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Started by Jucius Maximus, January 28, 2003, 10:08:09 AM

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Jucius Maximus

Hello everybody! I recently discovered this amazing site, and I've been exploring it a lot. Sadly, I haven´t found the review about this movie I´ve been thinking about. I've seen it a couple of times, maybe 7 years ago. I don't know the name of the flick, and some of the key elements of the script are missing in my mind. I need your help!!! Here are some of the script features:
This movie was probably made in the late 80's or early 90's. It's an american (or english) film, about some aliens (in human form) that visit our planet. During their visit, a dorky girl is turned, by them I guess, into a wild nymphomaniac. I don't remember clearly, but something tells me that a dorky kid is also transformed. I remember a wild party at some dude's house, and I can see a glimpse of street gangs in some parts of the film. I guess there was some sort of hero in the middle of the story.
I know, I know, this about covers half of the b-movies available, but if any of you could find me a list of movies with these features...Now that I think of it, I guess that the "ugly" girl was a brunette. And a pretty one!
Thank you for your help!


Could it have been Earth Girls are had aliens, and I think easy earth girls. It was absolutely bad(in the worst way)

Everyone has potentially fatal flaws, but yours involve a love of soldiers' wives, an insatiable thirst for whiskey, and the seven weak points in your left ventricle.


Jucius Maximus

I guess not. I remember that Geena Davis was not in this flick. The movie I'm searching for had a certain teen appeal, with «comedy», chicks, geeks and parties. I am not sure if the «baddies» were aliens or some kind of demons...

Thanks for your help

Funk, E.

Herm... possibly "I was a teenage sex mutant" AKA "Dr. Alien" or "Sorority girls in the slimbowl-o-rama"

Sorority Girls had an imp trapped in a bowling trophy that turned girls into sex maniacs and the geeks save the day


I agree that it may be "Dr. Alien."  It also sounds like "Girlfriend from Hell."


My Dr Alien review

Girlfriend from Hell at the IMDB

Andrew Borntreger

Jucius Maximus

You're right Andrew. It's "Girlfriend from Hell"!!! Thanks a lot!