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Started by wuggles451, November 02, 2002, 06:41:18 PM

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watch a movie last night calleed "brides of dracula"... not a bad lil flick. pretty standard for dracula films tho. pretty woman from outta town goes to castle, is seduced by a vamp ,hero safes the day. what i liked about this movie tho was the characters, the baroness especialy was hard to look at she looked like a skeleton dipped in wax all wrinkly and that voice, man. the atmosphere was colorful, and in the first half hour or so i found myself pretty creeped out. it sagged in the middle but the movie is short. the ending was also quite good with pete cushing (Dr vanhellsing) kicking that pretty boy vampires ass. THREE STARS doesnt offer much of anything we havent seen before but it does provide some chuckles. a good rental, evan a solid purchase for a srious fan of the genre