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ONE MAN FORCE: A True Classic

Started by Todd R., February 11, 2003, 09:55:53 AM

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Todd R.

Last night, over the course of ninety joyous minutes, I witnessed one of the most horrendous atrocities to the action genre ever committed to celluloid: ONE MAN FORCE.

Oh, where to begin? There are so many wonderful moments in this film, such as:

The super-muscled renegade cop who screams “YOU KILLED MY PARTNER!” every fifteen minutes.

The super-muscled renegade cop who expresses emotion by slamming his ham-sized palm on desks and the hoods of cars, and then screaming things like “IT AIN’T GONNA HAPPEN!” or “THEY KILLED MY PARTNER!”

The outrageous fight on top of a speeding pick-up truck, during which the stunt double appears to have his crotch bashed in when the truck almost crashes at the side of the road.

Has anyone else seen this hysterical gem? I have the DVD, which I found at Best Buy for seven bucks.

That’s seven bucks well spent!


Im sorry man, but nothing could be more horendous than Eraser (an Arnold movie).

He manages to shield himself from heat sensors by hiding behind a refridgerator, heat sensing goggles cant detect heat hiding behind something THAT cold silly.

After having been shot in the arm and injured in the legs, he still manages to run, break through solid wood floors, and handle big guns with ease (later on they put his un injured arm in a sling).

Oh and his allies are the most feared and hated Worker's Union (I didnt know unions had so many machine guns!)

Nothing can be worse than the Eraser.

 "Sir, if you were my husband, I would poison your drink."

--Lady Astor to Winston Churchill

"Madam, if you were my wife, I would drink it."

--His reply


Well now, if you want to talk about silly thing in Eraser, how about the speed they tried to state the gauss weapons fling the projectiles at? That was just stupid.

The Burgomaster

Damn! I was at Best Buy over the weekend and I didn't see that one! I'll have to remember to buy it next week!

"Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead. Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow. Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave me the hell alone."