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Whats up with the censoring titys?

Started by Censor=fag, June 29, 2002, 08:12:08 PM

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They show decoption and blood and guts and the titys are censored what an total cock blowing cum driking fagget that does that

Pete B6K

I don't really need to tell you 'what an' moron you are, its clear enough to everyone anyway, but i guess I have. 99% of the internet is full of those 'titys' you mention, but I'm not surprised you can't find themt if thats how you think they're spelled.  Apart from your complete stupidty and homophobia you seem like a fairly decent bloke.



Well put pete!

What is up with people using "gay" as an insult. Its stupid.


Scott Muir

What's up with people using that horrid pornographic language in the first post I read and then making homophobic coments ??  Jeez !  I just wanted to come in here to make light of a few bad movies !!
BTW... Censor:  Gay is not an insult. Grow up.



Gay is an insult if you're not a happy person. If you're down in the dumps the last thing you need is someone calling you exuberant. Censor=fag probably needs to see the titys because they never show up for him in real life.


I don't use "gay" as an insult, but I think it's funny when other people do.  What others find offensive, I find funny.  Not that it makes the original poster any less of an ass.....


An idiot is upset with me!

Honestly, I'm heterosexual and like breasts just fine.  My wife has breasts.  I like them, they're neat.  The issue is: plenty of sites have naked women on their pages, but darn few show you how silly a killer cat puppet looks when attacking a person.

Some day the moron in question might be old enough to rent movies rated R and have a girlfriend, then maybe he will not be so bitter.



Mayhaps a troll has wandered into the zone of thinking persons, and perplexed by the active nurons zipping about? It'll do that to 'em.


Let me speak this idiot's language:

Ooga bagoooooa ickkkyyyyyyysima "titties".  Oooooommmmba yutammba pgoinebe mineshrbd titties fugtooma bootakie assimbo tikabikaboo.  Wili wiki tankaboo impiti gopom doo doo simdamini ackpoo.

The word is "titties".  And if you want to see lots and lots of titties, why don't you find your dog.  And while your at it, you can lick her ass too.


Sad little troll, maybe if you wander down to the mall, you can get an adult to buy you a copy of Playboy..............and a dictionary.

Not that you'd know what to do with either one.

The others are right, come back IF you ever grow up and mature a lot.

Luke Bannon

Luke Bannon

Once again you have a valid point. Sorry if I'm being repetitive and/or a kiss ass but I feel that all the people who I have replied to have valid points and I want to comment on them

mr. henry

one other reason...when the fbi and gov finally achieve their wet dream completely turning public libraries into thought-police-portals, at least we'll still be able to access a good b-movie site for sure..

-mr. henry