she is going to be a prisoner of these results and isn't necessarily going to be able to forge their own path any more than May was. Trouble is they've pushed for something they don't really want for a chance at power, but now they are stuck on this path and no side can form a majority to get what they really want.

Going to stick the news off and watch some old horror movies. Let's see what we have available with Peter Cushing in it for starters.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Old castles sure do burn quickly in movies. Knock over one candlestick and within a minute flames are billowing out from every window.

Managed to get the mountain of laundry cleared. Between hurting my back and then being off on a four-day road trip I've not managed to get my usual housework type stuff done. Ash was much happier today, although he did have a couple of hours of crying. From the redness of his cheeks, I am still sure it is teething. He woke up about nine last night and I sat up with him until half eleven or so and then put him to bed. He didn't go to sleep then but did at least quietly play in his cot. Pretty sure he was still awake when I dropped off. Didn't mean that he slept in any later this morning though as we got out 5 am alarm call. Kristi got up with him since I'd let her get some sleep.

Back to work tomorrow. Can't remember how long it has been since I last had to do a full 5 day week in the office with one thing and another.

I hear someone threw a beer at trump. He is fine though, it was a draft and he managed to dodge it quite easily.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


So ten candidates (so far) are going to fight it out over the tory party leadership and by extension become prime minister. Last time it got down to two candidates before one of them gave a bad interview and had to drop out over something she'd said. I wonder

Some nutjob in Japan has attacked a bunch of kids with knives, killing one child and an adult. Japan normally has a very safe society, but recently these kinds of attacks have been on the rise. In the Judge Dredd comic there is a mental condition called 'Future Shock' when people just snap under the pressures of society constantly changing and go on a rampage. Wondering if there isn't something to that.

Ash is still sleeping which makes a nice change in the morning. Gives me time to shave and get dressed without trying to stop a toddler demolishing the place around me. He seems to be growing daily. Kristi sat him in her computer chair to put shoes on him and he was almost big enough to sit on it properly. I remember when he could lie down on something that size and go for a sleep.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


1497 days left to go.

In 1497 The bonfire of the vanities occurs in which supporters of Girolamo Savonarola burn thousands of objects like cosmetics, art, and books in Florence, Italy. Amerigo Vespucci (explorer) called Amerigo Vespucci allegedly leaves Cádiz for his first voyage to the New World. John Cabot sets sail from Bristol, England, on his ship Ship Matthew ship 6 looking for a route to the west (other documents give a May 2 date). Cornish Rebellion of 1497 Battle of Deptford Bridge e.g Battle of Deptford Bridge forces under King Henry VII of England known as Henry VII defeat troops led by Michael An Gof. Things did not get better for them as it was reported thatCornish rebels Michael An Gof and Thomas Flamank are executed at Tyburn later the same year. John Cabot lands in North America at Newfoundland (island) named Newfoundland leading the first European exploration of the region since the Vikings.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Decided today that I am going to sell off a load of my old Warhammer 40,000 stuff. Possibly all of it. From first until fourth edition I must have spent thousands, if not tens of thousands on that stuff, but it has all sat in boxes for the past ten years unopened and unplayed with. Original Land Raiders, Rhinos, beaky Space Marines (from the old RTB01 sets). The only stuff I might keep is my Praetorian Guard along with their vehicles and my first edition books. Spoke to one of the guys at work and he is willing to buy everything I want rid of. Just need to see if we can reach an agreeable price. I could get more money for it by sticking it up for auction somewhere, but that feels like too much of a pain and besides I'll be happy knowing it is going to someone who will use the stuff and not just repaint it and sell it on.

Anyway, I'll go rooting through the garage this weekend, see how many of the old books I can find and how much stuff I can clear out. Most of the Fantasy Battle (fourth through to sixth edition) books will be going too, although I'll be keeping the 3rd ed stuff, especially the Realms of Chaos books.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Keep thinking today is either Thursday or Friday. This would be fine, but I then keep remembering that it isn't and therefore the weekend is that little bit further away.

Getting more of my novel written. Reordered the chapters as I thought they were too small, so I cut the five down into three. Making slow progress through the fourth chapter as the party travels from the small village to their first city, but getting there.

Looked out the first load of stuff to sell. My Guard tanks and some of my Space Marine vehicles. I am currently thinking that I will just get rid of all of it. Even my Praetorians with their ineffective las guns. Seriously, firing those things is like Toy Story when Buzz uses his blinky LED. I remember in first edition they used to wear armour that was negated by every weapon you would actually encounter in the game. A single virus grenade would decimate entire regiments (same with Orcs. Come to think of it, that happened in 2nd ed too. By 3rd edition all the mega death weapons had more or less disappeared from the game, which was I guess sort of a good thing and made games more balanced. They also seemed a bit less fun though. Oh for a Baal Pattern Predator in 2nd ed).

Swimboy has toothache, the new sarge is off at Kinloss and Bally has jumped onto nights for the rest of the week so the office is fairly quiet right now. Not going to complain about that.

1496 days left to go. Perhaps a bit premature to declare my time is getting short or complaining about being shot 2 days before retirement. In 1496 – Pietro Bembo's Petri Bembi de Aetna Angelum Chalabrilem liber is published in Venice by Aldus Manutius (the first book printed in the Old Style serif or Humanist typeface, cut by Francesco Griffo, and known from the 20th century as Bembo). King Henry VII of England signs the commercial treaty Intercursus Magnus with Venice, Florence, and the cities of the Hanseatic League and the Netherlands. Henry VII of England issues letters patent to Italian-born adventurer John Cabot and his sons, authorizing them to discover unknown lands. Christopher Columbus leaves Hispaniola for Spain, ending his second visit to the Western Hemisphere. During his time here he has forcibly subjugated the island, enslaved the Taíno, and laid the basis for a system of land grants tied to the Taíno's enslavement. Jesus College, Cambridge, is founded. Spanish forces under Gonzalo Fernández de Córdoba capture Atella after a siege. Among the prisoners is the French viceroy of Naples, the Comte de Montpensier. Ferdinand II of Naples is restored to his throne. Bartholomew Columbus, brother of Christopher Columbus, formally founds the city of Santo Domingo (first settled in March) on Hispaniola (in the modern-day Dominican Republic), making it the oldest permanent European settlement in the New World. James IV of Scotland invades Northumberland, in support of the pretender to the English throne, Perkin Warbeck. Joanna of Castile, second daughter of Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile, heiress to Castile, marries the archduke Philip, heir through his mother to the Burgundian Netherlands, and through his father to the Holy Roman Empire. King Manuel I of Portugal issues a decree ordering the expulsion of "heretics" from the country. Jan de Groote, a Dutchman, obtains a grant for the north ferry from the mainland of Scotland to Orkney, from King James IV of Scotland.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Watching a show from 2011 where a Scottish comedian (Billy Connolly) is doing a tour of Route 66. He starts in Chicago and is talking about some building trump built. His description of trump? Well, watch and listen.

Error 404 (Not Found)!!1

Remember, Scotland hated him first lol.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.


Well the entire house is awake this morning. Also looks rather moist outside. At a guess I am going to say this isn't going to be one of my favourite days then. Think I going to need a bad movie weekend as soon as I finish work tomorrow.

Ordered a boxed set for the 8th army (Desert Rats). None of the different heads on the sprues are Scottish though which they were supposed to have available. So I have a choice between making generally British, Australian, New Zealand, India, Canada, South African or LRDG/SAS. Ordering some new paints for them and going to finish off my core troops for my British and Japanese armies.

And I'll have to leave it there as needs must and I have to venture out to work.
Your kisses turn princes into frogs and passion plays into monologues.