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Dragon Fighter - so, who knew it woulden't suck!?

Started by Flangepart, January 07, 2003, 12:27:47 PM

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I missed the first 1/2 hour, due to a time error, but caught the flick where Dean Cain finds the dragon eating a non player character.
And he does something smart! He ditches a tranc round from his shotgun, and lays into it with 00 buck...thats what i'd do! Sure, the beast is bullet proof, but hey...
I kinda liked it. Dean's character reacts as you or i might. He's scared, determined to escape, and has little paticence with the dead weight. And is rightfully P.O.'d at the dragon loveing scientest who created the mean lizard.
I can deal with that!
Some good lines,( great, a mute cook who talks, dragons, its the freakin Twlight Zone!), a fast pace, and a hero i can get behind. When they haul ass from one part of the lab...yep, same sets as Pythons 2...i still hate that freakin flick!...Cain grabs a box of reloads for the 12 gage. Sure it won't kill the big lizard, but it does make it flinch. I'd rather go down fighting too!
All in all...tolerable!

But that DON'T mean i don't have some ranting to do!
Hey, If that warm blooded creature is exserting enough energy to keep up with a Blackhawk Hilo doing at least 120 knots, it'll show up on a Sidewinders seeker head!
And don't tell me the AMMRAMS can't get a lock. I disbelieve! Its too big ,and hard skinned,to not show up!
And...hey, ace...that F-16 has a 20mm gatling gun. Use that M-61 to show the dragon the meaning of pain! Get below it, climb for a full deflection show, and give it a burst! Thats what the gun is for, targets at close range! Sheesh!

Okey...i feel better now. High MST factor, but still not as painfull to watch as...(Yuck) Pythons 2. Lookin forward to the reviews, Andrew and Foywonder.

"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"


:And he does something smart! He ditches a tranc round from his shotgun, and lays into it with 00 buck

But didn't you notice something odd about that scene? He pulled the tranqulizer dart out of his pocket! Then, he ditched it and pulled the shotgun shells out of his pocket to load them into the shotgun. This means he had been running around the whole time hunting this thing with an unloaded weapon!

Clearly your tolerance level is higher than mine because I thought this one really sucked harder than PYTHONS 2 and SABRETOOTH if only because there are far cooler things you could do with the concept of a dragon than just do the umpteenth rip-off of ALIEN. The people trapped in an enclosed space with a rampaging monster/slasher concept just needs to be put out to pasture.

My new NOWFF column which will feature reviews and stills from DRAGON FIGHTER, THUNDER OF GIGANTIC SERPENT, a Filipino monster flick called BAWALIS, and possibly one or two other obscure flicks featuring reptilian monstrosities should be up by the end of this week at the earliest or sometime next week by the latest.  Rest assured, I rip into DRAGON FIGHTER without mercy!


This was a stinker.

I couldn't understand your priase of this film until you recited this line as good dialogue:

"Great, a mute cook who talks, dragons, it's the freakin' Twilight Zone!"

That aint Mamet, baby.  If you think this is good... well...

I think the fact that I was also able to recognize the set as that from Pythons 2, sums up what the film is:  Cheaply made filler to take advantage of both Sci Fi channel and their viewership.  If these guys don't watch themselves, they'll lose a legion of fans to Tech Tv and Encore Mystery/Action's nightly line-ups.

Oh well.  Scare Tactics looks fun... a "reality show" where they take real teenagers into the woods and scare them to death with movie monsters.  Starts in March.  Can't see anything else worth watching on Sci Fi until then... unless I want to watch the last season of MST3K... AGAIN.


Maby its a sign on old age, guys, but Dragon Fighter did not rub my rubarb like those other ...things.
 Not that i'm disagreeing with you. Its purely subjective, and you do, oh yes you do, have room to rip this raunchy reptile a new one.
Dang! How could i forget that, Sir Foy? The hero DID have an empty have another point, there.
I do agree that this whole "People trapped underground in a secret lab with a rampageing Dragon/snake/blob/alien/ hellbeast" has got to go! Or at least, lets make the monster work for its dinner...give it a security team that could ,concivably kick its ass to go up aginst!
Its just too easy to figure out who the monster WON'T eat, so why bother?
Ah,well......boy, am i easliy amused.......................

"Aggressivlly eccentric, and proud of it!"

Brother Ragnarok

I'd say it was still better than Sabertooth.  That movie annoyed me.  And I still think the redhead scientist woman looks like Rusty from Monstervision.
Brother R


>And...hey, ace...that F-16 has a 20mm gatling gun. Use that M-61 to show the
>dragon the meaning of pain! Get below it, climb for a full deflection show, and
>give it a burst! Thats what the gun is for, targets at close range! Sheesh!

I was thinking the same thing.

>But didn't you notice something odd about that scene? He pulled the tranqulizer
>dart out of his pocket! Then, he ditched it and pulled the shotgun shells out of his
>pocket to load them into the shotgun.

I know I'm not an expert, but since when do shotguns fire tranquilizer darts?


Dragon fighter I felt was one of Phillip roth's better films as of recently. Interceptor Force 2 was only ho-hum and epoch was boring at best. But dragon fighter was decent and very enjoyable.


I like Phil's flicks. Some people here just ddon't know how to have fun.


On thing that always interests me in Roth's films is that he takes the same basic premise and always seems to entertain me. Interceptor Force 1 and 2, Dragon Fighter, and Prototype X29... something or other all pretty much have the same idea and all but the last one I could have fun with.

The only films that he has really done anything with that is different that I have seen is Epoch (co writer) and that movie wasn't very fun anyway.

But Still, Roth and his stable UFO productions are becoming a force for B-movies these days as Full Moon (Shadow entertainment) is on hiatus and PM supposedly folded.

"Greeting's Green Brother"


Anyone notice how Dean said that he was afraid of fire but he didn't show it later in the film?