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Gotta love modern medicine -- A bit of a rant

Started by javakoala, November 27, 2023, 05:09:09 PM

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Today, I got tested for Covid, and it was positive. Nevermind the fact I explained that I've had Covid twice already and knew the symptoms far too well. Yeah, yeah, they are doctors and they have to medically confirm a diagnosis.

Moving on.

They mentioned a medication that they could offer me to help reduce the likelihood of ending up in the hospital from Covid. Having had it twice, I have a fair understanding of when I'm on the downhill side of the illness, so, anything short of a secondary respiratory illness or a heart attack, I figure I'm doing okay at this point, especially after I steal back some of the sleep stolen from me by that INSANE headache I get with Covid.

Being the curious person I am, I decided to look into this medication.

I'll avoid upsetting certain folks on the forum by calling out the company that released it for raking in billions on their Covid vaccine because they really have the best of intentions and aren't money-sucking weasels who use fearmongering as a "sales" tactic.

I will point out the fact this medication has had even less testing time than the vaccine. And here are some of the interesting, possible issues/side effects of this medication:

But people should stop taking P******d and call a health care provider right away if they experience any of the following signs of an allergic reaction:

    trouble swallowing or breathing
    swelling of the mouth, lips, or face
    throat tightness
    skin rash

Other possible side effects include:

    an altered or impaired sense of taste
    increased blood pressure
    muscle aches
    abdominal pain
    feeling generally unwell

Yeah, I really want to take a medication intended to help me that will likely make me feel worse than I do now. I mean, I'm freaking tired from 3 hours of sleep over three days, and I'm coughing up clear lung oysters as my lungs expel the crap that built up in there, and I might have a temperature of roughly 100.8, so, oh HELL YEAH, lets drive my blood pressure up when I'm already on blood pressure meds, or give me the squirts when I'm doing fine in that area. I just got a sense of taste back, so sign me up to lose it again. And who DOESN'T want muscle pain! Wimps, that's who!!

Yeah, if you are a high-risk person with Covid and you feel this medication is a reasonable choice, I'm all for your right to choose. Certain demographics could be well served by this stuff, I hope.

Not for me. In fact, when the doctor who examined me called to talk to me about this medication, I explained about the side effects potentially being worse than my current physical state, she laughed and said, "Yeah, that where a lot of folks draw the line." Nice lady, but I wonder that she gets out of peddling this stuff.

Rant over.

The preceding is built around my opinions and my opinions alone. The ideas, comments, and opinions are not those of anyone else on the forum, unless they agree, then I'll gladly share my Monster Energy drinks with you as well.
I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago.


"Science Fiction & Nostalgia have become the same thing!" - T Bone Burnett
The world runs off money, even for those with a warped sense of what the world is.

Rev. Powell

Companies are forced to list rare side effects in an attempt to avoid future litigation (it doesn't work). Europeans are shocked that our labels list every possible side effect. This is more a critique of our broken tort system than it is America's drug development and approval system.

Here's the list of possible side effects for Lisinopril, an effective blood pressure medication that's the single most commonly prescribed drug in the USA:

gastrointestinal (digestive) side effects†
chest pain‡
Hypotension (low blood pressure). Symptoms can include:
dizziness or feeling lightheaded
feeling dehydrated or more thirsty than usual
trouble concentrating
Kidney problems, including acute (sudden) kidney failure. Symptoms can include:
swelling in your ankles or lower legs
shortness of breath
Liver damage. Symptoms can include:
jaundice (yellowing of your skin or the whites of your eyes)
dark urine
elevations in liver enzymes on lab tests
pain in your upper right abdomen (belly)
unexplained weight loss
Angioedema (severe, sudden swelling that forms under your skin). Symptoms can include:
swelling that affects your arms, face, intestines, legs, lips, tongue, voice box, or vocal cords
trouble breathing
abdominal pain
Allergic reaction.*
Changes in potassium levels.*
Harm to a fetus or pregnancy loss, if used during pregnancy.†

Not saying you should or should not take any particular medication, it's your body. I'm saying warning labels aren't doing people any favors by scaring people away by listing every possible side effect, however unlikely.
I'll take you places the hand of man has not yet set foot...


I'm one of those folks who seem to have adverse effects from some medications.

Lisinopril has been around for quite a while and has YEARS of studies.

The stuff Pfizer is rolling out -- I don't trust it any more than I trust the people currently running the company. I wouldn't buy a used skateboard from them. Let's just hope we don't see a "thalidomide" disaster down the road.
I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago.


Brother Java after reading your list, I think it's possible that I may have gotten Covid in December 2020.

Runny tummy, fever, feeling unwell: I self isolated for a week, had very little contact with others, ordered in no contact food and I was OK the next week  and that was before I got vaccinated.
We shall meet in the place where there is no darkness.


Quote from: Trevor on November 28, 2023, 02:28:28 AM
Brother Java after reading your list, I think it's possible that I may have gotten Covid in December 2020.

Runny tummy, fever, feeling unwell: I self isolated for a week, had very little contact with others, ordered in no contact food and I was OK the next week  and that was before I got vaccinated.

Yeah, it sounds like it, especially if you had a nasty headache, but that just be my personal indicator. Unless it zeros in on a major body issue and turns into a hospital case, you generally go through it for around 5 to six days with the first 3 or four being the worst. If you hit the fourth day or so and start feeling better, you are likely going to be okay. (Keep in mind my comments are based on my experience with this crap over three exposures over a three-years period. Also, I am NOT a doctor, nor do I play one on TV or in movies/stage plays, though I'd be up for some kinky role play with the right lady.)

Although, this time around, I did notice the loss of taste when it came to food. I could still notice the heat from hot sauce (not the flavor) and the sweetness from the stuff I mix with tap water to make it drinkable (but, again, couldn't taste grape/fruit punch/orange). It only lasted about three days, so now I am enjoying eating again.

Oddly, I keep losing weight even though my diet has included a triple increase in carbs over the last few months. None of the doctors I've seen recently seem concerned. I, however, am getting sick of having to punch extra holes in my belt so I can keep tightening it up. Not bragging. Just figure it is all part of my body's slow decline in my final phase of life. My weight hasn't been this low in nearly thirty years. AND I AIN'T EVEN TRYING!!!
I feel more like I do now than I did a while ago.


I spend more of my time telling low risk people with COVID that they don't need Paxlovid, that its benefit is too small to be useful in their case, and taking the heat for telling them "no."

It has a small effect on hospitalization risk.  That's all.   It doesn't do much.   What matters most is having been vaccinated of course....   


Quote from: javakoala on November 28, 2023, 02:07:37 PM
Quote from: Trevor on November 28, 2023, 02:28:28 AM
Brother Java after reading your list, I think it's possible that I may have gotten Covid in December 2020.

Oddly, I keep losing weight even though my diet has included a triple increase in carbs over the last few months. None of the doctors I've seen recently seem concerned. I, however, am getting sick of having to punch extra holes in my belt so I can keep tightening it up. Not bragging. Just figure it is all part of my body's slow decline in my final phase of life. My weight hasn't been this low in nearly thirty years. AND I AIN'T EVEN TRYING!!!

I went from 145 lbs. to 111 last year. I decided to go on a all liquid diet (whiskey) when me sweetie Tiana left.

Supernatural?...perhaps. Baloney?...Perhaps not!" Bela Lugosi-the BLACK CAT (1934)
Interviewer-"Does Dracula ever end for you?
Lugosi-"No. Dracula-never ends."
Slobber, Drool, Drip!