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April Fool's Day Joke

Started by ER, February 26, 2018, 10:29:10 AM

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For April Fool's I was TRYING to get my mother to tell my dad she found out she's his long lost sister, but she told me that idea is "gross" and wouldn't do it.

I said, "It's just pretend for a day, Mom."

She shut her eyes and quietly said, "Just stop." THEN she went, "Child, I do worry about you."

I asked what was so bad about it, if they honestly didn't know they were siblings when they met and got married. Her face looked like she'd drank a rotten egg and she reminded me the joke in that case would be on me since that'd mean I had the DNA of someone from a Saturday evening horror movie.

Oh, yeah....

Clearly she's of no help.

Now I'm leaning toward something haz-mat related. Condemning his house? Yellow tape? Guys in white protective suits? Talk of isolation? The need to shave his head? Perhaps?

But fake vomit from Spencer's would be a lot cheaper.

Anyway, I'm still stumped, so back to the drawing board.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: ER on February 27, 2018, 09:43:15 AM
And, Trevor, the idea is to confuse my dad, not put him in a odor-induced coma, though if I get tax-audited again this year, I may take you up on the offer as a special gift to my caseworker. :bouncegiggle:

Just let me know well in advance: I will leave my undies unwashed outside in the sun for about two weeks - or for as long as the neighbours can stand it - and then seal them up. Then I will post them.  :wink:
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


I saw a video today where someone bought a load of plastic ducks wholesale from China and then recreated the Nuremberg Rally in his flatmates bathroom with them.
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


QuoteNow I'm leaning toward something haz-mat related. Condemning his house? Yellow tape? Guys in white protective suits? Talk of isolation? The need to shave his head? Perhaps?
An official looking noticed placed on his door stating that bio-hazard levels are within exceptable range and chance of permanent damages to health should be negligible. 


How about sending him a very official looking letter from Netflix stating that he must return the Frankenhooker DVD he has had rented out for the past 3 years or pay a fine of $1,500?

I actually have had a Frankenhooker DVD from Netflix rented out for probably over 3 years now. Still no letter. 

I'm still thinking prank by mail is your best bet.


Run this by y'all... Reverse psychology. No stunt whatsoever, so he's left anticipating it and the tension grows? Could work, no?
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Paper his house in pictures of Dick Van Dyke and then phone him and tell him he's been sent a load of "Dick pics".
Hail to thyself
For I am my own master
I am my own god
I require no shepherd
For I am no sheep.


That'd work!

I had an idea hit me that made me laugh uncontrollably and then feel deeply ashamed at my mind for thinking such a thing, 'cause it's way, way, way, way, way, way too dark. Trust me, I'd be shunned here, there, and everywhere for life.

So, the quest continues but...yeah, still thinking about some suggestions here.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: ER on March 02, 2018, 10:08:27 AM
Run this by y'all... Reverse psychology. No stunt whatsoever, so he's left anticipating it and the tension grows? Could work, no?
excellent.and snicker smirk more and more often the closer it gets to the 1st.


Look at him suspiciously and ask strange leading questions every once in a while as well.  Keep him suspecting something
