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Unsecure connection

Started by Ted C, January 08, 2019, 08:56:54 AM

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Ted C

I'm getting a "Not secure" warning when connecting to the forum. Anyone know why?
"Slugs?  He created slugs? I would have started with lasers, six o'clock, day one!" -- Evil, Time Bandits

Rev. Powell

The forum is not secure (i.e. it's still delivered via http rather than encrypted https). It doesn't seem likely that Andrew will change this. I don't think it's a problem; I don't use my credit card number here, or passwords other than the one used for this forum (which should not be the same as any password you use elsewhere).

The warning doesn't mean that the site is infected with viruses or anything, it just means what you type isn't automatically encrypted.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


There may come a time when browsers refuse to log onto this site, for your protection.

Had to switch to Chrome to log on; recently updated Firefox & it refused.  :bluesad:


Just putting standard carbs back on after FCRs and cant remember which is the fuel connection and which is the overflow / breather - Can anyone give me a quick steer
