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Nothing But Trouble (1991)

Started by dcj2112, July 29, 2020, 09:18:48 PM

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Quote from: pennywise37 on August 11, 2020, 03:15:31 AM
looking it up Candy died in (1994) i can tell you what i was doing the day i found out he died actually me and my brother were watching 'The Love Bug (1969) on The Disney Channel as a matter of Fact. i love Chevy Chase's Invisible Man film and i agree with you part of it was serious and the rest was a comedy that was no doubt added from added some of it from Chevy himself. i dunno if it was all ad lib but it's a better film than most people think it is at least i think so anyways and Cool Running's (1993) is a classic Comedy and yeah it had serious moments but most comedy's have that i think.

the real reason that Chevy's career tanked for years is simply one reason and one reason only family movies he insisted on only doing them and that limits your talent i think. i dunno what films he does now cause i haven't seen a movie from him in years but his kids are now grown and adults he should branch out outside of family movies and do something different now.

Yes, you are right on both counts. I could have sworn that John Candy died in 1993 going as far back as I could remember, even in 1994. Maybe because the last movie of his that I saw and is still one of my favorites is Cool Runnings (1993). I know there were a couple more released after that. And yeah, Chevy Chase really hamstrung himself by sticking to family type movies. I always thought that he was at his best when he used raunchy humor like a lot of his '80s movies. When a comedian like that bottles his or her edge, they become too safe and packaged neatly for "kids of all ages." Examples are comedians like Bob Saget and Jeff Foxworthy, who did similar things to their own careers, but watching their older stand-up routines where they used raunchy humor was them at their best, in my opinion.  :cheers:
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


Wagon's East (1994) was his last film he did i think before he did but he also did Canadian Bacon (1995) which i actually  haven't seen  it's the only film that wasn't a Documentary that Michael Moore ever did. 

and i agree 100% about Chevy and him in adult roles per say. with Saget i don't think he cleaned up his act but even he has said that playing Danny Tanner  really felt weird and it took time for him to get used to well not being Raunchy if i'm not mistaken his stand up is that way it's not clean and if you really think about it the only thing as far as i know that he's done that is clean is Full house and it's sequel.  i don't know his career that well though to be fair, i dunno about Jeff Foxworthy cause i just know his bit of you might be a redneck....

Eddie Murphy did the same thing for years where he stopped doing R rated films for many years but only did family films, some of them were good don't get me wrong but some of them....  let's see he did Metro (1997) which was awful but it had one really funny line it about being Fred Sandford i don't remember what it is though offhand.  and than there's i think Life or Bowfinger both (1999) both films i think are R and both of them i think are some of his weakest films  i mean they aren't terrible by any means but they are Meh in my opinion.

than the next one he did that was R was the Dolemite films (2019) which i have not seen yet and he's going back to do stand up and i have no idea if it's cleaned up or not


Saget also played the dad in a little family movie called "Father & Scout."

He later made a family sitcom for The WB:

And he hosted America's Funniest Home Videos.


i was just going by memory i could not at the time remember anything he had done after that or during it, yeah i forgot he was a host there.


Quote from: pennywise37 on August 11, 2020, 03:16:28 PM
Wagon's East (1994) was his last film he did i think before he did but he also did Canadian Bacon (1995) which i actually  haven't seen  it's the only film that wasn't a Documentary that Michael Moore ever did. 

and i agree 100% about Chevy and him in adult roles per say. with Saget i don't think he cleaned up his act but even he has said that playing Danny Tanner  really felt weird and it took time for him to get used to well not being Raunchy if i'm not mistaken his stand up is that way it's not clean and if you really think about it the only thing as far as i know that he's done that is clean is Full house and it's sequel.  i don't know his career that well though to be fair, i dunno about Jeff Foxworthy cause i just know his bit of you might be a redneck....

