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Ever Walked Out On A Film??

Started by Ash, November 04, 2002, 07:02:24 AM

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I alked out on Wrongfully Accusedafter about fifteen minutes. The filmmakers didn't even try. One thought ran through my head: "What if I died right now, and the last thing I did was watch Wronfully Accused?". I had to go home and watch a bunch of good movies, STAT.

~I cried because I no shoes, until I met a man that had no feet. I killed him and made shoes out of his skin.~


There was this one day that me and my buddy were the only people in the entire multiplex...and no one was around at all, so we stayed in there for like, 5 hours and kept bouncing back and forth from movie to movie....We saw parts of "Unbreakable," "Dude, where's my car," "Rugrats in Paris,"  and anything else that was playing around that time.  In all, about 7 movies.  We hated everything.  Nothing there held our attention, so i guess you could say I walked out on 7 movies in the same day!


Yep, you see Leslie Neilsen, and you think of the Naked Gun movies. Wrongfully Accused is certainly nowhere near as good.

The problem is when somebody looks at the success of movies like Airplane! and the Naked Gun, and thinks it would be easy to duplicate that without really understanding it. Not much budget, not much effort, just string together a lot of silly gags and throw in a couple of funny actors people will know. It's not that easy, as movies like Wrongfully Accused have demonstrated. Filmmakers who can pull of a successful spoof do not get the credit they deserve.

"Join me in the abyss of savings."

Fearless Freep

Yep, you see Leslie Neilsen, and you think of the Naked Gun movies.

Actually, I usually think of "Police Squad" and "Airplane"

Filmmakers who can pull of a successful spoof do not get the credit they deserve.

Agreed.  Look at Mel Brooks :)  I loved "Young Frankenstein" and "SpaceBalls".  "Robin Hood: Men In Tights" and "Dracula: Dead And Loving It" are ok, but don't nearly measure up.  He's *good* at doing spoofs and even his are hit-and-miss

Going places unmapped, to do things unplanned, to people unsuspecting

The Honn

Shows my lack of historical knowledge. But it was still extremely tacked on simply to please certain people. Drew out a movie that was already too long as it was.


Yep. Gotta know how the real thing works, before ya can do a good parody.
....Even if the regular audiance does not know quite whats wrong, the poorly constructed parody will fall on its own face.
....One reason : Inconsistancy of Concept.
....Its hard to define. An example  from my own life might help. When i wrote Gary Burbank at 700 WLW, Gary liked my oddball sence of humor, but when i first started writeing, i noticed something.
....When i wrote a letter, it was from "The columbus State Home for the Reality Impared", My gags were based on the characters and events at the home.
....At first, my stuff was scattershot, and changed directions too fast for Gary to keep up with, and i could throw him, by changing gags too fast.
....So, i decided to adopt a consistancy of joke, as it were.
....I'd take one idea, say "Olaf Bluetooth's Vikeing funeral on the Ohio river" , and stick with images consistant with that basic premise. You know...A double headed ax settling disputes over the bar tab.... The torch lit, make shift floating funeral barge/mobile fountain, the water spray provided by beer and a bunch of loons in vikeing regalia with full bladders....the chase by the water patrol under the clayway baily bridge...the pilliging and looting of a floating casino. You know, that sort of stuff.
....In short, keep the story going to its Illogical conclusion.
....Pick an idea, with commonly available imagery, and take it to the unexpected direction, clashing it with normal expectation.
....I hope that makes sense. If not, remember...i'm reality Impared!

"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"


Sorry Flange.  
You lost me somewhere there.


Snicker.  I stayed because the dragons were cool.  I almost, but didn't, walk out on War of the Roses.  Gawd what a pile of crap that was.  Doing a black comedy isn't easy, but this movie was just mean and particularly unfunny.

peter johnson

I walked out on "Howard the Duck" -- I simply couldn't endure it any longer, even though people told me there was a cool monster at the end.  No monster could have been cool enough to justify sitting there any longer . . .
I walked out on "The Valachi Papers", with Charles Bronson.  This film gives new meaning to the overworked catchphrase, "gratuituous violence."  Don't just shoot a guy.  Shoot him, cut his throat, chop off his fingers, and disembowel him -- then you REALLY start to mess him up.  And every single scene was like that . . .
Oops!  I actually liked "Reign of Fire"!  Silly me . . .
I walked out on "Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom", because there was a glitch in the sound & the management wouldn't correct it.  Got my money back on that one . . .
peter johnson


I've never walked out of a movie. Usually, I only go to see ones I'm pretty sure I'll like. I got to see several for free too when my friend used to work at a local theater and had free passes to everything.

Doktor Herz

Chasing Amy is a great movie, but I dont think I'd ever be able to watch it again.  It's too depressing.

Doktor Herz

I walked out of For a Few Dollars More.  It was an awesome movie until the film started to f**k up, and began playing backwards and upside down.  It was really depressing, because i was enjoying it.  I went home and rented it.


Usually I'll reluctantly sit through it and get my money back.

Did walk out on:

Wish I had walked out on
"Scary movie"
"Dr. T and the Women"
"Vanilla Sky"

Gotten refunds on numerous films. ;-)


The Doolittle raid did happen... but it was flown by experienced B-25 pilots, not fighter pilots who were hot for revenge after Pearl Harbor.  Other than the needless romantic subplot, that was my problem with the movie.  Ben Affleck flies with the Eagle Squadrons, was one of the two guys to get off the ground on December 7, AND flew the Doolittle raid.  So what's in store for the sequel?  He drops paratroops on D-Day, leads the hit squad against Yamamoto's transport, and then pilots the Enola Gay to bomb Hiroshima??  Maybe in the 3rd movie he'll fly U-2s over Russia, lead the Berlin Airlift, and get shot down over Vietnam where he can teach John McCain to love and forgive his captors.

: )

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"


I walk out of movies all the time.  Last one I think was Sum of All Fears.  Others I recall are Lost in Space, JFK, Dances With Wolves...

Basically if I find myself waiting for the movie to end, I usually leave.  Watching something you don't enjoy is a waste of time.  I may ask for my money back (you'd be surprised how quickly they'll give it back to get you out of there), but not if it was a movie where I really should have known better.  Sum of All Fears?  I felt I had no right asking for a refund for a Clancy movie I knowingly paid to see.  Shame on me.

"Today's Sermon: Homer Rocks!"