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Started by ER, September 05, 2023, 11:13:14 PM

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Anyone know anything about this upcoming movie? It looks like the plot has been kept under wraps while the buzz about it roils. It looks like Brideshead Revisited from what I can see.
What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I watched it. Felt it was ok, but didn't have enough going on to justify its screen time. The dialogue was a bit stilted, and it had a lot of scenes that didn't really add anything to the plot, but it was well-acted and it looks nice. Overall, I felt fairly neutral about the film, its good points balanced out its bad points. Had it been a bit shorter I'd have given it 4 out of 5 rather than 2 1/2. It didn't help that it had a plot that I've seen a lot in recent years.
I'll show you ruin
I'll show you heartbreak
I'll show you lonely
A sorrow in darkness


We've been posting about it in "Recent Viewings". I enjoyed it while acknowledging several caveats, certainly foremost among those that it treads extremely familiar ground. If you enjoying good acting, great music, and nice photography, and don't mind the bizarre sex parts, I'd say check it out!


I finally saw it a couple weeks ago and found it the most over-rated thing I'd seen that wasn't named Monica Seles.

I didn't dislike it but failed to see what the hype was about. It wasn't shocking, engrossing, plausible, or notably well-made. Reminded me it was made by kids for kids, who might be dazzled by things that didn't seem particularly jolting to anyone over about age thirty.

Don't regret seeing it, don't plan on watching it again.

What does not kill me makes me stranger.


I admit I'm surprised at "the hype", which is pervasive. I guess we could chalk some of it up to Barry Keoghan, who seems to be starting to have A Moment. I understand the writer/director is also "hot" or something, though her debut passed my attention entirely. All that said, I'm no kid and I was dazzled by parts of it, patient/tolerant w/ other parts. I like lots of films that others tend to dismiss, thus I'm always surprised to watch something that's "hyped" and actually like it. But results will vary of course.


I found it bizarre and trippy in places, a bit draggy in others, but overall a good watch.
A couple of VERY cringey scenes!
"I shall smite you in the nostrils with a rod of iron, and wax your spleen with Efferdent!!"


Quote from: indianasmith on January 18, 2024, 10:48:09 PM
I found it bizarre and trippy in places, a bit draggy in others, but overall a good watch.
A couple of VERY cringey scenes!

Ah, yes, Indie, but then you hold Zack Snyder's "Sucker Punch" in high regard, so...yeah.   :twirl:
I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago.


Okay, I gather everyone here has seen the film now, so I will stop withholding my main criticism and spoil away...

I sailed through the majority of the running time more or less painlessly and enjoyed the final tracking shot (for the technical craft, the fun song, and Keoghan's performance, not for his nudity, ftr), but admittedly the five or so minutes that precede that finale are probably the film's weakest. I would've been totally okay w/ the family's fates being left completely non-specific and therefore assuming that Oliver was just a psychic vampire or a weird existential emotional-moisture-absorbing weirdo. Gained nothing from the revelation that he was actually a literal psychopath, criminal mastermind, and serial murderer... in fact, lost a touch of respect for the film in its unnecessary explicitness on those details.

However, those were five-ish minutes near the very end. Still enjoyed the film in balance.