Eddie Murphy did the same thing for years where he stopped doing R rated films for many years but only did family films, some of them were good don't get me wrong but some of them....  let's see he did Metro (1997) which was awful but it had one really funny line it about being Fred Sandford i don't remember what it is though offhand.  and than there's i think Life or Bowfinger both (1999) both films i think are R and both of them i think are some of his weakest films  i mean they aren't terrible by any means but they are Meh in my opinion.

than the next one he did that was R was the Dolemite films (2019) which i have not seen yet and he's going back to do stand up and i have no idea if it's cleaned up or not

Right again. I also forgot about Canadian Bacon (1995) which John Candy was fantastic in. I mainly remember Bob Saget from America's Funniest Home Videos where his humor was cringeworthy at best. I never watched Full House because of America's Funniest Home Videos.

The last truly funny Eddie Murphy movie that I'd seen that felt close to his classic movies was Norbit (2007). After that, it was almost like he just disappeared into obscurity.
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


that one i haven't seen yet all i ever hear is how bad it is


Quote from: pennywise37 on August 12, 2020, 04:23:11 PM
that one i haven't seen yet all i ever hear is how bad it is

I never gave it a chance until recently because of all the crap that I heard about The Adventures of Pluto Nash (2002). But I have a warped sense of humor. I find fat women in movies to be very funny, because they are always used as either comic relief or to be just fat and obnoxious, and Eddie Murphy plays a fat chick in Norbit (2007):teddyr:
First rule is, 'The laws of Germany'
Second rule is, 'Be nice to mommy'
Third rule is, 'Don't talk to commies'
Fourth rule is, 'Eat kosher salamis'
The Dalai Lama walks into a pizza shop and says "Make me one with everything!"


i tried to watch pluto nash (2002) made in (2000) actually but i could not get through it cause it was just so damn awful and it's not that the reputation of it is pushing me away it's just that i haven't gotten around to watch it that's all. 

Jim H

I think anyone interested in bad movies should see Nothing But Trouble.  It's fascinating, in bad and good ways.  It's clear to me that Dan Akroyd has pretty great creativity - I actually wish he'd do more writing, but get a REALLY GOOD editor to filter out his worst impulses.  If Nothing But Trouble had been Akroyd's PITCH and then he'd worked with Ivan Reitman and other people to shape it, it could have been a minor horror-comedy classic.  But as is, it's still utterly nuts and filled with bonkers ideas - and thus worth seeing.

chainsaw midget

Quote from: Jim H on August 17, 2020, 04:30:57 PM
I think anyone interested in bad movies should see Nothing But Trouble.  It's fascinating, in bad and good ways.  It's clear to me that Dan Akroyd has pretty great creativity - I actually wish he'd do more writing, but get a REALLY GOOD editor to filter out his worst impulses.  If Nothing But Trouble had been Akroyd's PITCH and then he'd worked with Ivan Reitman and other people to shape it, it could have been a minor horror-comedy classic.  But as is, it's still utterly nuts and filled with bonkers ideas - and thus worth seeing.
Part of me agrees with you, but another part of me thinks that the unedited nuts and bonkers ideas are what makes the movie. 

It might not work the way it's supposed to, but it's memorable. 

Rev. Powell

Quote from: chainsaw midget on August 17, 2020, 06:59:54 PM
Quote from: Jim H on August 17, 2020, 04:30:57 PM
I think anyone interested in bad movies should see Nothing But Trouble.  It's fascinating, in bad and good ways.  It's clear to me that Dan Akroyd has pretty great creativity - I actually wish he'd do more writing, but get a REALLY GOOD editor to filter out his worst impulses.  If Nothing But Trouble had been Akroyd's PITCH and then he'd worked with Ivan Reitman and other people to shape it, it could have been a minor horror-comedy classic.  But as is, it's still utterly nuts and filled with bonkers ideas - and thus worth seeing.
Part of me agrees with you, but another part of me thinks that the unedited nuts and bonkers ideas are what makes the movie. 

It might not work the way it's supposed to, but it's memorable. 

Agree with Chainsaw here. Smoothing out the rough edges would more likely have made it into an average, forgettable comedy rather than the minor classic of bad cinema it is.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...

