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Pedophilia in Jeepers Creepers?

Started by Akira Tubo, October 14, 2002, 12:54:36 PM

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There definitely was a new-agey feel to the religion of Star Wars, with the Force and all.

I agree that there are some very significant differences between Luke and Christ. The one that immediately springs to mind is that Luke was a saviour in a much more material sense, destroying the Death Star, saving his friends and helping to topple the Empire. In spite of all the Jedi philosophy, Luke wasn't a spiritual leader. He helped his father find redemption, but that was more of a personal thing. It only helped the others indirectly, because Vader killed the emperor.


The bible has been influencing art and literature for a very long time, even if some people want to deny it.
*****  I agree with this too, but not in the case of Star Wars.  Luke's clear direct ancestor is King Arthur, not Jesus.  They were both dreaming peasant kids who, with the help of a wizard, discover (when the acquire a sword) they have a greater destiny as a warrior.  You may argue that Arthurian legend was rooted in the Bible I guess, but I bet it has stronger pagan antecedents.

The born again Christian's point of view is that Han Solo is "born again" in the course of Star Wars, lapses and is punished in Empire, and is reborn again in Jedi.  Obviously Han's character undergoes a change -- especially in Star Wars -- but the connection to Christianity is a stretch for me.

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


The Arthur parallel works pretty well. I'd say that legend has its roots in a few places, as most do.

I agree that the idea of Han Solo being born again is a bit of a stretch, especially since he didn't lapse in Empire. He learned to care about others in Star Wars, and remained a loyal member of the rebellion straight through. He was punished for past wrongs in Empire, after he reformed. He also had no significant spiritual awakening in Jedi.


Jeepers Creepers - I thought it was a decent movie and at the time I watched it, I'd forgotten hearing anything about the director, so I watched it with an open mind. I didn't notice anything out of the ordinary in it, just that they decided to fool the audience and make the victim not who you thought it would be. The only problem I had with the movie was the psychic lady who served no purpose other than to provide exposition. I've seen many other movies with more disturbing scenes in them. There was one that I forget the details of now, but practically every other scene featured at least one teenaged boy in jockey shorts. I think people are just reading too much into it in light of the director's past.

Star Wars - I actually have a paperback book called The Force of Star Wars which is an entire book devoted to discussing how Star Wars can be be directly related to the Bible. I didn't realize at the time I bought it, exactly what kind of a book it was, I just got it because it was a Star Wars book.


John wrote:
> Star Wars - I actually have a paperback book called The Force
> of Star Wars which is an entire book devoted to discussing
> how Star Wars can be be directly related to the Bible. I
> didn't realize at the time I bought it, exactly what kind of
> a book it was, I just got it because it was a Star Wars book.

Was it interesting?


>Was it interesting?

 Kind of, but the Bible quotes got a little annoying after a while.


This is not about "Jeepers Creepers," which, I have not seen. So, I can't comment on any pedophilia which it may contain, but, it is about pedophilia and the horror film, especially in vampire films.
Indeed, the rumor has it, that pedophilia goes back to the original "Dracula" in 1931, but the cries of the child, as it was attacked, were so horrorific to audiences of that day, that that scene was later cut from the film. But, here are some films from which the pedophilia was not deleted.
Horror of Dracula with women who like little girls.
Black Sabbath with a man who likes little boys. Not only is it pedophilic, it is also incestuous in nature.
Dr. Terror's House of Horrors with a woman who likes little boys.
Kronos with a man who likes little girls.
Vampire Circus with a man who likes little girls and little boys, and a woman who likes little boys.
Dracula (1979) with a man who likes little boys.
Fright Night with a man who likes little boys and little girls.
Lair of the White Worm with a woman who likes little boy scouts.
Bram Stoker's Dracula with a woman who likes little girls.
But, these are all fictional films, the German "Tenderness of Wolves"dealt with a real life vampire, who liked little boys.
And that does not include the little vampires, both male and female, in "Interview with a Vampire," "The Lost Boys," "Near Dark," and "Vamp." And how did these little vampires become a vampire, if they were not preyed upon by a man and/or woman., who liked little boys and/or girls.
Indeed, the British "Ultraviolet" has one episode that deals exclusively with the preying upon the young by adults and the subject of pedophilia.
This is not to say that the subject of pedohilia makes these horror films any better or any worst then any other horror film. It is just to point out that the subject of pedophilia goes a long way back in horror films, and that "Jeepers Creepers," is not the first horror film to deal with the subject, if it indeed deals with that subject.


