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Recent Viewings, Part 2

Started by Rev. Powell, February 15, 2020, 10:36:26 PM

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  This movie was not what I expected it to be at all - nor was it what the two sentence blurb on the DIRECTV info page made it out to be.  I expected a horror/suspense story about a medical examiner gone psycho, but instead what I got was a rather sweet story about a lonely man who works as a mortician in a horrifically blighted inner city neighborhood.  Without really meaning to, he gets caught up in the plight of a young boy whose mother has been murdered by a brutal local gangster, and in the process comes to terms with his own long-buried grief and isolation.  Really a very well done film! 4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


The Taking of Deborah Logan- This started out strong and relatively unique. How often is an elderly woman the star of any kind of movie, much less a straight horror one? A film crew is making a documentary about Alzheimers that turns into a movie about "lets get outta here!!!!!"

There are two kinds of horror movies: those made by a director that come from an idea like, say, The Shining and then there are movies made by people who see their job as making horror movies and to incorporate current styles in them. Art vs craft I guess. this is more the latter. The director previously made an Insidious sequel and it eventually settles into that sort of vibe. The physicality of the main character, her gaunt old woman ness, is what makes it stand out to the extent it does.

Also, the found footage aspect is really labored. In the beginning it says this movie was assembles from yadda yadda who assembled it? It doesn't make much sense. It should have just been a regular movie.

3/5 of course it sets itself up for a sequel at the end

Rev. Powell

GREATLAND (2020): Ulysses, a 15-year-old resident of the bizarrely egalitarian and despotically tolerant Greatland, escapes an arranged marriage to a birch tree and flees to Repentance Island, where he learns the truth about who is behind society's lies. Impressive trippy budget visuals---the entire country of Greatland looks like a day-glo black-light rave/non-binary pride parade on the set of "Pee Wee's Playhouse"---but under the glitz lies a plot that's almost completely incomprehensible, in service of a satire that lacks the smarts to really offend. An interesting mess that may give you a headache. Free on Amazon Prime. 2.5/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Gabriel Knight


An impromptu goodbye party for Professor John Oldman becomes a mysterious interrogation after the retiring scholar reveals to his colleagues he has a longer and stranger past than they can imagine.


This movie felt like a longer TWILIGHT ZONE episode, but unlike this amazing show, it lacked a proper and surprising finale. Instead, it abruptely ended and left me empty, instead of wanting to know more about the protagonist, or think about the ramifications of his condition.
The premise is simple. A young professor is retiring and his partners throw him a goodbye party, in which he decides, for no real reason, to reveal them a huge secret: he's 14.000 years old. At first it's really engaging, and like the characters, you want to keep up with John. But as soon I realized that this guy seems to be always in the exact moment of history, managing not only to meet famous figures but also becoming one himself, I stopped believing the whole ordeal, and therefore, giving a damn about it.
I mean, not only he had the most incredibly luck ever, surviving thousands of years without getting into a fatal accident, disaster, or war, but he also stood right alongside unique people from history, just because of it - and don't even make me go to the "twist". Suspension of disbelief can only be strechted so far.

The story reminded me a lot to K-PAX (a good one, but sadly a ripoff of an argentinian movie called HOMBRE MIRANDO AL SUDESTE), but unlike that one, you don't end wondering if the story is true or not. Here, you're 100% sure: the guy is, in fact, 14.000 years old, which personally I feld it was a dumb move. I think it would've been much better if we didn't knew for sure if he was telling the truth.

