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The Entire forum died for 48 hours+ (Not sure if worldwide or just in the UK)

Started by TYTD Reviews, March 25, 2018, 05:17:00 PM

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Rev. Powell

I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


It was down for me as well but is back now. 

The Florida got in to the computer system where the forum lives, it seems.
God of making the characteristic which becomes dirty sends the hurricane.


(*whew*) Glad that's over. Good to see the forum up and running again!
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


Quote from: Andrew on March 28, 2018, 08:12:38 PM
Had a few problems lately, and I thought I'd sorted them out but then the main database table that stores the messages had a problem that caused the forum but not site outage.  It should be good now, I'm assuming the first issue contributed to this.  I will keep a closer eye on it for a bit. 
Still the man. 
If you want to view paradise . . . simply look around and view it!

Gabriel Knight

Posts in 2015, then in 2018, it's something like a forum eclipse.
Does this means NEW REVIEWS??????  :buggedout:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings: