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Don't look up.

Started by Morpheus, the unwoke., October 27, 2022, 10:29:51 PM

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Morpheus, the unwoke.

 I thought ''Don't look up'' was as good as a real,  total DOWNER of a movie can be.  I know when it was in initial release it was given the cold shoulder by the media,  many of whom ripped on DiCaprio for playing a pudgy nerdy geeky character.

But while major media seemed to be down on in smaller and indy media sure loved it!

I guess I can see why major media was so disdainful of it. It really held a mirror up to Mainstream media and said ''This is you!'' The scene where the host on RIP media,  on hearing the incoming meteor could destroy earth,  asked ''Could it destroy my ex's house?  HYUK! HYUK!  HYUK! '' was all too believable.

Originally DLU was written to be an analogy to climate change denial, then covid came along, and the title was clearly a shot at a certain political figure's battlecry.

The main point was always that willful ignorance, greed, stupidity and arrogance are dangerous things that might destroy our world if we don't stop them.

It was a bummer movie, but a damn good one. I just wish I could find a movie that good that didn't leave me totally down afterwards.  :(
They will come back, come back again, As long as the red earth rolls. He never wasted a leaf or a tree. Do you think he would squander souls?" ― Ruyard Kipling

We all come from the goddess and to her we shall return, like a drop of rain flowing to the ocean.