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There's No Need to Fear!

Started by Cullen, June 13, 2002, 11:16:40 AM

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Underdog.  The Movie.  "You Will Believe a Dog Can Fly"

Between this and the Wonder Twins Movie, I’ve come to believe that I can be a Hollywood producer, director, and writer.  It’s just that easy.

Steven Millan

                      When you become a Hollywood filmmaker,just don't consider making this into a movie:there's way,way,way too many celluloid adaptations of television shows that have clogged up too many theatrical screens lately.
                        It's bad enough that we got "Charlie's Angels" and(now)"Scooby Doo" to endure.
                      Can "The Osbournes:The Motion Picture Experience" be possibly next?!


Has Hollywood no shame (well, duh!)  Live action?!  Are we to get some artificially endowed, no-talent-starlet-of-the-month to play Polly Purebred?  Are she and Underdog going to hookup? (Sorry, this was just one of my most treasured childhood memories, I hate to see it bastardized.)  Evil, vile Hollywood, just because you are bankrupt of ideas is no reason to wreck people's childhood memories.


Ewwww....what have they done to my song,ma? Now Underdog gets the rolled up newspaper to the chops. This is too cruel! Thsi looks like a job for (Ta-Ta-Tata) Sequal Buster! We find S.B. as he dangles a Hollywood suit over the side of a freeway over pass, and says, "I'll preempt your Underdog Franchise, with a little thing i call, Mr Whitewall. Kiss the pavement, Doggie style, you cinematic roadkill!"


>Underdog. The Movie. "You Will Believe a Dog Can Fly"

 Proof positive Hollywood has no class.
 On this film I will surely pass!


Lessons that were learned from the failure of The Adventures of Rocky & Bullwinkle: none.
Lessons that will be learned from the failure of Scooby-Doo: none.
Lessons that will be learned from the failure of Underdog: none.


Man, Hollywood is really scraping the barrell when it comes to what classic television shows they can rape until cash shoots out the said show's anus. Charming analogy, I know. Come on, guys, Underdog wasn't even a good show. It was repetitive and annoying, but I guess anything to keep studio execs from actually thinking, which would interrupt their love trists with twenty-year-old hopeful starlets.


One day, the guys behind Stuart Little 6: Stuart Gets Smushed will decide a live-action Mighty Mouse would be just the trick...


Don't forget JACKASS: THE MOVIE coming up!  

I actually like the show, but I'll probably wait for the DVD.


After Flinstones: Viva Rock Vegas bombed, I thought Hollywood would smarten up and do something original. Was I wrong.

And they're still trying to get Green Acres and Gilligan's Island: The Movies made. Ay carumba. Well, as long as they don't do My Mother the Car.


Could be Mr. Ed next. Or Snagglepuss or even Magilla Gorilla. Lord help us if they even do a live action Top Cat


The problem is that studios (and networks for that matter) do not understand the concept of quality. They could look at the unreleased Fantastic Four movie and see it as 100% equal to the first Superman or Batman movies. When a movie flops the only possible explanation they can come up with is that the public isn't interested in the subject matter.

 After every lousy Star Trek movie (3, 5, etc) I'd read that "The public is losing interest in Star Trek". To them, the thought that the public was just reacting to a lousy movie wasn't even a possibility. Then, they'd release a good movie and suddenly it's "Star Trek is making a comeback!".