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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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"Gremlins" (1984)
A small town's quiet Christmas Eve is rudely interrupted by a horde of mysterious creatures who start out cute n' fuzzy, but don't stay that way for long. The "Gremlin" puppets and effects in Joe Dante's classic slapstick horror comedy are still quite impressive even after all these years. Tons o' fun.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

KNIVES AND SKIN (2019): Jennifer Reeder's feature debut is a "Twin Peaks"-inspired study of a high school girl's disappearance, decorated with a capella versions of 80s pop hits and lots of soapy subplots. Better in its parts than in its whole--the slow, sad atmosphere is effective in small doses, but it could have used a bit more comic relief and changes of pace, and a bit less on-the-nose feminist commentary.  2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


SEA BEAST (2008)  A sleepy little fishing town is terrorized by venom-spitting, amphibious monsters who can turn themselves transparent at will and have an insatiable appetite for human flesh.  Relatively tame "creature feature" with a made-for-television vibe, but still has some decent acting and the creatures are cool-looking, if only the CGI was done better.  3/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


"The Car: Road To Revenge" (2019)
A bizarre pseudo-sequel to the 1977 cult hit, set in a cyberpunk near future. When a crusading D.A. is murdered by a gang of high-tech psychos, his consciousness takes over his luxury automobile, turning it into a murderous machine on a mission of vengeance.
Aside from re-using the killer-car plot, "Road to Revenge" doesn't seem to be have any connection to the '77 film aside from a brief cameo by Ronny Cox, who played a minor character in the original and plays a totally different minor character in this one.
Loaded with over the top action sequences, carnage and gore, this is certainly not a "good" movie by any means but it's enjoyably silly, ultra-violent junk.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Gabriel Knight

REPO MEN (2010)

Set in the near future when artificial organs can be bought on credit, it revolves around a man who struggles to make the payments on a heart he has purchased. He must therefore go on the run before said ticker is repossessed.

While the concept sounds rather generic, the setting and overall mood of the movie is very well done. At certain points, the city has this BLADE RUNNER kinda vibe, which is great. The parallels between the plot and pharmaceutics and banks aren't very sutil, but still allows for much analysis. Perhaps if they toned down the violence and gore it could've been a more cerebral movie, but the fun factor is certainly off the roof the way it is.

Jude Law is awesome as always, and you totally believe his change of mind. I don't particularly like Forest Withaker but he does a great job portraying this unstable and mindless drone of The Union. Alice Braga sucks, she's like the token latina chick that is just there so the main character can fall in love. In fact, this whole sudden relationship thing was a complete failure, not to mention the "sexual surgery" scene, which almost killed the movie for me of how ridiculous and bad it was. Luckily, the excellent ending salvaged the whole thing, otherwise I would've ended up really p**sed.

Tons of action and cool fighting scenes, a nice plot, great lead character, and a sweet ending made this a very fine watch! 8/10  :thumbup:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:


"Blazing Saddles" (1974)
Mel Brooks put a fork in the Western genre with his hilairous, jaw-droppingly tasteless send up of cowboy epics. Cleavon Little stars as the first black sheriff of the racist little town of Rock Ridge, who teams up with a has-been gunfighter (Gene Wilder) to fight off some land-grabbin' railroad barons. Every time I watch this, I always think how Mel would never be able to make this movie today, which somehow makes the whole thing even funnier.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


There was recently a rallying cry on Twitter saying to ban Blazing Saddles, after Gone with the Wind  :buggedout:
HBO has Gone with the Wind back in program, but it comes with a 4 1/2 minute disclaimer at the beginning.


Have these people actually watching that movie? Think its the ones complaining that need a warning sign.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Our House, friend Request - netflix instant horror stuff with decent atmosphere but highly unoriginal content. so derivative its hard to even assign a number.

Gabriel Knight

SLEUTH (2007)

On his sprawling country estate, an aging writer matches wits with the struggling actor who has stolen his wife's heart.

This movie felt like if I was deliberately scammed, at the end it was like some kind of s**tty play at your local theater. It started as an interesting, albeit strange, murder mystery, but then it quickly went downhill into some kind of weird homosexual... stuff. I honestly have no idea WTF I watched, it was awful. It is commendable that the entire movie is only carried by two great actors, but sadly they're wasted in two characters that never, not a single minute, behave like actual human beings.

I don't want to talk about this thing any longer. As the great reviewer Andrew said, "I cried for about an hour after watching this film, not proud about it either". 3/10  :thumbdown:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:


MAGIC (1978)   A very young Anthony Hopkins stars alongside Anne Margaret and Burgess Meredith in this psychological thriller about an unbalanced ventriloquist whose dummy tells him what to do one time too many.  Dated, yes, but still a lot of fun, and Hopkins is absolutely over the top as the ventriloquist Corky and his dummy, Fats.  Watching them descend into madness and murder is eerie after the rather comic beginning of this film, and Anne Margaret is at her most lovely.  4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: FatFreddysCat on June 25, 2020, 10:30:42 AM
"Blazing Saddles" (1974)
Mel Brooks put a fork in the Western genre with his hilairous, jaw-droppingly tasteless send up of cowboy epics. Cleavon Little stars as the first black sheriff of the racist little town of Rock Ridge, who teams up with a has-been gunfighter (Gene Wilder) to fight off some land-grabbin' railroad barons. Every time I watch this, I always think how Mel would never be able to make this movie today, which somehow makes the whole thing even funnier.

Richard Pryor was supposed to be the original black sheriff in the movie, hence all of the n****r jokes that were written by him for the part. But Pryor couldn't do the film because of prior commitments and so they went with the other guy who was actually the better actor between the two. Thankfully, they kept Richard Pryor's jokes in the script.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


"The Control Group" (2017)
Five annoying college students wake up trapped inside a creepy abandoned hospital, with no idea how they got there. As they search for a way to escape, they slowly realize they're part of a bizarre scientific experiment, and they also discover that the old building has some supernatural secrets of its own.
...this ultra-cheap horror/thriller had a promising premise, but it quickly fell apart thanks to a hopelessly muddled story, atrocious acting by everyone involved (even the usually-dependable Brad Dourif, who's playing yet another mad scientist type), and amateurish, laughable FX. 
In other words...AVOID.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!

Rev. Powell

THE AERIAL [LA ANTENA] (2007): Silent Argentinian experimental film about a city ruled by "Mr. TV" where only one woman ("the Voice") can speak. Extreme wackiness (rat Nazi chauffeurs, eyeless boys, constant tributes to classic b&w films) counters the heavy-handed symbolism effectively, making this a fun weird film, like a lighter-hearted expedition from Guy Maddin. Showed up on Netflix for some reason. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


"Get Thrashed" (2006)
Members of Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax, Exodus, Dark Angel, Overkill, and many more get nostalgic about the early days of the 80s thrash metal movement, with lots of vintage clips and photos. Longtime fans of the genre aren't likely to learn anything new but this doc is a nice trip down metal memory lane.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!