Jim H

Quote from: Rev. Powell on August 17, 2020, 07:07:56 PM
Quote from: chainsaw midget on August 17, 2020, 06:59:54 PM
Quote from: Jim H on August 17, 2020, 04:30:57 PM
I think anyone interested in bad movies should see Nothing But Trouble.  It's fascinating, in bad and good ways.  It's clear to me that Dan Akroyd has pretty great creativity - I actually wish he'd do more writing, but get a REALLY GOOD editor to filter out his worst impulses.  If Nothing But Trouble had been Akroyd's PITCH and then he'd worked with Ivan Reitman and other people to shape it, it could have been a minor horror-comedy classic.  But as is, it's still utterly nuts and filled with bonkers ideas - and thus worth seeing.
Part of me agrees with you, but another part of me thinks that the unedited nuts and bonkers ideas are what makes the movie. 

It might not work the way it's supposed to, but it's memorable. 

Agree with Chainsaw here. Smoothing out the rough edges would more likely have made it into an average, forgettable comedy rather than the minor classic of bad cinema it is.

You two may have a point.  Thinking about it a little more, I definitely don't think it could have been reworked into a legitimately great or even very good film from Akroyd's ideas as Ghostbusters was (the original concepts for that movie Akroyd came up with don't sound nearly as good, IMO at least) - just a decent one.  Maybe a fascinating bad movie was the best conclusion we could have hoped for.


Quote from: zelmo73 on August 10, 2020, 09:54:34 PM

Memoirs Of An Invisible Man (1992) was not as bad as critics made it out to be, it just seemed at times that it didn't know whether it wanted to be serious or a comedy. And Cool Runnings (1993) is still one of my favorite John Candy movies, and not just because he died that year. It's hard to even call him a comedian in that film; the film is a comedy but not because of John Candy; his role was more serious and low-key when you watch him in it.

I remember a quote from Carpenter saying that neither he or Chase wanted to do a comedy with that material. I think it's an OK film and certainly ranks among Chase's best together with the two Fletch movies. I know that's not saying much, though. Looking for that Carpenter quote, I found this other one at the IMDB. It's much more harsh on the film and the conditions it was made under.


John Carpenter has stated that this is his least favorite of all the films he's directed, and is the film he "hates thinking about the most". One reason was because of the constant studio interference that didn't allow Carpenter much creative freedom. Carpenter also called Chevy Chase "a director's worst nightmare" and "nearly impossible to direct", also saying the same about Daryl Hannah. According to Carpenter, Chase would complain non-stop about the film's tone and hated wearing the special effects, often prematurely removing his makeup and ruining hours of filming. At one point, Carpenter broke a clipboard in half over his knee in a fit of rage when Chase removed his makeup mid-take. Carpenter said that Chase and Hannah were "immune to any punishment from the studio, and they knew it, so they walked over me and everyone else on set and essentially told us we'd be replaced if we had any problem with was like working with your boss's snooty children who would tattle on you if you didn't bend to their every will." Despite this, Carpenter ended up bonding and seeking comfort in Sam Neill over the troubling production and the two became close friends, with Neill agreeing to work with Carpenter again on In The Mouth Of Madness.

As for "Nothing Nut Trouble", I remember watching it on TV years ago and hating it. Not funny, that's all.
Due to the horrifying nature of this film, no one will be admitted to the theatre.


it's one of those films that not everyone will like, as i said my brother hated it for a longest time and than after i became a fan of it cause the 1st time i saw it was laughing my ass off, especially at that ending as well with Chevy Chase running away from them. a sequel is what i've always wanted but too many years have passed and since it was a flop at the time nobody would even bother going back anyways.

anyways he went back and watched and was i think pretty surprised that he ended up liking the film. now we do favorite quotes of it. i think it's a vastly underrated film but it's also a film i can see why people would hate it too.

Rev. Powell

I liked it much better the second time around. Took a while to grow on me.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...