I don't think it's fair to classify all vampire movies that have young victims in them as portraying pedophilia. A vampire is a vicious creature that kills for food and if the first person they see is a child, they're going to prey on it. Or they might just want young victims because their blood is fresher.


I don't think it's fair to classify all vampire movies that have young victims in them as portraying pedophilia.
*****  I don't think it's fair to classify ANY horror movie that has young victims as being about pedophilia.  The victims are young because the audience is young, plain and simple.  If horror movie audiences were 80% people over 75, then the two kids on their way back from school in Jeepers Creepers would have been two grandparents on their way back from Bingo.  The movies target their audience for maximum scare effect.

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"

Fearless Freep

I don't think it's fair to classify all vampire movies that have young victims in them as portraying pedophilia. A vampire is a vicious creature that kills for food and if the first person they see is a child, they're going to prey on it. Or they might just want young victims because their blood is fresher.

Most carnivores go after the easier targets.  The weak and the young, especially.  Watch any nature show with big cats :)  Vampires are the same way.  Simply because a child (or young woman) is far less liekly to pose a serious threat of fighting back than, for example, a healthy man.

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting


It is probably incorrect  to classify all vampire films, where the child is a victim, as being paedophilic in nature. Since, as Fearless Freep and Johjn have rightly pointed out that a child is usually  weaker then an adult,  and thus easier prey for a vampire, especially a female vampire.
But, it would be as wrong to totally deny the possible sexual implications that may exist between an adult vampire and a child victim, or any victim for that matter.
For example, why until Anne Rice,  did male vampires exclude for the most part male adult victim?. Because of the implication of homosexuality, if both victim and vampire were male.. Since the neck is an erogenous zone for some people, and since some people, if not myself, equate certain bites as sex, then a bite on the neck from a vampire, can be equated as an act of sex,  whether consensual or not.
And if certain vampires are portrayed as all powerful, and they only use their victims to feed, like certain carnivores.  Why do they prey on c hildren?
Two examples from my list above, though there are other examples from my list, and other examples not listed by me.
Fright Night: If Jerry Dandridge (Christ Sarandon) is quite caple of making men his victims, as his first announced victim was in the film. why does he feel a need to prey upon victims like "Evil Ed' Thompson (Stephen Geoffreys) and the girl (Amanda Bearse), unless there is a certain sexual attraction between the characters.
Lair of the White Worm: since Lady Sylvia Marsh (Amanda Donohoe) also proves quite capable of snaring male adults as victims--her first named victim in the film was Mr. Trent (Christopher Gable)--why does she feel the need to prey upon a boy scout named Kevin (Chris Pitt)? And why, of all the places she could have bit him, when he stood up naked in the bath, did she bite him on his penis? Unless for some sexual reasons in her actions.
And as for the child being weaker then the adult, even the mouse has been known to kill the snake and drive off the cat. Enjoy!

Fearless Freep

A lion can bring down a large, healthy, male  range animal, but if easier prey is available, why bother?

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting

Sgt Kabuki Man

You know what else is messed up?  The Narcophelia in Deranged.  I got that movie for free on the Motel Hell DVD (double features) the way, I really do mean for free, the dvd is only 10 bucks despite there being 2 movies...anyway, I got it for Motel Hell, and then I was shocked to see that the free DVD had narcophelia on it.  Damn!  How sick is that!?

Fearless Freep

"Narcophelia"  Is that sex with undercover DEA agents?

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting


>"Narcophelia" Is that sex with undercover DEA agents?

I thought it was sex with people who fall asleep during the act.