Still, it's a good movie. I liked the low budget feel, the grainy look, and the acting is pretty good, even when the characters are so cliched and ridiculous (what's up with the middle aged guy carrying a student in his motorcycle btw?). 7/10, check it out.  :thumbup:
Check my crappy and unpopular reviews and ratings:

Rev. Powell

BLACK BEAR (2020): Two stories involving a love triangle, set in the same remote cabin: which one (if either) is true? An experiment in narrative ambiguity that features a remarkable dramatic performance from Aubrey Plaza. Not for everyone, but it got to me. 4/5.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


Who Killed Captain Alex? (2010) - epic epic stuff. remember the Stolen bible trailer? Well that's like Avatar compared to this. A Ugandan commando unit works to take out a drug kingpin Tiger Mafia Richard, but he has a few tricks up his sleeve for sure. It's in their native language, but there are English subtitles and also something called a "Video Joker" which is a combination of MST3K style wiseacre remarks combined with a sort of cheerleader. He says stuff like "Uganda Ghetto Air Force" and "movie movie movie movie!!!!"

It's as good as it could possibly be, but of course the movie itself stinks. They've got a long way to go to even catch Nigeria, but there is some funny stuff and even some kung fu, which is also pretty funny.

4.25 / 5

I'm def on board for the next one Bad Black also on tubitv. Can someone get ahold of Andrew to check the veracity of the military tactics? I might add a .25 star if they're good



Micheal Gough runs some kind of lab that turns hippies into mindless robots.
Robin Askwith (who looks kinda like Brian Jones of the Stones) and a girl he met on a train get imprisoned by the mad doc and his motorcycle helmeted henchmen, but escape with the help of a dwarf. I'm not sure if this movie is supposed to be intentionally funny or not. Quite bloody at times, and some nice decaps!
Micheal Gough is great as always, but Robin Askwith really steals the show. He alternates between ham and cheese. But very likable and his  facial expressions are hilarious!
Goofy fun!
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!



Christmas Made to Order (2018)

A young lawyer too busy to notice enchanting details of christmas hires a young holiday decorator to decorate his home because his family is unexpectedly staying at his house for christmas. The dashing decorator gently opens the slightly ignorant lawyers eyes to the spirit of christmas while keeping his family busy with christmasy tasks and solving silly problems blown out of proportion with common sense advice.

Continuing our yearly tradition of watching corny christmas movies on Netflix, this Hallmark production was another easy target to make fun of. Some of the actors were borderline fugly, and the acting was bland, as in no one really stood out with bad acting though the funny came mostly from cliche characters spouting bland lines. Production values were surprisingly decent, the snow didn't look fake though they do go over the top with the decoratiions. We got confused with the time line as we had no clue when it was actually christmas in the movie, because it looked like they were celebrating christmas every day. Only in the end they say that the decorator has been hanging out at the lawyers house a whole two weeks before christmas. Yowza. Anyway, there's a lot of hot chocolate and cappuccino drinking in this one. There's an instrumental of Jingle Bells and carol singers dressed in old timey couture. They all go to the movie theater to watch a (fake) christmas movie ("this movie reminded me of christmas") and the lawyers niece displays her secret passion for singing by singing her heart out while christmas tree shopping. The decorator makes everyone decorate cookies, craft christmas stockings, visit a shelter for good deeds and stay at her aunts bed & breakfast lodge for an incredibly low key grand finale.

Fun / Cheese rating - 3/5


Spent Christmas Eve with 007.

"For Your Eyes Only" (1981)
James Bond is assigned to recover a missing piece of top-secret defense hardware. The mission takes him to Italy and Greece, where he crosses paths with a gorgeous heiress inteent on avenging the deaths of her parents at the hands of Greek smugglers.
As a follow up to the ridiculous "Moonraker," this is a much more "down to earth" 007 adventure, closer in tone to the early Connery spy-and-counterspy entries.
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


CRAWL (2019) - A college swim team competitor goes looking for her missing father as a hurricane blows into south Florida and finds him trapped under his house by two large, aggressive alligators.  As flood waters rise and options shrink, they desperately try to escape.  Ranks pretty high on the improbability scale, but still a fun watch.  How often can this girl get gator chomped and keep on swimming?  4/5
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


the FLYING SAUCER (1950)

