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oh my god, star trek - he man connection!

Started by trashfanatic, July 23, 2002, 01:42:58 PM

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I was watching 'Masters Of The Universe' on Moviemax earlier when i was shocked to discover that the role of Courtney Cox-Arquette's boyfriend is taken up by none other than the guy who plays Tom Paris in Star Trek : Voyager.
Yeah i'm a nerd.


Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.

Steven Millan

                             Now,that's---an extremely frightening fact to know about!!!
             He-Man and Star Trek:Yikes!!!!

Ken Begg

Cullen wrote:
> How far the mighty have fallen.

I assume you mean it's embarrassing for anyone who was in the He-Man to have to appear on the truly lame Voyager?


"I assume you mean it's embarrassing for anyone who was in the He-Man to have to appear on the truly lame Voyager?"

Yep.  One would have thought the guy'd suffered enough...

Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.


What about  "7th Heaven" and "Star Trek" connection?  Can you tell what actor/actress played in "Star Trek the Motion Picture" and "Star Trek the Voyage Home" and are now on "7th Heaven" ?


Stephen Collins played William Decker on Star Trek: The Motion Picture and Reverend Camden on Seventh Heaven.

Catherine Hicks played Gillian the Marine Biologist on Star Trek IV : The Voyage Home and Mrs. Camden on Seventh Heaven.

Good catch on both of those. There are a lot of connections to other shows if you stop and think about it.

""I always try to save the best for last, but in my opinion you need to jump NOW!!!!""