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Nwod Ekorb Tsuj Sah Niarb Ym

Started by Cullen, October 03, 2002, 05:30:08 PM

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We complain about sequels and remakes.

We whine about Spielburg and Lucas destroying our childhood, or that their making crumby movies left and right.

Yet there is True Evil, True Crap, festering in the dirty corners of Hollywood.  Crap that is no sequel, that is no remake.  Crap that squirms out of Darkness unremarked.

Crap like Girls Gone Wild: The Movie.

I hope you're all happy now.

Parts of my own brain (what's left of it) are shutting down rather than face this one.  

It's not fair.  

I still use my brain.  

Cullen, who is really more amused than bitter over this.

Edit - More thoughts on this "film" at
Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.


Maybe we're returning to the golden age of on-screen nudity. Remember the 70's and 80's, when even the classiest movies guaranteed some nude flesh? What happened? You could pack so much more into our compact R-rated movies then, not these new family-friendly economy-sized Rs we have today.

~I cried because I no shoes, until I met a man that had no feet. I killed him and made shoes out of his skin.~

Luke Bannon

Hey, I don't complain about Spielberg or Lucas! But I will take your word about this film...


I don't complain about Spielburg or Lucas, either.  It was just a wild generalization

Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.


I'm sure if two words were added to the town you would be lining up to see it.

Girls Gone Wild: In Zombietown


Cullen - thank you for putting things in perspective.  Lucas and Spielberg are gods... well, maybe that's overstating things.  

How bad has voyeurism TV gotten?  Was up very late a few Saturdays ago and saw a show called Cheaters in which private investigators track people the contestants think are cheating on them.  They show ALL the films.  Yes, there are big blurry spots over certain areas, but you are essentially watching people HAVE SEX on free network television!  May not strike people from other countries as too extreme given the late hour, but consider these are not actors, nor did they know they were getting filmed, nor -- apparently -- did they have the option to block it from being shown.  Ugh.

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


I guess, maybe, theycould do a movie about a chick that whips 'em out and is later completely humiliated by the incident, just so the hypocrisy is complete.

Or may we can get Susan Saradon and Goldie Hawn tostar in it.

The Banger Sisters 2: The Grrls Go Wild!

Hey, where you all going???

Gosh, remember when the Internet was supposed to be a wonderful magical place where intelligent, articulate people shared information? Neighborhood went to hell real fast... - Anarquistador



Er, I mean, most amusing.

Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.



Er, I mean, most amusing.

Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.


Never heard of it.  Not surprised by it, either.  Ugh is too right.  Don't know what else to say.

Except now I'm expecting Cheaters: The Movie. .
Cullen, who has already given up on television, with only a few exceptions.
Cullen - Super Genius, Novelist, and all in all Great Guy.


Isn't there a Survivor movie in the planning stages?

Gosh, remember when the Internet was supposed to be a wonderful magical place where intelligent, articulate people shared information? Neighborhood went to hell real fast... - Anarquistador


Well, look on the bright side: movies based on idiot telly fads (Jerry Springer's "Ringmaster," for example) tend to crash and burn at the box office, because they usually don't offer anything for Joe Blow's seven-to-nine-dollars that he isn't already getting on the idiot box for free (or that he hasn't already paid for in his cable bill). Did "Jackass: The Movie" ever actually get released? That isn't "Lawrence of Arabia," it should've been in distribution eight days after being greenlit.

Also, a major studio hawking a soft-core porn that can't be disguised as "an erotic thriller" means one of two things:
(1) It will be made with a hypocritical "message" at the end which will turn its target audience off in droves, guaranteeing failure, or
(2) After hucking several million dollars down the loo, they will come out of their coke-induced haze, recoil in shock, and shelve it for a decade until it's no longer "shocking" material.

"Yeesh!... FOX turned into a hardcore pornography channel so gradually, I hardly noticed!"
--Marge Simpson

Vermin Boy

Heck, those two words would make me see ANY movie!

Citizen Kane... IN ZOMBIETOWN!
Chinatown... IN ZOMBIETOWN!
-Vermin Boy

My site: The Vermin Cave
My band: The Demons of Stupidity
?????: ?????

Luke Bannon

Vermin Boy wrote:
> Heck, those two words would make me see ANY movie!
> Citizen Kane... IN ZOMBIETOWN!
> Titanic... IN ZOMBIETOWN!
> Chinatown... IN ZOMBIETOWN!

Well if you add the words "Toxic Avenger" or "Killer Tomatoes" I'm not much better.

Luke Bannon

That is just sick, exploitation! I mean, in movies it can be bad enough, but actually hunting down people and doing that without their consent.. surely this violates some law about privacy doesn't it? Oh wait, it's for "entertainment" so it's OK.