The first flying saucer movie! Sounds exciting, right? Or at least novel?
Deadly dull story of Americans and Russians seeking proof of UFO's in Alaska. The find a scientist holed up in a shack ( played by Denver 'Uncle Jessie' Pyle of the Dukes of Hazzard) with one cheezy looking saucer.
This movie is bad. Not in a fun way, either. Lot's of nice Alaskan scenery, if you like snow.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


Christmas Land (2015)

Jules - a beautiful New York woman climbing the career ladder, inherits a christmas tree farm and risks unemployment for the people working there when she decides to sell it all. Tucker - the christmas tree farm studmuffin, and the cheerful christmas tree farm people kind of change her mind, but Jules, in a last minute decision, sells the christmas tree farm anyway and kind of p**ses the christmas tree farm community off. She has yet another change of heart and is trying to come up with $3 million to buy back the christmas tree farm. Girl, just make up your mind.

Another distorted reality Hallmark production where they take the love for the holidays to another ridiculous level of, I dunno, wishful fantasy thinking. What do all these christmas obsessed christmas tree farm people do once the holidays are over? Do they hibernate or cocoon themselves for 11 months? Anyway, this was directed by the same guy who did Christmas Made to Order (2018). For all its hilarious reality flaws, Christmas Land seems more coherent. Meaning, it kind of appears to be "better" maybe on a technical level? but it is still cheesy by default. Looking up reviews at IMDb lots of people were furious because of the ending, because it is not your typical Hallmark ending. I mean, everyone's happy in the happy ending ending but the way it went down made Hallmark fans angry. I had no problem with it and didn't even notice until I read reviews.

Fun / Cheese rating - 3.5/5


Continuing my watch-the-James-Bond-series-in-order marathon:

"Octop***y" (1983)
A rogue Soviet general and an exiled Afghan prince are smuggling priceless Russian art treasures and auctioning them to fund a Communist expansion into Western Europe. While investigating the death of a fellow double-0, Bond travels to India and East Germany and meets the third member of the smugglers' organization, a lady thief who calls herself Octop***y.
I've never been particularly crazy about this installment, it has a few cool action sequences but it's overlong and relies too much on goofy slapstick comedy (like when Bond has to defuse a nuclear weapon while wearing a clown suit). Actually the movie doesn't even really need the Octop***y character, she's mainly there to give the movie eye candy with her private army of butt kicking warrior women. Roger Moore was already looking to exit the 007 role when he made this one.

I'm not sure yet if I'm going to follow this one up with the "other" Bond film released in 1983, "Never Say Never Again," or skip directly to Moore's finale, "A View To A Kill." Not only because "Never" is not part of the "official" Bond series, but because it kinda sucks, too. :D
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!


"She has another change of heart and is trying to come up with $3 million to buy back the christmas tree farm." sounds like a really top notch executive there


Yeah, I bit the bullet...

"Never Say Never Again" (1983)
Sean Connery returns to the 007 role, a little older and grayer but still capable of kicking butt on a bunch of SPECTRE agents who've stashed two stolen nuclear warheads in the waters around the Bahamas.

This "unofficial" Bond film was the independently-produced result of a 20+ year copyright battle between Kevin McClory, the co-writer of an aborted Bond screenplay that later became "Thunderball," and the Ian Fleming estate. Like "Octop***y," the other Bond film released in 1983, "NSNA" is too long and unnecessarily complicated. It is cool to see Connery wearing the tux again (he's in noticeably better shape than he was in "Diamonds Are Forever" a dozen years earlier) and a young, unknown Kim Basinger provides some decent eye candy but in the end this movie is not much more than a cheap rerun.

If I had to pick between the two '83 Bonds, I guess I preferred "Never," but honestly I won't be revisiting either one of them anytime soon. 1983 was not a good year for 007...
Hey, HEY, kids! Check out my way-cool Music and Movie Review blog on HubPages!