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hardest tv show to watch.

Started by Morpheus, the unwoke., November 10, 2022, 10:17:57 PM

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Seeing The Cosby Show is wince-inducing nowadays.  :bluesad:
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


Quote from: ER on January 25, 2023, 09:45:04 AM
Seeing The Cosby Show is wince-inducing nowadays.  :bluesad:

I heard that he wants to resume his stand-up career when he gets out.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


Any so called "reality" shows. So far from reality it makes old Popeye cartoons look like a documentary.
Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!


The Fall featuring Gillian Anderson and others. It was too depressing I couldn't watch the final season.


I think I'll pick the third season of "Star Trek: Picard". The cinematography is so dark it's hard to see anything.

Because that's what the title of the thread means, right?
Due to the horrifying nature of this film, no one will be admitted to the theatre.


Quote from: Neville on February 24, 2023, 01:49:39 PM
I think I'll pick the third season of "Star Trek: Picard". The cinematography is so dark it's hard to see anything.

Because that's what the title of the thread means, right?

YES! I liked the bright tones of TNG and don't know why the bridges on every ship since Enterprise have been such dark and unwelcoming places.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I guess their budget got slashed and they no longer can afford sets that look good in HD.
Due to the horrifying nature of this film, no one will be admitted to the theatre.


You know what I basically cannot watch? Local news. I hate it. It's essentially car wrecks, house fires, children drowning, and people getting shot, mixed in with fake semi-scripted banter, and it does absolutely nothing to edify or really inform anyone by concentrating on tragedies and horrors. (And I say this being married to a former local news producer's son.)

I gave up on national news long ago. I used to listen to NPR most of my life but it went soooooo political and leftist that it tainted everything it broadcast, even Fresh Air and Rick Steves and Science Friday and some regional shows.

Generally I have come to care less and less about what's going on in the outer world when my microcosm is complicated enough. Destroy yourself, people, hey, I have a beautiful woods to go to.

Now weather does obsess me. Watching weather channels, either TWC or the surprisingly good Fox Weather, or some amateurs on YouTube who do great work, sure, those I like.

(I also strangely enjoy really old newscasts preserved on YouTube. I was watching someone's complete recording of a news broadcast from a North Carolina station from the '70s the other night and it was fun.)
What does not kill me makes me stranger.